Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Tango of Two Tendencies ~~

The Tango of two seemingly different tendencies is the Cosmic Dance of Reality. It represents the simultaneous presence or co-existence of North and South Pole, Matter and AntiMatter, Male and Female, Fiction and Reality ... just to name a few. How the two different or opposite tendencies are  perceived plays out the dynamics of Life.

Cosmic nature is essentially about harmony and balance of Life seeking its own fulfillment, whereas the human Mind seems constantly agitated struggling to secure harmony within itself while glorifying it as Spirituality of a private brand.

In the so called modern era there is a constant discord raging in every household about the freedom rights of Male and Female. Neither seem to meet in harmonious accord in order to complement each other, and the dynamics of imbalanced life plays on and on.

A recently published book titled “ Walk the Talk “ authored by Dr. Anjali Hazarika ( my niece! ) presents a perspective of the ongoing Male-Female algorithm dilemma ( a link to the Youtube video of Dr. Anjali Hazarika’s comments on what her book ,"Walk the Talk"  is about. Happy viewing!

Another well known book titled “ Many Lives, Many Masters “ by Dr. Brian Weiss radiates the beauty and  fragrance of constant learning experiences for Life’s innate desire to fulfill itself.  

Life is an ongoing process for knowing and experiencing our true universal self-identity in our own self-enlightening interest, which includes, of dire necessity, “ Walking the Talk “ in all aspects of life.

Life is not all about scholarship of the Mind. This remark reminds me of a mischievous childhood prank:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
उसमें से निकले पंडित जी।
पंडित जी ने बोई धान,  
उसमें से निकले कर्या पठान।
कर्या पठान, खुदकी अज्ञानता !

This composition concludes by recalling the Cosmic Dance of Shiva and Parvati, the Tango of Male and Female tendencies harmoniously fusing into Oneness of being and becoming the cosmic Self.
The Cosmic Dance - अर्ध नारी नटेश्वर

The Male and Female tendencies in harmonic balance within an individual makes a complete human being capable of transcending the limitations of mind, body and intellect. This is the ultimate Cosmic Dance.

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