Friday, June 30, 2017

Candlelight revealing Scandals ~~

Image - *

The eternal and timeless Truth presents itself as simply as a naked Sparrow and its sweet chirping.

The heavily clothed and ornate Pulpits of religious authorities tend to communicate the naked Truth with hidden agenda of virtual God, Heaven, Hell, and sex-scadals carried out under the long robes *.

Universal Truth is not a commodity for global marketing, but simply an inner experiential realisation with grace and gratitude.  

Like the chirping Sparrow, a young and unblemished Heart communicates the simple universal Truth with a sweet smile.

As depicted in the image above, Shiv G is not a virtual God created for blind faith. It is purely a symbolism for the all pervading eternal and universal Truth, omnipresent and indivisible that stands on its own reality.

Symbolisms vary from one pocket of civilisation/culture to another. However, the ultimate universal Truth always remains identical as an inner experiential realisation. That is simply why Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.

The Scandals in candle light are purely traits of human imperfections; whereas the all pervading and timeless Truth is totally devoid of any flowery traits including those assigned to God, Heaven or Hell.  

There is no higher or lower Truth, nor is it the sole/exclusive property of any religious dogma; it is absolute.


George Pell, top Pope advisor, charged with sexual assault offenses ...

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Frightening Consistency and Reliability

There is only one Machine that runs continuously and consistently without gas ( petrol ), has no accelerator, decelerator nor reverse gear. It is called Time and Its self governed consistency is frightening to all of us who depend on it constantly and enslave ourselves. In the fear and misery of that self enslavement, we sing a chorus “ Oh! what Fun it is to ride, in a no horse open sleigh! And then post our pictures on Facebook, the book of many faces and splendored blunders.

Pilgrimage is a silent, fearless, faceless, stepless and timeless journey within.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Architecture of Loneliness

When you feel lonely within the four enclosed walls of self-pity or arrogant self-ignorance, step out in the open air environment during the dawn around 4 AM. The Ozone rich energising atmosphere of the all inclusive environment will welcome and embrace you unconditionally and ground you into its innate universal harmony and silent wisdom.

Loneliness seems to creep in only when the outside and the environment within us separate from each other generating upheaval or Tsunami of awareness.

Feeling lonely and sad as opposed to being alone and happy are diametrically opposite congregations of conscious awareness. It cajoles and invites inner transformation and not conversion from one blind-belief to another blind-faith.
Being alone in harmony with the all inclusive Nature makes us self transparent like a clear glass prism through which a single beam of light implying a thought, diffracts displaying the Rainbow of Life and reality of existence. We are always an integral part of Nature; and never alone.  

Image - A single beam of light diffracting through a clear glass prism revealing the Rainbow of reality.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Tweeting Trumpeteers

The art of blowing and tweaking a Trumpet !

It just occured to me that in our midst, we invariably have the presence of three typical characters that habitually blow or tweet their trumpets.
  • One blows his trumpet as he Speaks - you name him/her!
  • One blows his trumpet as he Tweets - you name him/her
  • The third one blows his trumpet as he Speaks as well as Tweets - Donald Duck!

Each family environment seems to rear its own share of individual specific Trumpeter(s).


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Duet of the Sails and the Breeze

जुगलबंदी ~~~

The sails are up catching the freedom of the breeze,
Playing the musical duet of life in its harmony,
The fabric of my being, breath, and the thoughts,
Arising in my mind, is a sight to behold,
While, I am its sole witness,
Like the waves on the deep blue waters reflecting the sky.

In our duet, and its breezy borderless freedom,
We merge and disappear into each other,
Discovering ourselves as One.

सिद्धार्थ गौतम बुद्ध स्वयंसिद्ध होकर,
बुद्धावस्था अथवा निर्वाण स्थितिको प्राप्त हो गए।  
स्वयंसिद्ध अथवा खुदमेंही स्थिर/सिद्ध होकर,
साधना करनेवाले ऋषि,
खुदके अंतिम परब्रह्म सत्यको प्राप्त होता है।   
परब्रह्म याने खुदके अंतिम परमसत्य स्वरुप की अनुभूति।  
परमसत्य जो कभी बदलता नही, निराकार और निरंतर है,
अक्षरा है।  

