Monday, May 29, 2017

The Spider’s Web

Image - Exquisite architecture of a Spider's web

The more we try to define something that we do not understand nor honestly admit, the more we tend to confine or encapsulate it within our self ignorance. It is like a Spider’s web that is woven around itself, with an exquisite architecture to behold. That web becomes its Religion.

The Spider traps its prey in the web to sustain itself through lifetime and ultimately perishes in it. Hearsay, the Spider can also take its spunout web back into itself.

Similar is the philosophical concept of Brahma/ब्रह्म, which is symbolic of the all pervading Universe; perceived as the Creator, Preserver, and Transformer of conscious awareness. Philosophers and Poets seem to express it in their own ways:

A religious Muslim sings a tune/धुन  “ अल्लाह हूँ, अल्लाह हूँ , अल्लाह हूँ,~~ “
A Sufi Muslim sings the tune/धुन  “ हूँ, हूँ, हूँ ~~~ “

A religious Hindu sings a tune/धुन  “ सारे जगमें हैं दो नाम,  चाहे कृष्ण कहो या राम “. Krishna or Ram is symbolic of the all inclusive Universal Consciousness.
A Vedantic Hindu introspects in silence/ध्यान  “ अहं ब्रह्मास्मि -  अदवैत भाव “ .  

Religion is simply a tune/धुन of self introspective affirmation, and not a Spider’s Web that appearsto trap Self, although the Spider has its own self fulfilling natural tune expressed silently through its self created web of exquisite architecture.

Religion is a Yoga, an all inclusive union/merging of conscious awareness; and not a splitter of human spirit for attaining self fulfillment in Life. A plant or a tree expresses it naturally through its full Blossom and fragrance.

Image - Cherry blossom in full self expression

Ultimately, Life seems to be a continuous process of transition from conception, birth, a lifetime of transition and transformation until the relationship of flesh, bones and blood ceases and condenses in the all inclusive universal freedom and its wisdom; the indescribable inner experience of Grace or साक्षात्कार .

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Withering Height and Levitation

Image - Koraput


Taking these Dictionary breakdowns of the word "withering":

With-er-ing height is symbolic of the loneliness and seeming fragility of a tree without leaves. For a human, it is the action of becoming dry and shriveled. It is an action intended to make someone feel mortified or humiliated resulting in withering look for that individual.

For humans, loneliness and being alone by choice are two different opposite phases of awareness. Loneliness appears like a tree in the above picture, standing alone without leaves and deprived of their supporting or complementary functions.

Image - Introspective mood

On the contrary, being alone in introspective stance represents levitation of conscious awareness beyond the self imposed limitations and blossoming into self fulfilling freedom.
Image - Liveliness of blossoming engagement

Without any written book, Nature seems to prompt to the infinite universal wisdom, which is accessible equally and unconditionally to each and every willing Seeker of the unchangeable Truth.

Each living species or matter, is integrally and wholly a part of natural Universe without a line of separation. The apparent line of separation between any two is the duality or illusion ( माया ) of existence reflecting as self ignorance.

Through times and borderless space, self enlightened Masters amongst us have prompted that the universe that lies outside of us is identical to the universe that lies inside of us in identical measure ( Vedanta philosophy ).
Image may contain: text

Truthful philosophy of Life is not a Religion defined by human enterprise that is tied into the fiction of virtual God and tends to split the spirit of humanity; instead it is an inner experience, which is ultimately the same for everyone.

Friday, May 26, 2017

The Fragrance of Devotional Hands and Service

Sharing the following recent real story of unique dimensions for the Indian psyche and its self empowering values.

Through this act of supporting hands, there could not be a better exemplification of the spirit of
“ अनासक्त भावसे जनता जनार्दन की सेवा, परमो धर्मः “
It is also a demonstrative reflection of what we may refer to as the Genuine Literacy of Life - जीवन की वास्तविक साक्षरता .

The heros in this real story are the cooperative helping hands and their hearts that define the term Humanity, which is better expressed as “ इंसान की इंसानियत “.  

In the 21st Century India ( Bharat ), a nation so vast and incredibly diverse, change is already and certainly audible although slowly, which is to be expected out of sanity. The fragrance of India's current leadership is being nourished and supported by its roots. May the roots of Positive Leadership continue to spread far and wide.

