Saturday, October 29, 2016

आज दिवाली का लक्ष्मी पूजन दिन ह

३१ अक्टूबर, २०१६

The melodious Eternal Song ( अमर भूपाली ) rendered by late Ms. Lata Mangeshkar pays tribute to the dawn of Diwali. Every dawn presents an opportunity to refresh and reinvent ourselves.

Symbolisms injecting subtle messages of wisdom abound in every colorful cultural and religious story and tradition. These are brilliantly scripted stories.

The Hindu ( भारतीय ) philosophical way of life offers full unbridled freedom to experience and interpret life at individual specific comprehension. Worshipping or not worshipping a God image is optional. Each individual may exercise the freedom to choose or not to choose an individual specific God image. Religion is simply a way of individual specific life of choice.

The image of Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped to respectfully honor the wisdom of wealth at all levels of existence. The word wealth implies blessings of good health and well being, harmony within family and environment, opportunities to serve and be blessed,  and enjoying pleasant coincidences of life in sheer gratitude.

The blindly faithful with individual choice, worship and approach the Goddess Lakshmi begging for wealth in various forms including more cash flow, diamonds, jewelry, real estate and even a condo reservation  in Heaven.  It amounts to a businessman disclosing his truthful Ledger of Accounting broadcasting business turnover to the Goddess and asking her blessings for higher turnover in the following year.  Each devotee appears to be a businessman with a personal Ledger portfolio.

In Rajasthan there is an exclusive temple dedicated to an Owl because Owl is symbolic of the bird on which Goddess Lakshmi transports herself. For this reason, an Own is honored as Lakshmi’s emissary or messenger. Human greed or weakness for accumulating material wealth knows no bounds. in the process of blind faith, a natural bird like an Owl gets elevated to a higher pedestal of human consciousness. Owl is respected as a devdoot ( देवदूत ) or confidant of Goddess Lakshmi.

Symbolically each God image in Hindu philosophical thought has been assigned either a seafaring creature ( fish ), flying bird or beast as its favorite riding accompaniment in order to imply the all inclusiveness of the Cosmic presence. The image of Lord Ganesh, with a human body and an Elephant head is symbolic of an integrated complementary structure of human and elephant. He is son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. A tell tale story narrates how a normal human baby by birth, grows up and later as a teenager gets his head cut off while engaged in a battle with a stranger trying to enter his residence. The stranger was his father, Lord Mahadeo. After the mistaken identity was realised, an elephant head was transplanted on to the human body of the teenager through a cosmic surgery.

The list of imaginative subtle associations of Divinity and living species is limitless; primarily bringing out the essence of Cosmic all inclusiveness.

श्री लक्ष्मी देवी का वाहन, देवदूत उल्लू

आज, श्रद्धा भावसे श्री लक्ष्मी देवी का पूजन कीजिये, कुछ बिना मांगे।  
तेल का दीया और उसके प्रकाश में, आपका अज्ञान दूर करनेकी क्षमता है।  
जिंदगी में, जो कुछ आपके श्रम दानसे मिलना है वही पाओगे, बिना कुछ मागे।  
कुछ कम नहीं और कुछ ज्यादा भी नहीं।  
इसीका नाम है श्रद्धा और आत्मजागृति ।  

29 October, 2016

Cause and Curse of Self-ignorance

The very word #Religion has unfortunately become synonymous with self-ignorance and a mockery of the self sustaining cosmic evolutionary process.

Religion, #God, Heaven and Hell are states of mind, individual specific inner experiences; and not commodities for global marketing.

The term “ God, our Father in Heaven “ has been repeated like a parrot only for the past ~5M years of Cosmic evolution while inner Peace has reigned supreme, effortlessly and timelessly.

Prior to the installation of Religion, God, Heaven and Hell by humans,  the world was evolving merrily and effortlessly in its evolutionary process and still is, except the psyche of the human race.

Masculine God has become the macho owner of the real estates called Heaven and Hell, while the owner and his real estates remain intangible commodities. Yet all three intangibles including God, Heaven and Hell are marketed actively by humans in the world marketplace.

God, Allah and its 1000 equivalent adjectives assi9gned in Sanskrit language are identical intangible commodities, yet they seem to command different real estates and actively marketed globally only by humans.

A sincere seeker of the absolute #Truth does not seek an intangible real estate or its owner, but only experience the Cosmic wisdom and its all inclusive harmony as an inner experience for life to fulfill itself.

God is a noble idea and ideal that is naturally integral within each one of us and consequently it is not seeking anything outside of itself, It is the cosmic harmony and presence itself. It is simply an individual specific inner experience.

