Friday, January 6, 2017

Satsang, Sanskrit, Sanskriti and Seeker / सत्संग, संस्कृत, संस्कृति और साधक

07 Jan, 2017

Satsang, Sanskrit, Sanskriti and Seeker
सत्संग, संस्कृत, संस्कृति और साधक

Each language has a beauty of its own for articulation of thoughts. There is no Mother tongue ( मातृ भाषा ) that is superior or inferior, cultured or uncultured because it is soaked up effortlessly from the sole source, our Mother ( जन्म जननी ) . In the same sense, there is no inferior religion or a superior God, because both are individual specific inner realisations. Comparing personal God or religion is shattering the very spirit of faith in ourselves. Conversion from one religion to another is juvenile self ignorance akin to exchanging your natural Mother. God and religion are not patentable ideas for making deals.

Words are simply integration of sounds that acquire meaning in individual specific comprehension. Om ( a, u, m ) which is symbolised as ॐ and Amen generate reverberations that serve the purpose of elevating conscious awareness. Uttering these sounds do not make you a Hindu or a Christian. A large copper bell or gong produces similar sounds in a temple or church, In a similar sense, the essential spirit of a prayer does not spell a religion; it is simply an unconditional submission to the all inclusive cosmic consciousness.

A word such as God, Spirituality, Heaven and Hell bears no meaning unless it is in our direct experience. The sound of the word Mother ( माँ ) is always a direct experience that needs no interpretation.

Following is an effort to provide self fulfilling meaning to some commonly heard Sanskrit words :

  • Satsang ( सत्संग ) - implies an association with self enriching thoughts.
  • Sanskrit ( संस्कृत ) - is a language cultured purely out of
the flora and fauna of the Indian subcontinent. It is a Mother of several sublanguages.
  • Sanskriti ( संस्कृती ) - implies nurturing a state of equanimity for maximising the potential capabilities and possibilities of an individual.
  • Seeker  ( साधना करनेवाला साधक ) - is a devotee that is not in search of God or the promised land named Heaven; instead it is about optimising individual potential in a state of equanimity. It is not an intellectual pursuit.
  • God ( श्री ) - is that which does not change, ever. When we try to define it, we confine it with our ignorance. Consequently,
that which changes constantly, such as matter and life, is an illusion ( माया ); it is perception of the perceiver.

A religious Preacher such as a Christian Bishop, Islamic Mulla, Hindu Pundit or a Jewish Rabbi may stand on a self presumptuous pulpit of bookish knowledge and proclaim about God, Heaven and Hell that is not in his/her direct experience. Where as a self-enlightened Master ( सद्गगुरु ) serves as a facilitating medium that provides nurturing for a Seeker to innately experience God consciousness ( आत्मबोध ). Eye opening life experiences also serve as self enlightening mediums ( सद्गगुरु ). Consciousness ( चेतना ) is about realising our natural Self, which is without a beginning nor an end. Realisation is a stepless journey within ourselves.

Mind is like a Monkey constantly sitting on our shoulders.  Silencing of the mind and thought seems to be an art and science for self enriching life.  The faculty of imbibing art and music seems to silence the mind for attaining a balance or equanimity in life.

Note - The above train of thoughts is a condensation from self enlightened Masters.
ऊपर प्रस्तुत किये विचार, सद्गुरु सत्संग प्रसाद है।  

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