Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Defining the Undefinable

28 Feb. 2017

Defining the Undefinable

Humans are pathological self deceits in trying to
define and confine the incomprehensible within the outer limits or stretches of self ignorance. Humans love to take a stand on the pulpit of knowledge based solely on Googled and merely Gobbled up information and dole it out to the eager gullibles. Information thus received, often remains knowledge devoid of introspection and inner experience.

Googled and merely Gobbled up information without introspection tends to cause constipation of the mind, diarrhea of the mouth, and promotes irregularities of the bowels. Introspection which is alternately interpreted as Meditation is not a religious or spiritual endeavor; instead it is Life’s nascent longing to experience its fullness or completeness within itself. Life is not a commandment delivered from a mountain top; instead it is like a Dewdrop that condenses naturally out of the existing environment.

God, heaven, hell, spirituality, soul, piousness, sainthood, sin, cosmos and the like are some of the commonly used and misused words in the English language that are tossed out for the grabs, while the pulpit seems to authoritatively define it within the confines of its self ignorance.

Intuition seems to be a cultivated habit of perception without attachment to any preconceived ideas and notions.

Wisdom seems to condense naturally and momentarily akin to a Dewdrop or a Rainbow out of the environment without a word nor a sound in the silence of our conscious awareness.

Consciousness or all inclusive cosmic awareness is the undefinable reality of existence; all that we see and perceive; that does not need any proof nor a definition.

An introspective individual attains the undefinable Sainthood entirely through the spirit of unconditional service to humanity and Life, and not because of any stated objective, magic or miracles witnessed and approved by any gullible House of Religion.

This composition is dedicated to everyone who will dare to be born on 29th February, 2017 ! He/she will have to be a Messiah or Prophet of our imagination, and a new bright star may appear in the deep blue night sky to celebrate the arrival.

Image result for the star in the sky at birth of jesus

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy, and VooDoo Science

Image - Multidimensional faculties of human Mind!

Each medical science, ancient to current, is a brainchild of human endeavor utilising its multidimensional potential and possibilities. When complemented with empathy, it presents a wholesome potential for leading a meaningful life.

Mother Teresa exemplified through her life work that “ No one deserves to be left alone in the pain of loneliness on the streets of Life “ . She attained Sainthood entirely through the spirit of unconditional service to humanity and not because of any miracles witnessed and approved by any house of religion.

All of the above scientific treatments listed above and several others globally prevalent but not listed here
seem to have stemmed out of empathetically influenced placebo therapies while their beneficial results depend on individual specific belief systems. Some of those not listed here include but are not limited to Unani, Pranic healing, Chi, and others. Skepticism about any of these is an individual specific choice. Judging others is a pure waist of life energy.

Belief feels like a soothing blue light embracing multidimensional possibilities of Life; constantly longing for fulfilling itself and its wholesomeness.

A Mother’s unconditional, insatiable and silent blessing for its child renders a Placebo effect of incomprehensible dimensions. That is why, Mother is a universal symbolism for empathy that every living being experiences within its entire being.

All four fields of sciences symbolically mentioned in the above title are complementary to each other and not contradictory. Their origin and philosophy is as old as human presence on planet Earth, although human ego claims one to be superior than the other. Truth alone stands the test of time, while there is never any need really to prove or disprove anything. Nature is the living proof of all that we survey and perceive.

Ayurveda -

Inline image 1

The science and philosophy of Ayurveda approaches purposeful human well being fundamentally from an introspective approach. Several unaccountable Centuries prior to the advent of modern science, the science of life and universal wisdom namely Ayurveda has comprehended through introspection that  “ The Universe  that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe that lies inside of us “. Consequently the natural laws that govern the cosmic Universe apply equally to the inside of our physicality “.
The Universe is a “ Constant Balancing Act “ of all cosmic forces governing it. Everything in the Universe, animate and inanimate, is innately interconnected and interdependent “ .

Human body has been identified by Ayurveda as an amalgamation and integration of seven energy points identified as Chakras, which are depicted in the illustration; each Chakra being complementary to the other. The Manipura Chakra located at the Navel represents our body’s link through the umbilical cord with our natural Mother, our very source of Life in the womb from the very first moment of inception; fertilization of the ovarian egg with the male sperm. From that point on, the fetus assembles itself, cell by cell, in an orderly fashion. The dynamic energy and intelligence that makes all of this happen is integral within each living cell of the developing human anatomy. The ultimate complete body architecture presents itself to the world after approximately nine months. It is this wonder we address as an infant and assign it a name identity of our choice. Ayurveda looks at it as a creation of Nature subject to all of its cosmic laws. This in nutshell is the approach to Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda represents life and knowledge, a timelessly patient observation of food from Earth gradually transforming itself into a human anatomy and their mutual interactions causing mind, intellect, emotions and consequential biological effects.

