Tuesday, December 12, 2017

12 December, 2017


A childhood story reminds us of several blind men touching an elephant and reporting their own impression of what an Elephant is like.

Depending on individual perception of Life, there is no “ The Truth “, but simply  “ A Truth.

Knowing and experiencing the Truth requires intuitive common sense or earthly sense. Ants, Reptiles, Dogs, Hogs and Birds do seem to have an earthly sense ; not like intellectuals that are always looking outwards for the unknown, unseen, and undefinable ~~

It seems that for humans to become grounded necessitates passionate bend in the arts such as music, painting, sculpting, culinary, nature walking and diving under the sea of waters to whet the appetite of being and becoming an integral part of Nature all around us as well as within ourselves.

Genuine Seekers of Truth may not necessarily be the so-called religious individuals nor the scientists. Seekers are looking beyond rudimentary God, Heaven, Hell and their physicality's. Instead, Seekers transcend the limitations of books, body, mind and intellect.  Based on their soulful inner experiences they have suggested that “ The Universe that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe that lies inside of us in equal measure ( Vedanta Philosophy of Life ) ”. It is the boundary less and timeless cosmic Universe and its eternal wisdom… the word eternal implying that it is without a beginning nor an end.  The Absolute Truth is an indescribable inner experience. Only the Self-ignorant dis[lay the courage to define it with limitations of their own inexperience.     

Ultimately it seems that each one of us is the Messiah or vibration of our own conscious awareness condensing into eternal bliss ( सदचिदानंद  स्वरूप ) , beyond which no tangible or emotional need arises.  

The genuine and fearlessly independent Seekers have also prompted and affirmed through timeless space of inner experiences that the absolute or ultimate Truth is an identical experiential realisation for every Seeker,  irrespective of geography and respective culture.

Life is a rhythmic Tango of duality between the incoming breath and the outgoing breath, which lasts until the incoming breath ceases to participate.

Intellectualism and the innocence of Common Sense seldom dance Tango of life together in harmony.

Truth is not a pronouncement; rather it is a soulful inner experience of being and becoming complete from within.

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Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

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