Friday, December 1, 2017

Defining the Undefinable

To fill the void of ignorance, only fools take the risk and have the courage for defining the undefinable such as God, Disease, Yoga, Meditation Nirvana, Unconsciousness, Spirituality, and Tango of Life!

God = Good old buddy that never answers the phone at the other end.

Disease = Dis-ease within = Absence of ease within the complex of Body-Mind-Intellect = Monkey Mind = Deprivation of common sense compounded with an overdose of intellectualism = Feet not anchored on the ground.

Yoga = Self discipline of constantly keeping grounded and maintaining balanced breathing to gain nothing tangible, except enjoying the bliss of being and becoming integral with Nature within and without .  

Meditation = Levitating self awareness beyond the limitations of body, mind and intellect.

Nirvana = Living blissfulness in which there is no further tangible need.

Unconsciousness = Panacea of being not here, not there and not anywhere else.  
Spirituality = Spirit + U + Ability to constantly beg for favors from a Buddy that never answers the phone at the other end of the line.

Tango of Life = Pairing of Devil and Divine, Heaven and Hell, Male and Female, North Pole and South Pole. Poison and Nectar of Life.

After saying and doing everything, walking your talk is the most self enriching of all life enterprises.

Welcome to the Fool’s Paradise and have a Great Day !

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