In the Architecture of the Indian ( भारतीय ) philosophy of Life, Ayurveda ( आयुर्वेद ) is not considered separate from philosophy; instead both are integral to each other.

Multidimensional and intense observations of Life rather than physical measurements is Ayurveda’s main strength. The pulse of Life and its automatic rhythm is initiated and regulated in the body by innate cosmic forces. Ayurvedic therapist checking the pulse of the body and its rhythm is the primary tool of Ayurvedic diagnosis. The rhythm of the patient's pulse is compared to a desirable natural rhythm to diagnose the consequential imbalances between three primary internal symptoms namely Cough, Gas and Acidity ( कफ, वात, पित्त ). Imbalances in this Trilogy is identified as the root cause of all imbalances and resulting diseases in human biology.

Allopathy -
Allopathy representing the science primarily based on synthesized and formulated chemicals and their compounds is not All-O-pathy promising cure for all disorders, diseases and a panacea for enjoying life. It is a science of appropriate dissections, observations, physical measurements, statistical analysis, and deriving logical conclusions based on concrete physical data. In the practice of Allopathy, it seems that Empathy actor is often an important missing link; needless to say that it is a personal opinion.

Homeopathy -
Homeopathy represents a science stemming out of the strengths of its predecessors namely Ayurveda and Allopathy. As its fundamental tool and approach, it relates individual specific prevalent emotions and their consequential symptoms in causing imbalances and disease within the body chemistry and adversely affect the body.

Homeopathy recognises at the root level that emotions are constantly affecting and changing the perspective realities of human existence. The combined effect of prevailing emotions is related to the “minute” shortage or excess of fundamental elements such as Iodine, Mercury, Phosphorous, Sodium and others which are scientifically known and recognised in the Periodic Table of 118+ fundamental elements. The strength and accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the practicing Homeopath’s skills to optimise and pinpoint the combined emotional symptoms to the imbalance of basic elements in the body.  As symptoms change during treatments, the prescribed elemental medications changes until a desired balance of elements and related emotions is reestablished. The degree of balance or imbalance is determined by primarily observing the overall well being of the patient. Dissection of the body or chemical analysis of body fluids or X-Raying is not its scientific discipline nor forte.

Voodoo Pathy -
The science of Voodoo Pathy is not a bunch of magic, and swirls of smoke. It may be perceived as an integrated form of Psychology and related therapy. There are still several smaller pockets of humanity even in the 21st Century world, where none of the earlier listed therapies are available or affordable. In such environment, the only access to eliminate pain and suffering is through Voodoo Pathy, which is based on intuitively judging the overall demeanor/misdemeanor of the patient and related discomforts. Voodoo Pathy seems to be effective for the patient through individual specific faith and Placebo effects. It is nothing to smile about when you are experiencing excruciating pain, anxiety and discomfort such as a tooth or stomach ache.

Every available therapy and its beneficial effectiveness seems to be a Placebo effect of individual specific faith in oneself, which can move Mountains and facilitate free flow of the energy of Life!

Embrace and welcome positive input from any of the above therapies of your own choice without disrespecting the vast amount of ongoing research in different sciences that is being constantly advanced in parallel by dedicated researchers globally. Pick and choose  the better options that best suit your individual specific needs. Try not making alarming statements or unsubstantiated claims on the Internet media. Do not chase mirages, miracles or half truths.  Humans do not live in mountainous caves anymore!

Personally, I have had the privilege of firsthand exposure to all of the sciences mentioned above since childhood simply because my maternal Grandfather, Dr. P. G. Nakhare,  was a career Allopath who cultivated and maintained constant indulgence with major branches of therapeutic sciences listed above. During his 20+ years of post retirement presence, he actively treated his patients at absolutely no charge using the most suitable of the therapies for the specific patient. In turn, he passed on his skills of Homeopathy and virtuous Empathy to his only daughter, my Mother. She in turn practiced Homeopathy to her inner satisfaction throughout her life treating patients at no charge. She practiced her skills wherever she lived with our father including remote places such as Jagdalpur, Bastar, India, Gondar, Ethiopia,  Valley View, Alberta, Canada, and finally settling in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India where she lived for the rest of her serving life. Offer of free medical treatment with empathy for needy patients was the Religion, a way of Life, that the Father and Daughter entertained for Life time. In Bastar, India which was a tribal area during my childhood ( 1932 - 1944 ), I have witnessed a brand of Voodoo Pathy that was administered by locals that worked effectively to the satisfaction of the locals.

