Saturday, July 1, 2017

Dimensions of Spirituality

Image result for image of a peacock with wide open feather span

Constantly inundated with shapes, sounds and shadows, humans are prone to assigning the same characteristics to Spirituality; and extending it to God, Heaven and Hell.

Spirituality is not a medal of honor that is displayed and visible as Ego. Spirituality is about voluntarily dissolving and merging with Nature all around ourselves that removes all lines of physical separation.

Thoughtless concentration ( एकाग्र चिंतन ) is not Pin-Point concentration, which implies a physical dimension to it. Any and every physical dimension naturally applies self imposed limitations. With the constant habit of applying physical dimensions to a thought, humans attach physicality to its concepts of Spirituality, God, Heaven and Hell; are all intangible, undefinable, and solely inner experiential realisations.

All Religions of the world, which are solely human fabrications, provide physical dimensions to their exclusive ownership of God and Spirituality, with a natural consequence of dividing humanity in the worst possible ways. The current status of the global religious arena is its constant witness and proof.

Religions have traditionally offered intangible propositions to the gullibles who refuse to take responsibility for themselves, their actions and corresponding natural consequences. That population of humanity seems to grow in compounding proportions.

It behooves us not to become Anti religious, but really be Anti Religious-Hypocricy ingrained through centuries of self incriminating progression.

Religion and Spirituality seem to be all about realigning our own individual specific conscious awareness with full responsibility. Try to apply to it any dimension or definition, and the Hell breaks loose.

My friend Shri Shastri from Oakville, Ontario recently commented on a similar topic  Guess, the freedom of religion is really freedom from religion.”

Note - This composition is dedicated to the indelible memory of my eldest brother, Satchit Madhusudan Deo, and cousins Govind Vinayak Deo, and Bhaskar K. Halwe who were born on 01 July. It is the birth of an individual that enables us to experience their presence in our lives.

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