Our body is the very Temple / Mosque / Church / Gurudwara of worship because what we seek is naturally present timelessly within us in its entirety. Pilgrimage to the Holy Wall, Mecca, Madina,Tirth Sthan or any other so called Holy place of worship is a stepless journey within ourselves.

“The journey ends in Self realisation” is the only prompt of all self enlightened Masters that have embraced pure universal Consciousness.

No one descends from or ascends to the real estate called Heaven. It is a stepless journey within.

God or Allah is merely a sound and consequently a vibration akin to the timeless and self evolving Cosmos / Universe.

I cannot help but repeat often that the Literacy of Life is not about learning the alphabets or arithmetic; instead it is about experiencing the Comic harmony and wisdom within ourselves.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Diwali Celebrations....
शुभ दीपावली । सर्वे भवान्तु सुखिनः

Essential spirit of Diwali
Is celebrating the eradication of
Self-ignorance, enjoying a sweet aroma lingering in the mind,
And wishing Happiness for all living beings.

Literacy of Life
Is not  about learning Alphabets and Arithmetic;
Instead, it is all about experiencing the wisdom of
Cosmic Harmony within.

Best wishes to one and all for enjoyment of the Diwali festival, and the
Grace of Oil Lamps in a spirit of sheer Gratitude.

28 Oct. 2016

Ego and Political Campaign - USA 2016

Ego is a many splendored voices and vices; a balloon inflated with Several gases including Oxygen, Nitrogen and poof Carbon dioxide.  

Ego is a cultivated faculty that oozes out of every pore of the human body’s existence from the smallest to the grossest. The smallest pores of the body are the sweat glands enabling sweat to flow out for relief from hot and stuffy political weather. The relatively larger pores range in sizes from the Mouth Hole to the Ass hole.

During political campaigns, all pores open up as blazing guns.

After the US election campaign is over on 8th Nov. 2016 and the final verdict is declared, reality will dawn  again.

The voters trust, Capable governance over Tribal governance for enhancing the spirit of all inclusiveness, which is the foundation of the American Nation.  Common sense prompts that God is not science and science is not God. Trust in each other empowers a Nation to its full evolutionary potential.

“ At the present historical crossroads, America is indisputably an impressionable world power.  For better or worse, the world youth looks up to America, which puts a heavy burden of responsibility on Americans, just as parents of a child feel responsible to behave themselves.

Even the United Nations Organisation (UNO) is clamoring for an all inclusive vision on the part of world leadership that will take full responsibility for its actions.  The world as a whole has never been so affluent as this generation in history and yet there are several economically challenged and impoverished people globally. Educating and enabling these economically challenged will be far better long range investment  in human endeavor rather than financing and conducting Ego driven tribal warfare costing several Trillion dollars more every year. These Trillions are spent disproportionately on supporting self damaging industries including weapons, drugs and walls of attrition to name a few.  

On Tuesday, 08 November, 2016 it is important that every vote including Presidential and Congressional choices be cast with full individual consciousness rather than tribal obligations… to achieve a gradual transformation to a more effective National governance and visionary leadership “....said free willed Guru, Jaggi Vasudev ( www: Isha Yoga Foundation. org ) in his recent discourse in Chicago, Illinois on 13th October, 2016:
Check out this video on YouTube: for Jaggi Vasudev’s Chicago discourse on 13 October, 2016

28 October, 2026

Silencing of the Wolves

Memories and Meditation are about Sound and Silence respectively.

Memories is an imaginary pack of wolves constantly trying to hound and preventing us from feeling our own Presence. Meditation is about silencing of the wolves.

An age old burning question constantly hounds humanity.
Who am I ?
The question answers itself, only experientially “ I am “.
I = my Ego, full of explosive shit.
am = Presence, the silent witness of my witness.

When the Ego dissolves completely, only “am” remains.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

27  Oct. 2016

Understanding Celibacy
ब्रह्मचर्य एक मनो अवस्था

Cellibacy is all about abstaining from more than necessary physical and emotional attachments to attain a state of equanimity and harmony with life. It is not about abstaining from sex alone.

