Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Trumpeting the Presence

Trumpeting the Presence
A democratically elected 45th President will assume office of the Presidency of the United States of America on 20th January, 2017. The nation extends a hearty welcome aboard Mr. Donald Trump.
The famous White House on the Pennsylvania Avenue in   Washington, D. C. is ready to receive you on behalf of the citizenry  of US whom you have committed to serve while upholding the laws of the land laid down on paper by its founding fathers as the Constitution of the United States.
The White House welcomes its new presidential resident as Red blooded and not as male or female, and not white nor black skinned. Anyone that recognises an individual only by the color of its skin can only be a butcher of consciousness.
The White House admits its new resident conditionally for a term of four years during which it constantly monitors the political and moral compass of its resident, The resident of the White House is expected to serve the interests of the poorest of the poor, as well as the richest of the rich and also the entire population in between with appeasement of none. That is a tough call and no one has ever said that it is easy.
It is irrelevant whether the outside colors of the Presidency are politically correct or incorrect, However, its inside color must of necessity reflect simplicity, honesty, humility, and compassion for all. The spirit of the deep blue sky above overlooking the entire humanity is constant witness. The spirit of the deep blue sky is eternally unfathomable and indivisible, revealing itself only as an inner experience.

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