As a result of our childhood environment, we were beneficiaries of the relative advantages of Ayu-R-Veda, All-O-Pathy and Home-O-Pathy which were readily available to us right at home. Our mother invariably dropped the Homeopathic pills straight in our opened mouth even at midnight when necessary!

We must often ask of ourselves, who are we to judge others !

As a result of the blessed exposure to the above environment, I have grown up with respectful admiration for all complementary medical sciences and their varied practices.

I am here today offering my respectful admiration and gratitude for both of them, my maternal Grand Father and Mother, and the therapeutic Sciences they administered unconditionally to express themselves.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

महा शिवरात्री मनन - मनोगत

महा शिवरात्री मनन - मनोगत 

Sculpture of Lord Shiva, Kathmandu, Nepal  श्री शिव ध्यानस्थ स्थिती में

इस वर्ष, महा शिवरात्री मुहूर्त २४ फेब्रुअरी, २०१७ को मनाया जायेगा।  

शिव पूजा और भक्ती भाव, एक ध्यानस्थ स्थिती की परिभाषा है।  

गुरु, सद्गुरू और शिष्य ( सप्तऋषी ) एक अखंड ज्ञान परंपरा का रिश्ता है, जिसकी मूल पहचान है शिव अथवा भारतीय संस्कृति ( Not India ). हिंदुस्तान उसकी भौगोलिक पहचान है। इंडिया उसकी नकली पहचान है।  भारतीय संस्कृती एक माध्यम है जिसके द्वारे  वैश्विक इंसानियत की पहचान होती है; ये कोई वर्ण, जाती या धर्म संप्रदाय ( जैन, हिन्दू, बुद्ध, यहूदी,  ईसाई, इस्लाम )  की चिकित्सा नहीं।  

पुस्तकी ज्ञान के पठन और कथन के पश्चात, आत्मज्ञान और आत्मबोध का स्थूल रूप नही होता, बल्की केवल स्वरूप होता है; उसका अस्तित्व नजरियासे से दिखता नही, और जिसकी केवल अनुभूती होती है।  आत्मज्ञान और आत्मबोध कोई किताब नहीं होती। वो खुदके पैरों पर और अनुभवोंपर खड़ी और सम्हली अवर्णनीय आत्मभूती होती है।

अखंड भारतवर्ष के खाटमांडु, नेपाल में एक पुरातन शिव मंदिर है, जहाँ उपर दिखाई ध्यानस्त स्थितीमें शिव मूर्ती है. मूर्ती कि पाठपूजा होती है, परंतु अंतर्यामी शिव ज्ञान और तत्त्वस्वरुप की केवल अनुभूति होती है .

Mahashivaratri 2017, Shivratri Festival Date Time and Maha Shivratri ...

Religion as traditionally practiced seems to be a top notched and buttoned out expression of self experiences garnished with self ignorance and ego, all bundled into one singular caked identity.

बाबा, मन कि आँखें खोल बाबा ~~~  यही श्री शिवजी के भक्तों के अनासक्त भाव की तीसरी आँख होती है।  

शिव तत्व स्वरुप :

एक दृष्टिकोणसे शिव शब्द का मूल अर्थ है “ शि और व “ जिसका भौतिक अस्तित्व नहीं है वो. सत्य, परमसत्य अथवा पूर्णसत्य केवल एकमेव स्वरुप है, जिसकी कोई भी व्याख्या नहीं हो सकती। वो निरन्तर और निराकार है, जो हरेक साधक के लिए एकही अवर्णनीय अनुभूति होती है।   

सृष्टीमे केवल अर्धसत्य की शब्दों से व्याख्या होती है, किताब होती है।  

शिवके अर्धनारीनटेश्वर की प्रतिमा अथवा पुरषोत्तम ये पूर्णसत्य और संतुलन की परिभाषा है।  