Monday, June 19, 2017

धर्म आणि योगसाधना

धर्म आणि योगसाधना म्हणजे स्वतःला जीवनाच्या योग्य मार्गावर वळण देण्याची शिस्त।  
योग्य मार्ग म्हणजे जीवनाचे अंतिम सत्य ( जे कधीही बदलत नाही आणि निरंतर आहे ) स्वतःच्या अंतर्यामी अनुभवा द्वारे जाणून घेणे, अथवा उमजणे।  तोच साधक सद्गुरू अथवा परब्रह्म ऋषी।

परमात्मा म्हणजे स्वतःचे अंतिम सत्य स्वरूप, जे कधीही शोधावे लागत नाही, कारण आपण सदासर्वदा एकमेकात भिनलेले होतो, आहोत, आणि राहू; हेचि अध्यात्म।

जीवनाचा मूळ मंत्र आहे अक्षरा, ॐ चा ध्वनी तरंग देखील नाही; केवळ एकमेव अवर्णनीय अनुभूती आहे। ह्या सृष्टिकोणातून, मंत्र हे कोणतेही क्रिया-कर्म नाही, पूजा-पठण नाही, पांडित्य प्रदर्शन नाही; केवळ अनुभवण्यासाठी “आत्मनिवेदन” आहे; शांतचित्तात स्वगत, मनोगत एकमेव अवर्णनीय अनुभूती आहे।

तोचि साधक, त्रिभुवनदास पदास प्राप्त होतो।   

ताजा कलम: माझा मित्र, श्री शास्त्री @ Oakville, Ontario, Canada ह्यानी माझ्या लघु निबंधास फुलदाणीत मांडून त्याची शोभा वाढवली, त्याबद्दल त्याचे आभार मानतो .

सुरेश ,
   तुझी  परवानगी न मागता  
      केले मी खालील धाडसा
   क्षमा करा या पाडसा
                    धर्म आणि योगसाधना

                             सुरेश देव

    धर्म आणि योगसाधना देती जीवन वळणा  शिस्त
                  योग्य मार्गा वसते अंतिम सत्य
               जे केव्हाही न बदले परी राहे निरंतर
                स्वतःच्या अंतर्यामी अनुभवी द्वारे
                जाणाल तोची असे सदगुरु परब्रम्ह
              स्वतःचे अंतिम सत्य स्वरूप म्हणजे परमात्मा

          लक्षात असुदे मंत्र नसे कोणतेही क्रिया कर्म
          नच असे पूजा-पठण अथवा  पांडित्य प्रदर्शन
             मंत्र साधनेतुनी अनुभवा “आत्मनिवेदन”
        शांतचित्ति स्वगत ,मनोगत एकमेव अनुभूती
               घडवी साधका त्रिभुवन पद प्राप्ती

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Illusion named Mirage

In the desert patches of our life we see mirage,
The audacity of angelic Hope against Hope,
Flying Angel blessing and protecting us,
When we have no faith and trust in ourselves.

We worship the invisible good-old past as sacred,
Passionately dislike the visible bloody present,
And expect the future to produce miracles,
Far beyond our comprehension and reach.

Nothing ever really changes,
Until a real change and awakening stems from within,
With our own initiative and an all inclusive trust,
Unconditional and absolute; our very innate Nature.

Look no further for an angel, mirage, and miracle,
For each one of us is the miracle called Life,
The irrefutable past, present and future,
We are the Messiah of our absolute consciousness.  

Religion is our daily experiential and conscious living,
Totally devoid of expectations, fear, and illusions,
In a land so free,
Our own consciousness, absolute and unconditional.

Eh’ Men and Women,

Never define and confine yourself within self ignorance.    

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Stone Silence

Stone Silence

Stone silence between two opposing views is often the loudest, which drowns both.
The Parliament of each Nation around the Globe takes an opposite approach where both opposing parties talk and voice their opinions, while no one listens.

After confronting the two World Wars of the 20th Century, and several other of smaller scales but equal brutality, the self claiming modernised world has extended the same parliamentary skills further and applied it to the League of Nations and later United Nations Organization (UNO) and ultimately succeeded only in transforming it into a Disunited Nations Organization (DNO) of global repute.

On the contrary, an individual seeking realistic grounded solutions for resolving diametrically opposing views within its own consciousness seeks an individual specific route for inner harmony, which unfortunately cannot be applied to Masses, simply because “ Masses = Man+Asses “. Virtually fabricated religions of the world are trying in vain for past millenniums to apply it to masses.