The posting about this story by Sahib Bijlani is an eloquent way to appreciate the team effort of numerous helping hands in celebration of Life. _._,_._

Miracles don't appear from the skies; instead they sprout from the roots of अनासक्त सेवा धर्म।   

Summarising the above observations and the following real story, hopefully our Indian psyche will gradually transform from pulling strings and political favors under the shameful and self incriminating pretext of चलता है to resolving local issues with local leadership and decentralised authority. That would be the real magic of pulling out a Rabbit from the Hat to behold.
Image result for cartoon for : magic of pulling a rabbit out of the pocket"

The fundamental concept and spirit of Panchayat Raj " पंचायत राज्य " begs to be successfully implemented at the National scale by decentralising and minimising bureaucratic authority.... that remains the National challenge in the 21st Century. Merely claiming that we are a Democracy is an empty drum that makes only much noise.

Following is the full unabridged story of a laudable cooperative team effort headed by positive Leadership.  

Posted by: Sahib Bijlani <>
On Friday, 3rd of March, 2017 @ 11pm I got an emergency call from a doctor who was my senior in AMCH.

His newborn niece was in ventilator and has to be airlifted to Delhi's Sir Gangaram Hospital. The flight will take 6 hours and the ventilator got only 7 hours of power backup. Everything was in order except that theSaturday Delhi traffic on wedding season is a nightmare of highest order. Precious moments were at stake.

My senior asked me to pull some strings in Delhi to bring the national capital's traffic to a halt. An improbable task for someone as ordinary as me.
4th March dawned and my morning round of texts and calls to each and everyone who is powerful enough in Delhi began. One who could help was abroad and busy. Others had no clue.
Meanwhile , the baby girl left Aditya Hospital to Dibrugarh Airport.

At 1pm, they boarded the air ambulance with uncertainty looming.
At 2pm, I called up Kaushik Deka of India Today for guidance and intervention. He called up his contacts but the result was negative. There is just no way.

Finally we decided to do the impossible. Knock at the highest door. Pm Narendra Modi. But Modi and his team was busy in roadshow in Varanasi and the chance of reaching him in so short time is poor.
But we had the personal email of the PM. The mail id that he checks personally on his phone.

We shoot an email. Hoping against hope that he replies in positive.
There was no reply.

At 6pm the plane landed in Lucknow for refuel and there was no sign of anything positive.

Then came the phone calls. This time to KD and me. Calls from Commissioner of Police, Traffic Commissioner of Delhi asking details of the air ambulance and location of evacuation.

Narendra Modi did not reply. He responded and in an unprecedented manner.
At 7.10 pm the flight landed and ambulance was ready. There is now 20 minutes left on the ventilator and the notorious Delhi traffic was at its peak. ACP of Delhi Traffic assured me that the baby will reach hospital in time.

The impossible was happening. All traffic from airport to Ganga Ram Hospital came to a halt. It was a green corridor passage, something that is reserved for emergencies of VVIPs. Delhi was made to wait to let a 9 day old Assamese girl reach her treatment.

And she reached. With 6 minutes left in her life support.

Modi created a miracle on a day he was far away and busy in campaigning.

Three men in three different places came together to do something rare for a girl they have not seen.

I would have not updated this but the story came out in national media.

Sincere apologies to anyone who might think I am portraying to be a hero. I am not a hero. Modiji is the hero. He responded to a mail sent by unknown people to help unknown people on a day which was crucial for his career. Kaushik Deka is a hero. On a busy day of reporting with so many things happening, he cancelled his meetings to save the child. I , merely, connected the dots.

Narendra Modi

This book is about the flavor of India’s new leadership under the stewardship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi representing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that started its governance from 26th May, 2014 after winning a comfortable majority vote from the c...

पूजा-पाठ, श्रद्धा-भक्ती

अनासक्त भावसे और किसीसे कुछ बिना मांगे जब पूजा-पाठ होता है, तभी हम श्रद्धा-भक्ती भावको प्राप्त होते हैं. भगवान सदा भूखा है, ऐसे भाविक पुजारिओंके लिये .

The most precious blessing of life springs from within ourselves and engulfs existence, as we submit to " Harmoniously being and becoming unconditionally integrated with all inclusive Nature;
in this stage of harmony, we automatically become recipients of Grace that transforms us and everything around ourselves…..”.  These are the silent affirmations of the ever present Sages, Seers and Scientists amongst us whose vision reaches beyond self imposed limitations.

God is an all inclusive universal wisdom, indivisible and equally available to every seeker of the unchangeable Truth.

Try to define God and you confine it within self ignorance; it is only to be experienced within ourselves and needs no material proof. Only transitory phenomena need proof.

