Sunday, November 26, 2017

Five Progressive Mindsets

Five fingers of human hand, unequal but mutually complementary, seem to be subtly symbolic of several perspectives of life.

Monkey to Man and eventual Self-enlightenment is a splendorous evolutionary five step journey of multidimensional experiences.

Mind is a moody Monkey Mindset, constantly riding on the shoulders begging to be channeled for productive experiences of life.

  1. Agitated Monkey Mindset - most natural and common mindset.
  2. Super-agitated Monkey Mindset - triggered by perceptions of the dynamic life.
  3. Devotional Mindset - delights indulging in devotional prayers, creative music, arts and crafts to express itself.
  4. Meditative Mindset - devoted to Introspection and derivative experiences of life.
  5. Transcendental Mindset - Transcending the limitations of physicality namely body, mind, and intellect.

These basic thoughts are derived, condensed, and interpreted from the wisdom of prior ages, summarised and communicated by Rishi Patanjali ( 5th Century BCE - 4th Century BCE )

Extrapolating the above wisdom, it seems that :

The above five stages of varying mindsets are experienced daily even by an infant in its own innocent ways.
  1. Infant gets agitated because of a need.
  2. Infant gets super-agitated when its need is not fulfilled in a reasonable time.
  3. Infant’s Mother holds, breastfeeds, and sings lullaby music. Infant relaxes and becomes peaceful.
  4. Infant quietens down and settles within itself as if in a meditative stage.
  5. Infant cuddles up in Mother’s tender loving care, experiencing sheer bliss with no further need for anything tangible.

Life seems to be a perspective, a Kaleidoscope of multi-dimensional inner experiences for self-guidance, and not a book of verses or commandments. Vedanta philosophy of Life subtly prompts that “ The Universe that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe resident within ourselves “.

The dynamics of Mind is better experienced through a self-discipline identified as “ Nadi Shodhana Pranayam” which is best accessible through a living Guru/guide/teacher of your own choice. One of the current Guru is Anandmurti Gurumaa of Ganaur, Haryana.  

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: Cleansing Before Meditation - YouTube

Concluding - Self discovery in the dynamics of the ever changing Universe is not a medal of accomplishment or honor, but simply experiencing a blissful space within which no further tangible desires or needs arise.

Reference Note - The compiler of the Yoga sūtras, a text on Yoga theory and practice,[10] and a notable scholar of Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy.[11][12] He is variously estimated to have lived between 5th century BCE to 4th century CE, with more scholars accepting dates between 2nd and 4th century CE.[13][10][14] The Yogasutras is one of the most important texts in the Hindu tradition and the foundation of classical Yoga.[15] It is the Indian Yoga text that was most translated in its medieval era into forty Indian languages.[16] Also, the third chapter is the basis for the TM-Sidhis

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