Monday, January 30, 2017

The Literacy and Arithmetic of Life

The politics of Nation prides on the literacy of its people based on  comprehending the alphabets A, B, C, D, E, F, G ...and counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. or  the Arithmetic of Life.
The Religious Guru ( गुरू ), Mullah ( मुल्लाह ) or a Preacher is a teacher of the pulpit that narrates and advises about the ways and means of attaining a higher level of conscious awareness . However , Sadguru  ( सद्गुरु ) is a living source that constantly supports and blesses our individual specific presence to experience our own immutable and eternal self identity.  
Realisation is the intuitive Grace that instantly condenses within ourselves as a pure Dewdrop of universal conscious awareness. Realisation is not about magic or miracle for chasing a mirage for quenching thirst or an intellectual pursuit. This seems to be the latent message of timelessly available Sadguru ( सद्गुरु ).
One of our childhood prank modified for today sings like this:
“ A, B, C, D, E, F, G
उसमेंसे निकले पंडित जी।
पंडितजी ने जन्मभूमीमें बोई ज्ञान की धान,
उसमेंसे निकले राजा, प्रजा और मंत्री प्रधान।
जिंदगीमें जोड़ते रहो  १, २, ३, ४, ५, ६, सात ….
बनेगी सिर्फ, भूल भुलय्या की बात।  “
Did not realise in the innocence of childhood, that a childhood prank transforms itself into the Literacy of Life.
The Literacy of Life stems only from within because it is the realisation of completeness from within ourselves. It behooves to repeat that Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within the silence of our conscious awareness. It may be termed Meditation, although it is wordless.


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