Monday, November 28, 2016

The Glamorous Role of the Media

The glamorous role of the Media started right from the births of the Prophet's Avatar ( अवतार / appearance  ) and the prophecies therefrom .     
Through every pore (opening) of the human body oozes out media Politics.The sizes of pores range from the smallest sweat glands to Nose, Ears and the yet larger size mouth and the Ass’Ole along with their respective odor.  Each pore bears its own footprint.   
Traditionally bogged down with impaired vision, the Media as well as Politicians can only see the transient clouds floating overhead and miss the beauty and infinite wisdom of the deep blue sky beyond.  

The duet of Mind and Heart has been described as the axis of discriminating powers, while only through a cultivated faculty named Silence condenses self assuring Wisdom of equanimity.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

PM Narendra Modi’s Big Leap at a Horny Black Target

Fearlessly confident is a Yogi Tiger-Cat that is focussed on it’s objective.
Convincingly winning a meaningful victory in every battle in the broader interest of the country is a self-ennobling objective.
PM is not merely a title; instead it is all about
“ Prime Motivator “ of individual consciousness.
Black and White are not colors of a Rainbow; instead these are the colors of human consciousness.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day

The humanity of Consciousness celebrates Thanksgiving Day.
We wake up today in the dawn of thought, leading to thoughtlessness and silence of Life in which to experience the harmony of Universe outside of us as well as within ourselves.
In it, we discover ourselves only in sheer Grace and Gratitude of Life for its limitless and unconditional bounty…. Of being and becoming.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Genghis Khan’s Symbol of victory

Flock of hair from his horse’s mane anchored at the base of his Spearhead was Genghis Khan’s banner for ultimate Victory.
Died: August 18, 1227, Western Xia
He did not believe in anything or anyone else except himself.
As a supreme conqueror, reportedly at his discretion, no one was ever allowed to paint his portrait nor sculpt his image while he lived; and after death, he was to be buried in an undisclosed and unidentifiable location so that he may disappear in the vast lands of his homeland known as Mongolia. He was a Moghul.
As I write this epilogue on Genghis Khan ( GK ), I feel like a historian of conscious awareness.
Ever since his childhood, GK was not schooled in any knowledge of his times, nor did he care to learn. He believed in nothing except himself and his power of intuition. He obliterated anything that came in his own way of life. That was his total faith throughout his lifetime.
With his sheer innate and self-developed skills, he defeated everyone stronger than him and with his well disciplined army won every empire stronger than his own. His fate was designed or determined by his own free will, as broadcasted audibly by his whole Life. He died as he wanted, unidentified physically but identified only by the spirit of his victories. Hearsay, he did talk about his soul-Spirit and eloquently separated it from his physical body. At the end, he tendered his body to his homeland, where it came from.
Consequently every historical story and images of GK are myths. But he was a real human who lived his life the way he wanted… a victorious entity. The only symbol of that victorious faith is his spear with the flock of his horse's natural hair on it.
After his death, every existing religious faith of his time has tried in vain to attach its own name to his victorious Brand so well known even today as Genghis Khan (GK).  He claimed to be only a Moghul from Mongolia, his homeland.
There is a Genghis Khan ever present in each one of us, always desirous of Victory over Life in our own individual specific ways. GK did not dream it. He was Victory in every grain of his being and remained unconquered.
Symbolism has a far deeper meaning than Life itself.

Image of Genghis Khan without a clear picture of his Spear with a flock of his horse’s hair  is only a mythical composition of human Ego.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Constant Balancing Act of Diabetes

Grace stems from within and does not shower or snow down from the skies, prompts my Diabetes as my partner over the past 40 years of my life so far.

As my eyesight has diminished progressively over the past 25 years, Nature continues to provide me with coping and compensating mechanisms to move on with my journey productively. My passions have shifted from outdoors to indoors within the comfort zone of our Igloo.

Our three sons are constantly updating me on the efficient use of Computers to indulge in my newfound passion named Writing. I can no longer read my own handwritten stuff on paper, I can only read on the computer screen what I type on the keyboard with my two dancing fingers on the keyboard. With the use of Magnification of script and pictures coupled with audio, I can see, sense, and enjoy the texture of Life .

Both of my eyes have developed Cataracts as is expected at my age of 85, and topping that the blood veins in my eyes leak often causing additional blurriness. But with the provision of the magnification factor on the screen, I can continue with my passion of writing which accelerates and decelerates depending on the degree of blurriness. However, the vision of one eye is constantly compensating for the other eye without distracting my attention in writing. Writing has become my mode of meditation during which my mind is focussed like a sharp laser.

Through writing, I am constantly discovering and understanding myself in a world of constant change.

Me, my Curiosity and my Diabetes have come to respect each other in innumerable ways.