Image result for image of ardhanari nateshwar

ॐ नमो नमः शिवाय।  

नीचे दिते श्री शिवजी के छायाचित्रमें, शिवके भ्रूमध्यमें अन्तर्यामी तीसरी आंख अथवा अनासक्त नजरिया की पहचान दिलाई जाती है।

मनो बुध्यहङ्कारचित्तानि नाहं नचश्रोत्र जिव्हे नचघ्राणनेत्रे
नचव्योम बुद्धिर्नतेजो  न वायु: चिदानन्द रूपः शिवोहम् शिवोहम् 
(First verse of Nirvana shatakam) ......this is a quote suggested by Mr. Raghavendra Garde, Pune, India that concludes this composition. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Literacy of Life and Mobile Numbers


Some important Mobile numbers for English speaking people familiar with only 26 Alphabets. Please dial the numbers furnished below in the order given; first dial the national access code, then the city code followed by the actual numbers. There are seemingly two important mobile numbers to bear in mind or save, so it seems. Each English alphabet is assigned a serial number. For example, A = 1, B = 2, and  Z = 26. Consequently, GOD = 7-15-4 or simply 7154 in its digitized version.

The first mobile number mentioned below is for Heaven, and the second one is for Hell, just in case!

  1. Heaven
National access code =  00
City Code = HEAVEN = 85122514
Last digits = GOD = 7154
I have been dialing the above mobile number ever since childhood whenever I run into trouble of my own making. The number does ring loud and clear, but no one ever answers the phone.

2. Hell
National access code = 000
City code = HELL = 751212\
Last digits = DEVIL = 4522921
Whenever I dial this number, a friendly voice always answers and says “ Greetings, how may I be of service to you Sir/Madam ? By the way Sir/Madam, the Party is in full swing and crowded….In the background of the warm voice, I can always hear swinging music.
I have been told and cautioned not to talk to this second number! Always wondered why ?

I have always liked parties and fun. I have also been told that in HEAVEN everyone thinks and behaves the same boring and pious ways !

Oh ! My angelic blue light, I beg of you to help and guide me !

Literacy df Life

The Literacy of life is not about learning the alphabets, arithmetic or Googling information. It is not about taking alphabets, words, numbers and stuffing them between the two covers of a bound book. Here the word bound implies putting borders or limitations around precious self ennobling thoughts. The Cosmic consciousness is all inclusive, pure and boundless awareness. It is not a Book. Through Centuries, Religion as it has been misinterpreted and practiced has become the refuge of faithfuls lacking the Literacy of Life; economic poverty is not the root reason for it. Intentionally misinterpreted Religion has become the most lucrative profiteering and Propheteering business globally.

Life is immeasurably larger than the human body and its mighty Ego. When individual conscious awareness blossoms beyond the physicality of self imposed borders and limitations, Life blossoms to fulfill itself. It is not about seeking Heaven in constant fear of death and Hell.

Universal wisdom is unconditionally accessible to every sincere Seeker. A renowned Sufi/Saint/Mystic opens up to the cosmic Wisdom that I am tempted to title in Hindi/English languages as follows:  

बाबा, मनकी  आँखें खोल बाबा
Open up your Inner Vision to experience Life non-judgmentally as it presents itself ~~

“Your children are not your children.
They are sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the make upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness.
For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He also loves the bow that is stable.”

― Kahlil Gibran
Born: January 6, 1883, Bsharri, Lebanon
Died: April 10, 1931, New York City, NY

Monday, February 20, 2017

Important Mobile Numbers

Important Mobile Numbers


Some important numbers for English speaking people bearing 26 Alphabets. Each Alphabet is assigned a consecutive increasing number; for example A = 1 and Z = 26. Please dial in the order given below:

National access Code =  00
City Code = HEAVEN = 85122514
Actual Number = GOD = 7154

I have been calling this number ever since childhood and whenever I ran into trouble of my own making. The above number does ring loud and clear, but no one ever answers the Mobile Phone.

However, when I dial the other number:
National Access Code = 000
City code = HELL = 751212\
Actual Number = DEVIL = 4522921
This number always answers and says “ Welcome, How may I be of help Sir ? By the way, the Party is in full swing and crowded….In the background of the voice, I can always hear swinging music.
I have been told and cautioned not to talk to this second number! Always wondered why ?

I have always liked parties and fun. I have also been told that in HEAVEN everyone thinks and acts the same boring and pious ways !

Oh ! My blue light Angel, I beg of you to help and guide me !