Ultimately, it takes the all inclusive spirit of a single self-enlightened individual Master amongst us to guide a genuine Seeker through the creative and self incriminating mess of humanity. That path only leads to within ourselves on our own initiative. The changeless heavenly truth and its harmony that we humans constantly yearn for is present there in its entirety. That is why, Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.

Suresh M Deo shared Beloved Geetanjali's post.
Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, outdoor and nature


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

मंत्र आणि जीवनाची मूळ साक्षररता

०७ जून, २०१७

श्री - काही वर्षांपूर्वी मी तुला विचारले होते कि खालील दोन शब्द संस्कृत मध्ये कसे लिहितात आणि तू प्रत्युत्तरात लिहून पाठवले होते “ प्राणायस्वा: / अप्राणायास्वाः “.
आज त्या दोन शब्दावर रचलेला निबंध, माझा आत्मसौंवाद, तुला पाठवीत आहे.


मंत्र आणि जीवनाची मूळ साक्षररता
प्राणायस्वा: / अप्राणायास्वाः

मंत्र हे कोणतेही क्रिया-कर्म नाही, पूजा-पठण नाही, पांडित्य प्रदर्शन नाही; केवळ अनुभवण्यासाठी आत्मवन्दन आहे, शांतचित्तात स्वगत, मनोगत एकमेव अवर्णनीय अनुभूती आहे.  

श्वासोश्वास अथवा प्राणायस्वा: / अप्राणायास्वाः ही शारीरिक अस्तित्वाची निरंतर गती आहे, जी आपोआप चालू असते, ज्यात आपली वैयक्तिक भागीदारी केवळ आपले शरीर आणि स्वतःचा अहंकार. आपले शरीर देखील आपल्या मालकीचे नाही, कारण ते देखील आपोआप रचलेली नैसर्गिक कलाकृती आहे. एक अंडे मातेच्या गर्भकोशात फलित होते जे मानवी शरीराची रचना करण्यासाठी कारणीभूत होते. ही सर्व कलाकृती केवळ नैसर्गिक असते. ह्या सर्व क्रियेत आपली स्वतःची भागेदारी शून्य; ह्याची जाणीव ठेवणे अथवा होणे, हीच आध्यात्माची सर्वप्रथम पायरी भासते.   

प्रत्येक धार्मिक पूजा कार्यप्रक्रियेसाठी आमच्या धंतोलीच्या  निवासस्थानी येणाऱ्या गुरुजींचे आडनाव पुराणिक. माझ्या आठवणीत, ह्या गुरुजींनी प्रत्येक पुजेची सुरवात आणि समाप्ती एकमेव मंत्राने केली “ प्राणायस्वा: / अप्राणायास्वाः “. हाच जीवनाचा मूलमंत्र भासला आणि हळू हळू मनात दृढ झाला आहे.

श्वास शरीरात येणे, आणि त्यानंतर शरीराच्या बाहेर जाणे ह्या दोन आपोआप होणाऱ्या अवस्थेत, संपूर्ण जीवन अस्तित्व समावलेले भासते; ज्यात आपल्या स्वाभिमानाची भागेदारी शून्य आहे.

आज हा लघु लेख लिहिताना, आमच्या आजवळी पुजेस येणाऱ्या पुराणिक गुरुजी घराण्याची आणि त्यांच्या अखंड परंपरेची तीव्र आठवण होत आहे. आमची मोठीआई आणि आजोबा ( भैया ) हयात असे पर्यंत मोठे गुरुजी पूजेस यायचे. त्यांच्या हयातीत आणि पाश्चात्य मी जेव्हा पुजेस बसलो, तेव्हा मोठ्या गुरुजींचे चिरंजीव शंकर, मधू आणि वसंत वयोमानाप्रमाणे पाठोपाठ येत राहिले. आता त्यांची तिसरी पिढी आमच्या नातेवाईकांच्या पूजेच्या दिगदर्शनास आढळत आहे. ही आत्मबौद्धिक परंपरा बदलत्या काळात देखील चालू राहो हीच गुरुजींच्या घराण्याबद्दल सदिच्छा. जो गुरुप्रसाद आणि त्याचा बौद्धिक स्वाद आम्हाला बालपणापासून लाभला, तोच येत्या पिढयांना यथायोग्य रूपात मिळत राहो.