The handy and warm touch of my wife, children, and our only 5-year old Granddaughter  continues to direct my steps in the right direction… constantly compensating.

The Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty

Politicians and Philosophers traditionally occupy the top floor of the Eiffel Tower, whereas the Saints live on the ground floor.
Ego of Mankind is innately hot, lighter than air and therefore seeks to rise upwards to the top.
The Statue of Liberty symbolises individual Liberty for freedom of thought and expression, irrespective of birthplace. Every human wishes to live and die in freedom of choice.  
Taller and taller buildings are being built around the world to match the Ego of Mankind. Anyone is free to jump from the top of any tower assisted by Gravity in order to fulfill life.

Saints choose to dive within their own universal conscious awareness. For them, Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within. Sainthood is not a title, but simply an individual specific inner experience. It is journey beyond the trap and trinity of God, Heaven and Hell.

The Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty

Politicians and Philosophers traditionally occupy the top floor of the Eiffel Tower, whereas the Saints live on the ground floor.
Ego of Mankind is innately hot, lighter than air and therefore seeks to rise upwards to the top.
The Statue of Liberty symbolises individual Liberty for freedom of thought and expression, irrespective of birthplace. Every human wishes to live and die peacefully in freedom of choice.  
Taller and taller buildings are being built around the world to match the Ego of Mankind. Anyone is free to jump from the top of any tower assisted by Gravity in order to fulfill life.

Saints choose to dive within their own universal conscious awareness. For them, Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within. Sainthood is not a title, but simply an individual specific inner experience. It is journey beyond the trap and trinity of God, Heaven and Hell.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Dawn and Thanksgiving

Dawn is the glory before the Sun’s rays peep above the Horizon.
Every Dawn is profusely oxygenated by Nature with vibrant energy, In it dwells the spirit of Life, its beauty and reality of existence. Dawn gently beacons and prods Life to arise to the Grace of the new day and opportunity to be thankful in sheer Gratitude for existence.
Gratitude is an effortless and non vocal gesture in total submission. Silence is the only language of communication with Grace. In it we discover ourselves in the midst of the ever changing Universe.
Thanksgiving is a silent gesture out of sheer Gratitude at every Dawn. Thanksgiving with a spirit of all inclusive sharing enriches Life in immeasurable ways.
The essential spirit of Thanksgiving seeks nothing except unconditionally share Life with Grace and Gratitude.

Prayer is. first and foremost, establishing normality and harmony of Life within. It is not a formality of robes and rituals. Silent submission radiates its aura and language.  

A Pocket Full of Mischief

Kangaroo Island, Australia
On Children
Kahlil Gibran
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The A to X of Pro-Life and the Shooting Stars

Pro-life has become a perpetual religious, intellectual and political fodder for debates. Yet, very few honestly bother to fundamentally experience and comprehend Life. Most prevalent definitions of Life come from brainwashed assumptions or presumptions and scientific theories.  Life is not an open Book; instead it is solely an individual specific inner experience to relish and cherish.
Any book of writing when trumpeted out of proportion and placed on a high pedestal automatically becomes an open target for birds to shit on.
Nothing is larger than Life, for Life is always complete by itself. However, the fickle human mind always feels incomplete and chases divinity to death. They stay married together, until death do them part.
Life is not defined and confined by human ego nor elevated by a scientific theory. Adam and Eve is a kindergarten story about the beginning of Life on Earth akin to Aesop's fables.  Yet, each simple story and experience of childhood is symbolic and gradually we learn to dive beneath the water's surface to gauge its depth.
Photo - Traditional Image of Adam and Eve.
The story after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden Apple and enjoyed their honeymoon:
In a layman’s language, a fertilized egg in motherly womb is the harmonious duet of a living egg-cell and a living sperm-cell qualified on its own merit amongst thousands of other sperms. The duet is a live performance with intuitive and mutual initiatives. After that stage, the journey of the fertilized egg-cell begins with its multiplication through permutations and combinations within the chemistry of the womb. The fertilized egg immediately begins dividing and floats down into the uterus. ... it is a fluid filled cluster of 50 to 60 cells, still multiplying madly. day5 Blastocyst ... Week by week First trimester: ultrasound scan pictures: Week 4 ...

