Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Language of Silence - मौन धारणा

08 January, 2017
The Language of Silence - मौन धारणा
Different languages complement each other in enhancing the quality of human experiences.
Silence is an inaudible language on its own. In order to decipher it, humans use meditation complemented with proper Yogic breathing techniques identified as Pranayam ( प्राणायाम ). It helps quieten the Monkey-mind ever riding on the shoulders.
In the depths of  the Oceans and the unfathomable expanse of the  blue Sky above exists an indescribable silence in which resides the all inclusive Cosmic wisdom. This wisdom cannot be captured by any human language or any sacred book scripted by humans. For lack of expression, some refer to the wisdom as God, whereas others experience it as Consciousness. Both references  are right because universal wisdom is an individual specific inner experience.

Language used for self expression invariably splits us at individual specific levels of duality, whereas Silence is a medium that makes us complete into our universal consciousness. Every life on planet Earth constantly thirsts for it. The insatiable thirst for becoming complete is eventually quenched through mediums of self transformation including living experiences, Grace or सदगुरु कृपा which seem like inseparable from each other.   

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