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Memory and the Monkey inside our Mind

Memory and the Monkey inside our Mind

Welcome to the world of the Chimps and the Apes timelessly imitating or mirroring each other.

During childhood the alphabet A stands for Apple or Adam. During the greying years, the same alphabet reminds us of AlZheimer's. Our perceptions change as we constantly change and so does our outer and inner vision of our multidimensional Self.  

Adults casually say, I do not remember. A three star General assuming a responsible political position in the recently elected US Government got fired for saying so casually. Some individuals claim that they do not remember their childhood. Some claim that they suffer from a malady called “ Excessive Memory Retention ( EMR) because it bothers their inner emotional peace and tranquility, while others feel that EMR is a blessing in disguise.

Personally, I have an unforgettable and pleasant memory of my childhood during the age range of 5 to 8. At that time, my younger brother Surendra was 4 to 6 year old. He was barely one year and eight months younger than me. So we hung on together most of the time. While our three older siblings lived with our maternal Grandparents in Nagpur for their education, me and Surendra lived with our parents in Jagdalpur, Bastar where our father was Headmaster of the Grigson High School. We lived in the official bungalow of the school Headmaster located within the spacious 5-acre land which included five school buildings besides residential hostel for out of town students, some staff quarters and two full football grounds side by side. Our house was located adjacent to the football grounds.

Bastar, by virtue of being thickly forested environment was blessed with plenty of annual rainfall. During the rainy and chilly months of July to December, there were several pleasantly moist mornings when the grass on the playgrounds adjacent to our house was laden with Dew of the Dawn hours along with thick fog hanging in the air.  The ambience of that environment begged us to walk barefooted on the wet grass lawns. So Surendra and me would often step out barefooted to tread the lawns. As we wandered leisurely and aimlessly on the spacious grounds, we could feel the moist fog embracing and kissing us profusely.  As the morning hours rolled effortlessly, we watched with curiosity the dense fog gradually thin as the initial gentle sun rays peeped through the fog. Around those moments, a beautiful Rainbow would span across the width of the playgrounds. That was a scene to behold and those beautiful memories still hang on crystal clear even today, 84 years later! I am sure that while we brothers hung around together on the grounds, our Mother was keeping an eye on us from the house wondering what the kids are up to!  Those experiences seem like countless blessings and lifelong precious assets to behold and to cherish. This is the simple reason why the words Dawn, Dew and Rainbow frequently visit my writings even through my greying years.

Modern Science has revealed that each one of us comes into this world bearing a memorable imprint called the DNA in every cell of our body, which is our Biological identity spanning the entire span of our individual specific evolutionary memory.  We carry this memory permanently and effortlessly in our individual specific DNA. No two humans bear an identical DNA.  Each one of us is born unique. Needless to say that our root identity is not as a Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or a Copycat. Each life on planet Earth including every living species comes into this world  as a child of Nature and is innately connected with each other as well as the environment that nurtures us. The only thing larger than life seems to be the human Ego, which seems insoluble in most commonly known mediums. The only medium that seems to be capable of dissolving it over a period of time is “ Meditative Introspection “.  

Dr. Brian Weiss is a veteran practicing Psychiatrist who credits that he has learnt about the newer dimensions of Life and Memories through his patients direct inner experiences.  In the following You Tube Dr. Weiss guides a willing listener through gentle Yoga meditation technique. It is like visiting and relaxing in the garden of peace and tranquility of our imagination. It is not about any blind faith, assumptions and presumptions. Click on the Link below for your own silent and self invigorating experience.

Brian Weiss: Past-Life Regression Session - YouTube
Nov 19, 2012 - Uploaded by Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Author of the best-selling Many Lives, Many Masters, Brian Weiss, MD, has a lifetime of work that reveals the ...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

स्वतःचा उद्धार अथवा आत्मजागृती

प्रिय नंदा आणि शरद :

Subject : To Be or Not to Be a US Citizen is a Question ?