Week 4 Implantation - Pregnancy and Baby Information

Getting back to our layman’s language, progressively in the motherly womb different living cells couple together with a Cosmic glue to develop into an organized architecture identified as fetus. The fetus gradually defines itself further without any outside intervention except the Umbilical cord, which is integral to the womb.
Life force comprehended as Urja ( ऊर्जा शक्ति ) in Sanskrit is the driver of Life energy; it is that which cannot be seen but only sensed and experienced through the Cosmic rhythm of our breth and its inherent wisdom.  
The forces that support the entire inception to birthing process is integration of the living cells are identified as the eternal five Cosmic principles namely Space, Gas, Earth, Fire and Water ( पंच महा भूतें = आकाश, वायू, पृथवी, अग्नी, और  जल ). Scientific language vainly spells it out as the Periodic Table of 118 Elements that scientifically defines the fundamental elements. Ref: Periodic table - Wikipedia
With what audacity does modern Science claim that the brain activity in the  human architecture begins only around the third month of pregnancy; and until then it is not Life. On these grounds, the national legislation tries to decide a mother’s right to legally abort or not to abort.  While the helpless new Life in the form of the “fetus” is left pondering about its status “ To be or Not to be, or am I a documented Legal Immigrant ? “.
On its own record demonstrated so far, Capitalism is a great system in Democratic self governance. However, capitalism without conscience is dangerous. It is akin to hoarder of wealth without any emotion of selfless charity. Taking it one step further. it is tempting to state that inherently the philosophies of Religion and Science are self ennobling systems of human endeavor, however without conscious awareness, both are dangerous to the maturity of humans and for Life to fulfill itself.
Consciousness is an all inclusive perception of our world and Universe at large.
Administering politicized  Religion, Autocracy in the forms of Kinsmanship and Dictatorship, as well as Democracy devoid of consciousness is equally dangerous. It is important to recognise that each pocket of society/country desires and gets a governance it deserves. No one system is ever perfect. Each system of governance eventually crumbles under its own weight of excesses and then reshapes itself in the universal dynamics of constant change.
A truly new document or writing today will not be a disclosure or discovery of anything new, not a new God nor a new Religion nor a scientific discovery. It will be an integration of human wisdom gathered through the history of time and giving it a truly new perspective into modern context of conscious awareness or lack of it. Life is a many splendored perspective of pure Consciousness, each with a supremely individual specific inner experience.  
Coming back to Pro-Life, with what audacity do we humans define the ever present Life !!
In the timeless and spaceless process of self-evolution, we humans are the agents of positive change as well as ultimate self destruction under the weight of self abuses. God is not an outside agency doling out blessings or issuing decrees of punishments to Life. The Cosmic Law of “ Cause and its Effect as a proportional response “  governs eternally as an omnipotent and omniscient presence . This is Life and it is not governed by any human legislation. In this perspective Pro-Life is not even an issue.
Who is to define what is Life ? Only our individual specific conscience does.  By defining Consciousness, we simply confine it within the limitations of our monkey mind.  Only after emptying ourselves of all judgemental belief systems, we become readily available to the Grace of Life.

pregnancy 3 month - YouTube
Life is Cosmic integration of five basic principles as mentioned earlier, and in this perspective Death is Cosmic dis-assembly of the same principles. Humans do not control the processes of birth and death at any stage. No one does, except the claims of human ego and ignorance !
Besides Humans, no other living species on planet Earth has any issue with Pro-Life or  voting against it.
Yet Pro-Life continues to be a major issue in every religious, and constitutional issue.
Gazing at the starlit skiers, sensing the depths of the deep blue skies above, sensing depths of the Seas and beauty of mother Nature all around us  prompts humans the sense that the Universe that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe that lies inside of us; alludes the Vedanta Philosophy of Life and its non-duality. It requires stepping within ourselves to experience it and consequently Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.
After pondering and introspecting on Life, our individual specific resume boils down to simply two words  “ I am “ Life .
The Hubble telescopes mounted on Satellites have been providing deeper and deeper insights into the Cosmic culture and architecture and sense of our relative egoistic presence in it.
Hubble Telescope pictures of deep space… boggle human imagination.
The Swiss photographer, Christian Muthsuzer provides a rare peek at the “ Shooting Stars “ descending from the deep blue skies.
--Christian Mülhsuser, Swiss, rose between August and October 2012, three times Switzerland 's most famous mountain, the Matterhorn, to make this good and beautiful film The following Swiss photographer, Christian Muth Sulzer provides us with a rare peek at the deep blue skies from a high mountain top. In addition/ video of 4.15 minutes. He stayed to sleep some nights at 2,700 m. and a temperature of -12 ° C. At that point no light pollution and the skies are wonderful.  
The music is by Roberto Cacciapaglia.

