Tuesday, July 4, 2017

04 July, 2017

Dear Vikas,

Image - 4th of July

04 July, 2017 - 1974 = Happy Birthday.

First of all mucho wishes to you for a Happy Birthday. The fireworks that started yesterday in anticipation will continue all day today.  

Some live examples/incidents in our own lifetime provide abundant proof to soak in the dynamics, beauty and harmony of Life.

Feeling the texture of Life seems to be about being human, picking up a colored pencil, or a brush dabbed in paint and translating our emotions onto a suitable medium to feel and touch reality; or alternately gently picking up a musical instrument and tuning into the soothing vibrations of Nature within yourself ~~ . The Universe that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe inside of us; prompts the ageless and timeless wisdom.

Pilgrimage is a silent, fearless, stepless and timeless journey always within reach of every aspirant desirous of true universal Self-identity.

Image - Inner Pilgrimage of saint Meera Bai

Vikas, Best wishes from all of us today, your auspicious Birthday.

Baba, Mama, Deepak. Arshi, Sagar, Judi, Arielle and Raul.

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