Monday, June 5, 2017

The Monkey Mind

In the presence of an individual that you cannot stand, two possibilities present themselve. Either you get a locked-jaw or diarrhea of the mouth. Neither are conducive for your healthy well being.

To resolve the issue, if you go to a psychologist or a shrink, you get a formulated guideline; neither provides a satisfying or lasting resolution. The other choice is to dissolve and extract yourself out of the situation, which may not be a true solution.

The only satisfying answer may stem from knowing who you really are besides your monkeying or jockeying Ego! Realise that Ego is accumulation of stuff that does not dissolve readily in anything except the silence and silencing of your own monkey mind.

That other individual pointed out at the outset may be a mirror image of your own being and becoming; like poles only repel each other!

The Wisdom of Silence bears no poles, no images, nor reactions.
Image - The aura of Silence

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