Monday, July 10, 2017

The Genuine Texture and Literacy of Life

Image - Diapered Trinity frolicking on the texture of sands, symbolising Creation, Preservation and Transformation.  

Park your vehicles, material ideas and judgements at the edge of fathomless Nature simply to play and frolic in the sands of time. While feeling the gentle sea breeze, dig your fingers and feet in the sand to feel the texture of life all around you as well as within you.

Oblivious to the time, you will feel nothing but your own self, its dynamic presence and non-judgmental witness.

In the peace and tranquility of that presence, we find ourselves and comprehend the texture of the genuine Literacy of Life.

Life is not merely about learning the alphabets and arithmetic of Life. It is an unwritten book that gradually reveals and condenses like a Dewdrop, while the Ocean's waves, cool breeze, and the boundless horizon is its constant witness.

It behooves us to spend as much time as possible with mother Nature outside of us, as well as within ourselves to realise effortlessly that both are identical.

The cyclic ebb and tide of Nature separated by a silent lull in between, are forces that constantly guide us to the universal wisdom resident within ourselves. That is simply why, spiritual Piligrimge is a stepless journey within.

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