Sunday, October 23, 2016

23 October, 2016

Ego, Instinct and the Nest
अहंकार, अंतःप्रेरणा आणि घरटें

Regent´s Park - London​ : Photo

While the male Ego goes hunting and fishing for food,  the female Instinct is busy knitting the architecture of the Nest using the yarns spun out of devotion, and dedication to provide the necessary comfort and warmth for laying her eggs and later taking care of the chicks in the Nest. That is what makes a home. Male and female are Ego and Instincts complementing each other for life to maximise and fulfill itself in the evolutionary pattern.

Literacy of Life is not about learning alphabets and arithmetic; instead it is about harmonising the roles of male Ego and female Instincts that waave the architecture of life to Nest.

Every human is simultaneously an embodiment of the Ego, Instinct and the Nest.

A Nest is the Architecture of Motherly Comfort Zone.

वात्सल्य रूपी प्रेमाने विणलेले घरटें, त्याचेच नाव मंदीर ~~~

भक्त तुक्या म्हणे माझे शरीर, माझ्या देवाचे मंदीर.
My body is the temple of my God, thus devotionally sang Saint Tukaram of Maharashtra. India.

Ego, Instinct and Nest are merely words arising from an amalgamation of sounds; we give meaning to them with our free will.

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