Friday, November 18, 2016

With what audacity do we humans define Life !!
In the timeless and spaceless process of self-evolution, we humans are the agents of positive change as well as ultimate self destruction under the weight of self abuses. God is not an agency doling out blessings or issuing decrees of punishments to Life. A simple Cosmic law of “ Cause and Effect as a proportional response “  governs eternally as an omnipotent and omniscient presence . This is Life and it is not governed by any human legislation. In this perspective Pro-Life is not even an issue.
Who is to define what is Life ? Only our individual specific conscience does.  By defining Consciousness, we simply confine it within the limitations of our monkey mind.

pregnancy 3 month - YouTube

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Duality of Existence

We are from the Sea and of the Sea Consciousness, yet feel separate from it and constantly in search of our true self-identity.
During early childhood, I was always fascinated by the pictures of mermaids. I imagined them to be real and dreamt of meeting and touching one of them for obvious reasons !
During the summer of 1963 out of sheer curiosity I travelled around the world as a bachelor from Chicago to Chicago covering about 19 countries. Geography being my most favorite subject throughout school years, I dreamt of seeing, smelling and touching the world with my own senses. Thanks with sheer gratitude to my Geography teacher in highschool, Mr. M. R. Bhide at Hadas Highschool, Nagpur. India.
The first day after reaching Copenhagen, Denmark, I took a traditional conducted bus tour of Copenhagen city. The tour started out with a visit to the breathless beauty of Copenhagen harbour. The tour guide pointed out to the sculpture of a Mermaid atop a pile of rocks. She has been sitting there for the past 60 years keeping an eye on the harbor,  said the tour guide. And she is still alive. I asked him, is it possible to visit her. Of course, he said. We are going to see her during this tour today. I was delighted.
After lunch break, we visited a group of seamstresses clustered in a room knitting Crochet art work. The tour guide said to me, the girl who modelled for the Mermaid sculpture at the age of 17 is sitting there. He pointed his finger at her. I said Hello to her and she waved back with a broad smile aging around 90. I requested the tour guide to tell her in her language that I have been looking forward to meet her ever since childhood. She blushed. These are happy coincidences of life. Today as I write this, I am 85 and still vividly remember her smile with twinkling eyes.
Down below is her immortal memory carved in my heart.  
The Mermaid at Copenhagen Hagen harbor, Denmark

Mermaid is a duality of reality !

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Architecture of Self-identity

Philosophy, logic, and art is the architecture of knowledge.
Religion fabricated by human mind is the architecture of self-deceit; each religion of the world is a shaded fabrication.
Integrated and assimilated self-experiences is the architecture of wisdom.

Silence of the mind is the architecture of Consciousness; our ever present, innate and eternal identity.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Awe and Wonder

Every human is born and blessed with the faculties of Awe and Wonder.
Those who effectively utilise the innate faculties, feel like a candle burning simultaneously at both ends and ultimately discover themselves.

Others fall a prey to the stupidities of adulthood.

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Global Dance and Drama of Power

Extracting from the Forwards of the Internet Dance and Drama, we get a glimpse of the Dancing Waters and Mermaids of Illegal Money ( Soft money, Hush money, काला धन ) :
“ Illegal money flows pose a massive challenge to all societies, rich and poor. Tax evasion undercuts the financing of public services and distorts the economy. Financial crime fuels and facilitates criminal activities from drug trafficking and human smuggling to theft and fraud. Corruption corrodes public institutions and warps decision-making. Terrorist finance sustains organisations that spread death and fear.

The scale of such illicit money flows is staggering. Depending on the country, tax evasion robs the public sector of anywhere between 6% and 70% of what tax authorities estimate they should be collecting. Global financial crime flows are estimated to amount to over US$2tr per year. Corruption amounts to another US$1tr. “

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Homecoming and Thanksgiving

Homecoming is a trail of conscious foot prints, without an invitation. It is the natural instinct’s need to fulfill itself.  Womb, home and childhood is a heartwarming landscape of unconditional affection.
भूगर्भ, घर और बचपन, वात्सल्यरुप प्रेम की अमर कहानी होती है।  
The journey of human life and conflict constantly yearns for an innate desire nursed by its natural instincts to merge with its absolute source.  Human intellect fails to identify it. However, the instinct innately knows that it’s real home and source is not a landscape of real estate with a name or form.
Ultimately through introspection devoid of the material body along with its brick and mortar, human instinct experiences its source as pure, all pervasive, eternal Consciousness. Its eternal nature implies endlessness, without a beginning. This seems to be the consistent prompt of every self enlightened Saint through the history of time.
Irrespective of which national calendar date we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, the essential spirit and fragrance of Homecoming and Thanksgiving is an expression of sheer Gratitude to our cosmic source.  
Every dawn effortlessly radiates its Grace.
God is not the owner of the real estate called Heaven. God is symbolic of all pervasive eternal Consciousness. The boundless Cosmos is its manifestation.
The picture above seems to radiate the Grace of Dawn preceding Sunrise.
Initiating the day with Gratitude, the period of Dawn is the most desired Yoga time in which to seek harmonious union with the Cosmic wisdom or Consciousness. In total union with it, there is no one apart to thank.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....