Thursday, January 26, 2017

Prayer  - The Silent Music of Life  ----
Prayer is not Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian,  Jewish, Sikh, Jain  or any other faith. It is the silent music of Life within us.
Total self submission through unconditional prayer makes us available to the silent universal wisdom within us, Through this wisdom we emerge as a physicality and ultimately merge back into it as non-physicality.
It seems easier for the innocence of childhood to bow and surrender in prayer. It gets harder for adulthood to surrender as the burden of growing ego makes us more rigid. The ego factor dampens the ever present silent music of life within us.
In order to maintain and enhance the self enriching music of life  audible within ourselves, we try to embrace Yoga and Meditation. The innocence of childhood ever present  within each one of us assists in uniting us with our Source that is ever present within ourselves.
Today, 26 January 2017, marks the Republic Day of *India and its latent solidarity under one flag proclaiming:

“ Truth alone Triumphs - सत्यमेव जयते “


  1. One emerges from physicality and ultimately merges into nonphysicality
    Raghavendra Garde

  2. One emerges from physicality and ultimately merges into nonphysicality
    Raghavendra Garde


Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....