पूजा-पाठ, श्रद्धा-भक्ती, अनासक्त भावमें हो जाती है; कोई क्रिया-कर्म नही है।  

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Amen! or Ye Men and Women !

Image - The individual specific journey of Life 
Life is a continuous learning process of cause and effect until we graduate out of flesh, bones and existence itself. Our DNA, which is our individual specific biological and universal identity, is an eloquent testimony and witness to it every step of the way.

Merely repeating Amen, ॐ, इंशाअल्लाह like a parrot or punching "Like" on Facebook, the Book of Faces, don't accomplish nothing… until we learn to stand on our own feet of commitment and believe in ourselves fearlessly and wholeheartedly.

God/ईश्वर/खुदाह/वाहेगुरु, as a singular identity represent our all inclusive universal wisdom. It has granted us the Heart-Brain complex to utilise in order to fulfill our journey of Life, without a Guarantee that we shall use it.  
This is a spring of wisdom that springs from within each one of us, and not a commandment thundering and reigning from the skies above.

Humbling as it is, the promised kingdom of Heaven that we seek lies wholly within ourselves at all times; for our own body is the Holy Land. Therefore, Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within and it has nothing to do with our acquired religiosity.

Chase not the mirage of promises assured by the Pulpit of inexperience, for no one really knows first hand experientially, where we come from before birth and where we are headed after death.

The only thing we know for sure is that our body starts out with a single fertilized egg in Mother's womb, which in turn multiplies assembling and building itself in the form and functioning human body with all of its builtin intelligence and functional wisdom. After discontinuation of breath identified as death, this very body automatically reverts back into topsoil, irrespective of which God you worship or do not worship. A materially dead body does not rise to the skies defying basic Laws of Nature.

Empty promises from the Pulpit of inexperience deliver only empty and hollow freedom under the name of liberation.

I am no pretentious agnostic, mystic nor a religious political brat; but just an age humbled human fully aware of my self-ignorance and frank enough to admit “ I do not know “. I have gradually learnt to listen carefully to my inner rhythm of life that constantly navigates and guides my inner drive and comprehension.

God, the all inclusive universal wisdom, has graciously granted each one of us two eyes to insure that we may not follow anyone blindly, and a third eye of introspection to witness Life just the way it is; without being a Judge or the Jury of jurisprudence.

Human power of imagination ranges from nothing to infinitesimal in comparison with the Reality of Universe all around us and equally within us in the same measure. Only the power of deep introspection devoid of any boundaries enables us to access the reality of existence. The self ennobling timeless Seers/Sages/Scientists amongst us guide us to cross the borders of limitations and access the all inclusive universal wisdom in which we find our true universal self identity.   

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Timeless Ramayana - कालातीत रामायण

स्वतःचे रामायण आपण स्वतःच रचतो, ज्याची मर्यादा केवळ एक मानव जन्म यात्रा.  

सर्व साधारणपणें श्री तुलसीदासनी लिहिलेले तुलसी-रामायण अथवा राम चरित मानस  प्रचलित आहे. अयोध्याचा राजा दशरथ, त्याच्या चार राण्या आणि त्याचे चार पुत्र - राम, लक्ष्मण, भरत आणि शत्रुघ्न. सर्व भावंडासह रामचे १२ वर्षाचे गुरुकुल शिक्षण, वडलांच्या आदेशानुसार १२ वर्षाचा खडतर वनवास, रावणाच्या हाती सीता हरण, लंका दहन, लन्केश्वर रावणाचा वध, मारुती रायाची व्ह्रदयात्मक राम-सीता  सेवा, आणि शेवटी पुष्पक विमानाने  अयोध्येस परतून, रामाचे सिम्व्हासनावर आरूढ होऊन रामराज्य. हा  संत तुलसीदासाने सोळाव्या शतकात रचलेला “ राम चारित मानस “ ग्रन्थ आहे, एक रम्य कथा आहे. बालपणातून हा ग्रन्थ ग्रहण करून, भक्ती भावास प्रज्वलित करतो. भक्तिभावात एक विशेष रस आहे, जो मानवाच्या आध्यात्मिक जीवनास उत्तेजित करतो . दृढविश्वासात एक विशिष्ट प्रकारचे बळ आहे जे रामाबरोबर स्वतःला अनंत सागरा पलीकडे सुरळीत पोहोचवते …जैसे केवढ ने दोनों हाथ जोडकर प्रभु रामसे कहा “ प्रभु, आज आप तीनों मेरे नौआ में बिना मूल्य बैठें, मैं आपको नदी पार जरूर ले चलूँगा; परन्तु प्रभु मेरी एकही बिनंती है “ जब मैं आऊंगा तेरे घाट, पार मुझे कराईयो “
 ह्याच्या पूर्वीचे रामायण ऋषी वाल्मिकीचे लिखित ( इ.स. पूर्व पाचवे ते पहिल्या शतकाच्या दरम्यान, Valmiki - Wikipedia
 एक रामायण सीता चरित मानस भासते, आणि दुसर्या रामायणात राम चरित मानस भासते. शेवटी सीता-राम एकच अध्यात्मिक चरित्र, आणि श्री हनुमान सेवापरमोधर्महि चरित्र.
श्री रामचा जन्म ई, स. पूर्व ५००० किंवा ८००० वर्षांपूर्वे झाला हे अध्यात्मिक दृष्टीत महत्वाचे नाही. काळ, काम आणि वेग केवळ मानवी कल्पना आहेत. मुळात रामायण हे जीवनाचे गूढ काव्य आहे; पांडित्य नाही. ते जीवनात आदर्श म्हणून अनुभवण्यासाठी आहे, जशी भगवदगीता.