आमचे आजोबा, भैय्यांनी सहज प्राणायाम कसा आणि कां करावा ह्याचे तपशीलवार वर्णन त्यांच्या हस्तलिखित वहीत केले आहे. त्या लिखाणात देखील “ प्राणायस्वा: / अप्राणायास्वाः “ ह्या विषयाचा अभ्यास दीर्घ आणि खोल श्वासोश्वासाद्वारे कसा करावा ह्याचे स्वानुभाविक मार्गदर्शन केले आहे.
अनासक्त भावात, कोणतीही अपेक्षा न ठेवता, केलेल्या सहज प्राणायाम द्वारे, आपण आत्मबोधास प्राप्त होतो. तोचि अवर्णनीय दृष्टांत. ह्या विषयाचा अर्थपूर्ण खुलासा भैयांनी “Seamless Generations / अखंड परमपरा“ पुस्तकात केला आहे. ते पुस्तक भैयांच्या आणि त्याची एकुलती एक लेक, आमच्या आईच्या श्रद्धांजलीस अर्पित आहे.

जीवनाची मूळ साक्षरता आत्मज्ञनात, जी सूक्ष्म रूपाने सौन्स्कारा द्वारे प्रत्येकास लाभत असते; त्यात अहंकाराला कोणतीही भागेदारी नाही. त्याच द्वारे, आत्मबोध एक अवर्णनीय अनुभूती आहे, ज्याला प्रत्येक साधक सरते शेवटी “दृष्टा” बनून प्राप्त होतो. हाच दृष्टांत. हे बोल केवळ अखंड ज्ञानपरंपरेतून निथळून निघालेले भासतात.  
एका अर्थी तपश्चर्या म्हणजे, अनासक्त भावात जुडलेली एकाग्रता, अथवा योगसाधना भासते; ज्यात काळ, काम, वेग आणि अहंकाराचे अस्तित्व नाही.  

“ प्राणायस्वा: / अप्राणायास्वाः “ केवळ एक मूळ मंत्र

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Monkey Mind

In the presence of an individual that you cannot stand, two possibilities present themselve. Either you get a locked-jaw or diarrhea of the mouth. Neither are conducive for your healthy well being.

To resolve the issue, if you go to a psychologist or a shrink, you get a formulated guideline; neither provides a satisfying or lasting resolution. The other choice is to dissolve and extract yourself out of the situation, which may not be a true solution.

The only satisfying answer may stem from knowing who you really are besides your monkeying or jockeying Ego! Realise that Ego is accumulation of stuff that does not dissolve readily in anything except the silence and silencing of your own monkey mind.

That other individual pointed out at the outset may be a mirror image of your own being and becoming; like poles only repel each other!

The Wisdom of Silence bears no poles, no images, nor reactions.
Image - The aura of Silence

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Seniors Galore’

With gradually diminishing utility of vision, sounds, and books of baggage/burden, it is inviting to spin yarn out of memories to weave an architecture of reality as it feels from within; without a self crumbling judgemental base.

Oh! What fun it is to ride on a No-horse open sleigh !

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Axis of Sin, Hell and Heaven

Sin is a hesitant act of, to do or not to do, limitations imposed upon ourself, preventing evolution to full human potential in natural freedom. Sin is not a commandment etched on rock; it is an individual perspective or perception.

Hell seems to be a state of mind conjured up in fear shrouded with ignorance and denial of the reality of existence.   

Heaven seems to be a virtual real estate established to meet endless expectations of ecstasy.

Earth and its environment appears to be the groundwork from which we as life emerge and ultimately into it we merge back as Topsoil, thus subscribing to the natural biorhythm of Creation, Preservation and Transformation.

What we cannot comprehend seems to be assigned to God, creator of all mischief. What we do understand is claimed and consumed by our Ego. Now we do understand an Atom and have the capacity for blowing up humanity.

Sages, seers and scientists amongst us who successfully cross the borders of egotistic self-imposed limitations, have timelessly and equivocally prompted that the wisdom we seek outside of ourselves is readily accessible within ourselves; only when we dare to introspect in the silence of our conscious awareness.

Only the God, Heaven and Hell toting globally organised religions since the past 10,000 years of human evolution on planet Earth have promised the magic and mirage which they cannot deliver, and yet Religion is the most profitable business on planet Earth. The Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Law does not seem to be of any use to them as yet.

The all inclusive universal Wisdom is not a Book for reading and preaching from the Pulpit. It is only an inner indescribable experience, which is ultimately identical for everyone genuinely desirous of it. Out of all living species on planet Earth, only humans seem to struggle with it so much constantly.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....