स्वतःचा उद्धार, शेवटी स्वतःलाच करावा लागतो।   
आपल्या पूर्वजांच्या चार पिढ्यांची नावे श्राद्ध पुजेत उच्चारून त्यांचा उद्धार होत नाही आणि त्यात आपला स्वतःचा  देखील उद्धार होत नाही।  तसेच आपल्या नंतर च्या नव्या पिढीला  देखील, त्यांच्या वडील पिढीचा उद्धार करता येणे शक्य नाही।  राजस्थानच्या  पुष्कर शहरी, ऐकिवात ब्रह्माचे एकमेव देऊळ आहे जिथे जाऊन भक्त स्वतःचे श्राद्ध स्वतःच करून येतात ! हा वैयक्तिक भावनेचा आधार आहे आणि त्यात गैर काहीच नाही. प्रत्येक रूढीत खोल अर्थ असतो, तो उमजणे महत्वाचे असते।  समजणे आणि उमजणे ह्यात जमीन आणि आस्मानाचा फरक भासतो।  

उद्धार, ही  पुजापाठ क्रिया नसून, जीवनाची एकमेव ध्यानस्थ स्थिती आहे ज्यात आपण स्वतः आत्मज्ञान आणि आत्मबोधास प्राप्त होतो।  हे स्वतःच्या पायावर अथवा स्वानुभवावर आधारलेले आणि उभारलेले ज्ञान।  ही खडतर तपस्या नसून, सहज प्राणायाम द्वारे आत्मजागृती चे साधन आहे ( Ref: Seamless Generations / अखंड परंपरा @ Scribd.com ) ।

Buffalow Grove किंवा जयपूर, Addison किंवा पुणें, New York किंवा पुणें, अमेरिका किंवा भारत एक भौतिक अहंकारी, भोग आणि  मृत्यूचे भय स्थान असून केवळ एक मनोवस्था आहे। चलबिचल मनोवस्थेत, सर्व स्थानें एकाच मजबूरीची चिन्हें आहेत।

पोथी आणि पुराण वाचून किंवा भागीरथीच्या उथळ पाण्यात स्नान करून, त्रिवेणी संगमाच्या सरस्वती ची अनुभूती होत नाही। भागीरथी च्या उथळ पाण्याचा रंग निळा, आणि  ज्ञान गंगेच्या खोल आणि संथ प्रवाहाचा रंग काळा ! तसाच, समुद्राच्या उथळ लाटांचा रंग आकाशी निळा, पण समुद्राच्या खोल पाण्याचा रंग निर्मळ काळा ! महादेव आणि कृष्णाच्या बाह्य त्वचेचा रंग कल्पनेच्या आधारावर गोरा/निळा/सावळा, पण आंतरिक रंग गूढ काळा। अजन्टा आणि एलोराच्या घोर अंधकारात हजारो शिल्पकारांच्या पिढ्यांची कलाकृती ऐकलेली भासते ! We seem to hear the sounds of thousands of hammers devotedly chiseling away at the mountain rock to create and reveal beautiful sculptures as a timeless gifts for  humanity.  ह्या सर्व कल्प वृक्षाच्या भावना आणि धारणा आहेत.

ह्या जन्मी, स्वतःचे पूर्णत्व अनुभवणे, हे एकमेव ध्येय भासते . शिकागो शहराच्या जवळचे Buffalo Grove किंवा दिल्ली जवळचे जयपूर शहर, किंवा मुंबई जवळचे पुणें गाठणे हे ध्येय नसून, देहाची अजिंक्य भोग, अहंकार आणि भय यात्रा आहे असे भासते !

जीवनाचे एकमेव ध्येय, स्वतःला परिपूर्ण होण्याचे अथवा घडविण्याचे भासते !


In this context, it behooves to remind ourselves about the self serving wisdom that prompts “ God helps only those that help themselves “. The true meaning of the Sanskrit word “ स्वयंसेवक “ seems to be, the one who devotionally and unconditionally serves with the inner conviction that  सेवा परमो धर्मः।  

आईने योग्य वेळी सुचविले होते कि कोणताही मनो मंत्र, स्वतःचे पांडित्य दर्शविण्यास नसून, केवळ अनुभवण्यास आहे…

आजच्या संदर्भात, खाली दिलेला ॐ मनः  शांति  मंत्र त्यापैकी एक आहे.

Om Purnamadah Purnamidam - in sanskrit with meaning - mantra from Upanishad

ॐ   पूर्णमदः   पूर्णमिदं
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

1: Om, That (Outer World) is Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); This (Inner World) is also Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); From Purna comes Purna (From the Fullness of Divine Consciousness the World is manifested) ,
2: Taking Purna from Purna, Purna Indeed Remains (Because Divine Consciousness is Non-Dual and Infinite).
3: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Note: Place the mouse over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
Click here to open the mouseover meanings in a new window.

Translated by greenmesg

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