माझ्या लहानपणी ( १९३२ - १९४० माझी आयुष्याची पहिली आठ वर्षें ) , मी आणि माझा लहान भाऊ सुरेंद्र बस्तर राज्यात जगदलपूर ला राहिलो. आमचे वडील जगदलपूरच्या Grigson High School चे Principal होते. ह्या शाळेच्या ५ एकर पसरलेल्या आवारात आमचे घर, शाळेच्या ५ इमारती, आणि दोन फुटबॉल ची पटांगणें होती. आमच्या घराच्या बाजूलाच ५० विद्यार्थ्यां करिता एक हॉस्टेल होते. हे बाहेर गावाहून शिकण्यास आलेले विद्यर्थी. प्रत्येक गुरुवारी हे विद्यार्थी एका खोलीत एकत्र होऊन यथायोग्य रामायण पूजा-पाठ करायचे. मी आणि सुरेन्द् ह्या पुजेस हौसेनी हजर रहायचे. पुजा आणि आरती नंतर गोडं गॉड प्रसाद मिळायचा . आम्ही तेव्हा ५ ते ८ वर्षाचे होतो. ह्या गोड अनुभवामुळे आम्हाला राम आणि रामायण पुरणाची आवड लागली होती.

आयुष्याच्या आठ दशकांनंतर
, आज रामायणाच्या संधर्भात हा लघु निबंध लिहिण्यास घेतला आहे.

संक्षिप्त स्वरूपात, राम हा शब्द दोन्ही रामायणाच्या पूर्वी पासून प्रचलित असावा. मुळात “राम” ध्वनितरंगात वैश्विक तत्वस्वरूप पूर्णतः समावले आहे जे सदा आपल्यात रमण करीत असते . ही  मान्यता आमची आई आणि आजोबा (भैया ) ह्यांच्या दैनंदिन जीवन शैली वरून आणि त्यांच्या सत्संग द्वारे उमजली भासते आहे. सोप्या भाषेत, सत्संग म्हणजे सद्विचारांची संगत. समजणे आणि उमजणे ह्यात अनुभविक भेद आहे.

आमच्या आजोबांनी ( भैया, आईचे वडील ) त्यांच्या आयुष्याच्या शेवटच्या दिवशी एकच मंत्र सतत उच्चारला :
“ हरे राम, हरे राम, राम राम हरे हरे  
हरे कृष्णा, हरे कृष्ण, कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे “

हाच मंत्र त्यांच्या मनी आणि तोंडी , सतत २० वर्षा पासून आम्ही ऐकिला होता.

शेवटच्या दिवशी, हा मंत्र उच्चारता उच्चारता त्यांचे तोंड सुकून गेले म्हणून त्यांनी हाच मंत्र त्यांच्या नातवाकडून ( सत्चिदानंद ) म्हणवून ऐकिला … शेवटचा श्वास आंत घेई पर्यंत . शांत चित्ताने ते शेवटी सत्चिदानंदास प्राप्त झाले .
ही श्रद्धेची अगाध महिमा प्रत्यक्ष सगळ्या उपस्थित मंडळीस अनुभवण्यास मिळाली .
मरावे, परि शांती रूपी उरावे .
भैया, हेच माझे परमप्रिय सद्गुरू .
त्यांनी केवळ त्यांच्या आचरणाद्वारे, आम्हास वैश्विक तत्वे दर्शविली.