ब्रह्मचर्य अवस्था याने भोगी से योगी बनना ; और योगी याने स्वयंसिद्ध होकर स्थितप्रदन्य अवस्था को प्राप्त होना, जिस निर्मल मनमें ना सुखः और ना  दुःख।  ब्रह्मचर्य एक मनोवस्था है जिसका “ शादी नहीं करना “, ये सिर्फ उसका मतलब नहीं होता।  

भारत के आधुनिक प्रधान मंत्री, श्री नरेंद्र मोदी , ब्रह्मचर्य आत्म अनुशासन का पालन करते रहे हैं। इस उसूल में भारतीय जनता समझ पायेगी कि प्रधान मंत्री मोदी किस पानीमें हैं।  
संसार की खींच और तानमें रहेकेर भी, मानव ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन कर सकता है। एक दृष्टिकोणसे ब्रह्मचर्य याने बौद्धिक मनोवस्था है।  

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

२५ अक्टूबर, २०१६

Master, Wife, and Slave
साहेब, बीबी, और गुलाम

हरेक इन्सान खुद्द की अवकात मुताबिक जबान को मतलब देता है।  
अवकात, ये खुदके सोच की असलियत की परिभाषा है।   

साहेब शब्द ईश्वर, खुदाह अथवा भगवान के लिये इश्तमाल होता है।
बीबी  शब्द, पुरुष की अर्धांगिनी।  
पुरुष अथवा नर, अकेला कभी पूरा नहीं हो सकता।  
गुलाम, तन और मन की मजबूरी आदतें होती है।  

हरेक इंसान तन और मन की पूरी आझादी से पैदा होता है।  
दुनिया उसे शरारत सिखाती है तेरा, मेरा और हमारा की परिभाषा में।

निर्मल जागृती अहेसास दिलाते रहती है,
श्री तेरा तुझको अर्पण, क्या लागे मेरा।  

साहेब, बीबी और गुलाम एक सोच है,

जो खुदकी असली पहचान दिलाती है।  

Monday, October 24, 2016

24 October, 2016

Humans and Nonhumans

Chakras are simply energy points within every living species.

Humans and all other living species have a brain of their own that drives them in life activities.  The only difference that makes humans stand out is that human brain has the capacity for logic. However, when a human does not utilise the capacity of logic, the consequences are obvious.

For humans, religion in its essence is solely an individual specific way of life. Organised religion ensures a mess and mockery of humanity which is so clearly evident throughout the history of world todate.  

When a human loses individuality or belief in self , what simply happens is :
Man + Asses = Masses

Built in instincts rather than outside commandments are the main drivers of life. Each human is an amalgamation of two prime faculties namely masculine Ego and feminine Intuition. A harmonious balance between the two faculties makes a human complete within itself.  This completeness is the divine and heavenly existence.

Yoga is an amalgamated system of self discipline that enables a human to maximise its evolutionary potential. It is no magic, no miracles, no promises ; just a complete inner experience of harmony and bliss beyond which there is no need.

Our human body is the complete repertory for all that we ever need to know about life and its Cosmic dynamics. It is a stepless journey within.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

23 October, 2016

Ultimate Victor for the Presidency in US Politics, 2016

On 09 November, 2016 there will be one final choice out of the two viable finalists flagging either an Elephant or a Donkey respectively.

Maj. Gen. Douglas MacArthur wrote in his memoirs,

23 October, 2016

The Miracle called Monkey Mind

Living Human Mind has the unique capacity to simultaneously be a friend and a foe; it sucs up old memories to immediately fill a void in the present.

Yet between the two half lobes of the brain, the Right and Left or alternately the Scientific and Artistic is an empty space that has the capacity to attain the supreme Cosmic balance and harmony.  

This is the meditative Mind.

23 October, 2016

Ego, Instinct and the Nest
अहंकार, अंतःप्रेरणा आणि घरटें

Regent´s Park - London​ : Photo

While the male Ego goes hunting and fishing for food,  the female Instinct is busy knitting the architecture of the Nest using the yarns spun out of devotion, and dedication to provide the necessary comfort and warmth for laying her eggs and later taking care of the chicks in the Nest. That is what makes a home. Male and female are Ego and Instincts complementing each other for life to maximise and fulfill itself in the evolutionary pattern.

Literacy of Life is not about learning alphabets and arithmetic; instead it is about harmonising the roles of male Ego and female Instincts that waave the architecture of life to Nest.

Every human is simultaneously an embodiment of the Ego, Instinct and the Nest.

A Nest is the Architecture of Motherly Comfort Zone.

वात्सल्य रूपी प्रेमाने विणलेले घरटें, त्याचेच नाव मंदीर ~~~

भक्त तुक्या म्हणे माझे शरीर, माझ्या देवाचे मंदीर.
My body is the temple of my God, thus devotionally sang Saint Tukaram of Maharashtra. India.

Ego, Instinct and Nest are merely words arising from an amalgamation of sounds; we give meaning to them with our free will.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....