Saturday, October 29, 2016

29 October, 2016

Cause and Curse of Self-ignorance

The very word #Religion has unfortunately become synonymous with self-ignorance and a mockery of the self sustaining cosmic evolutionary process.

Religion, #God, Heaven and Hell are states of mind, individual specific inner experiences; and not commodities for global marketing.

The term “ God, our Father in Heaven “ has been repeated like a parrot only for the past ~5M years of Cosmic evolution while inner Peace has reigned supreme, effortlessly and timelessly.

Prior to the installation of Religion, God, Heaven and Hell by humans,  the world was evolving merrily and effortlessly in its evolutionary process and still is, except the psyche of the human race.

Masculine God has become the macho owner of the real estates called Heaven and Hell, while the owner and his real estates remain intangible commodities. Yet all three intangibles including God, Heaven and Hell are marketed actively by humans in the world marketplace.

God, Allah and its 1000 equivalent adjectives assi9gned in Sanskrit language are identical intangible commodities, yet they seem to command different real estates and actively marketed globally only by humans.

A sincere seeker of the absolute #Truth does not seek an intangible real estate or its owner, but only experience the Cosmic wisdom and its all inclusive harmony as an inner experience for life to fulfill itself.

God is a noble idea and ideal that is naturally integral within each one of us and consequently it is not seeking anything outside of itself, It is the cosmic harmony and presence itself. It is simply an individual specific inner experience.

Our body is the very Temple / Mosque / Church / Gurudwara of worship because what we seek is naturally present timelessly within us in its entirety. Pilgrimage to the Holy Wall, Mecca, Madina,Tirth Sthan or any other so called Holy place of worship is a stepless journey within ourselves.

“The journey ends in Self realisation” is the only prompt of all self enlightened Masters that have embraced pure universal Consciousness.

No one descends from or ascends to the real estate called Heaven. It is a stepless journey within.

God or Allah is merely a sound and consequently a vibration akin to the timeless and self evolving Cosmos / Universe.

I cannot help but repeat often that the Literacy of Life is not about learning the alphabets or arithmetic; instead it is about experiencing the Comic harmony and wisdom within ourselves.

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