भैया आणि मोठी आई च्या उपस्थिती मुळेच आम्हां पाच भावंडांना १९४० साली श्र रमणमहर्षी चे साक्षात तिरूवन्नमलाई आश्रमात दर्शन मिळाले. तेव्हा रमण महर्षी मौन व्रतात होते, पण त्यांच्या वात्सल्यरुपी नजरेत,एक गुह्य अध्यात्मिक आदेश मिळाला. भैया श्री रमण महर्षी चे शिष्य होते ( Ref. Book titled Seamless Generations / अखंड परंपरा,  by Suresh M. Deo ).  

Sunday, May 21, 2017

बायबल, कुराण, और पुराण

सारे जहां से अच्छा मैं, मेराहि मेरा ~~~
दिल और देश, दोनों पागल खाने बन गए हैं।   
बायबल, कुराण और पुराण की पुरातन कहानियां सुनसुनकर,
भन्ना गया है, हमारा तन और मन।   

पॉलिटीशियन की उम्मीदें, उनके आश्वासनोंकी बरसात और लोगोंके सपने,
शहरोंमें सीमेंटके जंगल, गाओंमें सिर्फ उम्मेदोंकी फसल,
और देशकी असली हालत देखकर,
फटता जाता है हमारा दिल।  
कसूर, हम सबका एक बराबर होता है।  

याद रहे, मेरे यारों,  
जैसी हमारी अंदरकी बंदरी दुनिया,
बंदर का नाच चलता है, चलने दो।   
वैसेही, हमारी बाहरी दुनिया बन गई है।  
अगर बाहरी दुनिया बदलनी होगी,
तो सबसे पहले हमारे अंदरकी सोच बदलनी होगी।
उसकी पूरी जिम्मेदारी, खुदकी होती है।  

जितनी जल्द, अंदरीसोचकी दुनिया बदलती है,
उतनीही जल्द बाहरी दुनियाका परिवर्तन होता है।  
ये आकाशसे गरजती बादलों की घोषणा नहीं,
हमारे रब्बरब्बमें भरी अहसास है।  
हम खुद उसके दृष्टा हैं।  सबूत हैं।  

ऊपर या नीचे, पूरब या पश्चिम, उत्तर या दक्षिण,
अन्य दिशाओंमें दौड़ लगाकर,
हम कभी खुदकी असलियत को हासिल ना कर पाएंगे।  

तीर्थयात्रा एक स्थलीय यात्रा के भीतर है।  
Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.

ॐ शांति।   

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Truth and the Half-Truth

The Half-Truth ( अर्धसत्य ) seems to lie halfway between optimism and pessimism of human intellectual pursuits. It addresses wide ranging global issues such as God, Religion, Morality, Global Warming,The Big Tsunami, and Self-destruction. The fat books such as Gita, Bible, Quran, Mein Kampf and similar others have authoritative answers for them. Life seems to constantly hang in the dualities of Half-Truths.

The one and the only Truth is always complete within itself and never needs an explanation nor definition. Once we immerse ourselves in Truth wholeheartedly, there remains no need to return. That Truth is always within ourselves, saving all the pains of Pilgrimage.

Truth alone Triumphs - सत्यमेव जयते।  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

गुरुप्रसादकी खुशबू

तुम, मनमें उठतेहुवे विचार, श्वासोश्वास, और देह, केवल एक दृश्य है।
इन्हें अनासक्त दृष्टा भाव से देखो, और आझमाओ।    
जो अनासक्त भावसे देखता है, वो दृष्टा है।   
तुम दृष्टा हो।  
इसी दृष्टा भावसे ध्यान करें।  

ध्यानमें किसीसे, ना कुछ लेना न देना,  
सिर्फ खुदकी असलियत को प्राप्त होना।
इसीमें पूर्णतः समाई है, खुदके वैश्विक पहचान की खुशबू ~~~

Ref: नाड़ीशोधन प्राणायाम - आनंदमूर्ति गुरु माँ
Nadi Shodhan Pranayam by Anandmurti Gurumaa - Cleansing before Meditation

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: Cleansing Before Meditation - YouTube
Jun 21, 2007 - Uploaded by Gurumaa Ashram

NOTE : The above composition  गुरुप्रसादकी खुशबू
is not a commercial with any hidden intent. It is being presented In the interest of Self-inquiry, which is the Genuine Literacy of Life…..  

जीवन की वास्तविक साक्षरता ... ..
जीवनाची वास्तविक साक्षरता ... ..

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....