Sunday, December 30, 2018


31 December, 2018




Monday, December 24, 2018


25 December, 2018



Friday, October 19, 2018

२०१८ - दशहरा और दीवाली का माहौल

२०१८ - दशहरा और दीवाली का माहौल
जाब हम सब हिल मिलकर राजी, तबही दशेरा दीवाली ~~

छाया चित्र -  आत्म जागृती का जगदीप  

सर्वप्रथम याद और सावधान रहें, सारे धर्मग्रंथ और धर्मयुद्ध केवल संकेतिक भाषा में ही कल्पित, कथित, और फिर लिखित अर्पण होते है।  
अंध विश्वास में खुद को घेर कर, आतंकवादी ना बनिए ।

मर्यादा पूर्ण श्री राम और ज्ञान अहंकार अधिकारी श्री दशानन रावण के अनेक अवतार रूप प्रचलित महसूस होते  हैं ।

दशेरा / दशहरा और दिवाली के माहौल में :
राम रमैय्या गाए  जा, कृष्ण कन्हैय्य्या साध्वी मीरा के अंग-संग नाचे जा,
राम रावण लढ़ाते जा, रावणमार क्षण याद करते जा।
अहंकार के नाभी/दुन्नी में, रामबाण केंद्रित किये जा।
आझमाँ लो यारों , सारे जीवों में राम ही राम,  सतनाम।

छाया चित्र - रामबाण का निशाना रावण अहंकार के नाभी पर केंद्रित

इस दशेरा और दीवाली के माहौल में,
काली माता, दुर्गा की महानता याद किये जा,  
कालिया मर्दन याद किये जा,
छाया चित्र - कालिया मर्दन / काल के काले नाग / अजगर का मर्दन श्री कृष्ण के पैरों तल्ले

मानव मन रूपी बंदर और बंदरी को नचाते जा,
भोग की भूल भुलैय्या चखते जा।
इसी का नाम है जिंदगी, जो सिर्फ एक ख्वाब और मायाजाल महसूस होता है ।
दशेरा और दीवाली का माहौल मनाते और आझमाते जाओ प्यारों ,
खुशिओं की खुशबू और  दुआएं पुष्प जैसे फैलाते जाओ ।  
ॐ सत्यम शिवम सुंदरम, और सत्चिदानंद सिर्फ एकही अनुभूति।  
इन्सान के इन्सानियत की  जागृती ~~~

आप सब को दशेरा और दीवाली के रौशनी और जागृती की शुभ कामनाएं ~~
ॐ शांति ॐ।   

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Self ennobling universal wisdom remains forever the unwritten Scripture of Life  :

  • By giving selflessly, we receive endlessly… experiential wisdom vented by Saint Matthew,    
  • Vengeful rage is the most self-punitive terrorism….experiential wisdom.
  • My body is the temple of my God,,, Saint Tukaram.
  • Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within.. Vedanta philosophy.
  • Your children are not yours although they come from you; for they are life’s own desire to fulfill itself….Sufi philosophy.
  • What you seek in Heaven, resides within you...Jesus of Nazareth.
  • Heaven lies at the feet of Mother...wisdom of free spirit expressed by Islam.  
  • If you don’t learn to respect age, time  bends you forward.,,,experiential wisdom.
  • Becoming rich is not a Sin; becoming greedy is….experiential wisdom.
  •  God is indivisible pure consciousness; and no ones exclusivity… Vedanta philosophy.
  • Spirituality is consciousness beyond physicality and its inherent limitations.,, Vedanta philosophy.
  • Religion is DNA that we inherit from Mother, which is abundantly audible through our daily conduct of life, free of rituals, while our Father is the cofounder.
  • Excruciating pain of self-ignorance eventually drives each one of us to become seeker of reality in the constantly changing dynamics of existence ..Vedanta philosophy.

To be continued in the silence of being and becoming our natural Self ~~as we  do in the warmth of motherly Womb~~~~


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Music of Life

Image - The seven colors of Life reflecting as Rainbow

The inner music of life becomes gradually audible as the outer music silences.
The inner music stems from the subtle flow of breath and blood streams within.
Ayurveda is the science of listening to the subtle flow of breath and blood streams within the body.
Ayurveda  is not about physical measurements of parameters; instead it is about balancing and harmonising the life sustaining and enriching forces within.
Yoga and meditation is is about establishing harmony within in order to enrich the music of life.  

Saturday, September 15, 2018

15 Sept. 2018
Religious Conversion - धर्मान्तर
Individual specific Religion seems to be a mixed pickle of conscious and subconscious life awareness.
वैयक्तिक धर्म हमारे अखंड संचित कर्मों का मिश्रित अचार महसूस होताहै।

Religious conversion is not about switching from Republicans to Democrats or vice versa.
Alternately, it is not about shifting from one level if insanity to another.
धर्मान्तर का मतलब एक राजनीतिक संस्था से दूसरी राजनीतिक संस्था में प्रवेश करना नही होता।  
अथवा, एक पागलपन को व्होडकर दूसरे पागलपन को स्वीकार करना नही होता।  

Self-enriching transformation is about steplessly entering into a conscious state of nothingness,
in which nothing ever changes.
स्वयं परिवर्तन का मतलब होता है, खुदकी अज्ञानता के अँधेरे से बाहर आकर,
एकाग्र चिंतन द्वारे,
आत्मज्ञान और आत्मबोध की अनुभूति को प्राप्त होना;  
जैसे हुतात्मा शहीद होकर  वीर गति को प्राप्त होते हैं;
अथवा गौतम -सिद्धार्थ,
स्वयं सिद्ध होकर बुद्धावस्था अथवा निर्वाण स्थिति को प्राप्त होते हैं।   


Thursday, September 13, 2018


In sheer gratitude, a tribute to the spirit of every purposeful fighter in life.

Nagpur bears the Zero Mile marker of India/Bharat.
In the Dhantoli Park @ Nagpur, an etched Granite memorabilia has been
installed in September 2015 in honor of the 50th Anniversary of martyr
Maj. Surendra Madhusudan Deo and the joint spirit of his martyred
comrades in the Indo-Pak Wars.

The Motto of Indian Artillery in which Major Deo served until his Martyrdom
is “ Sarvatra Izzat-O-Iqbal “ ( Everywhere with Honor and Glory ).  
Now Indian Artillery is identified as Missile Battery.

After having served the motto or creed of professional responsibilities to
the best of individual abilities, every Martyr lays in peace and tranquility
without any luggage and baggage of life.

A sculptor team of Jaipur, Rajasthan has crafted and executed the elegant
piece of sculpture while Maj. Deo’s wife, Anuradha, has solely directed and
financed the entire project including the renovation and maintenance of
the park during 1965-67.  During the same period Nagpur Municipal Corp.
graciously renamed the Dhantoli Park in honor of the city’s Martyr Son,
Maj. Surendra Madhusudan Deo, who was born adjacent to this park in
Dr. Nakhare’s Bungalow @ 389 Abhyankar Road, Dhantoli, and had
frequently played in this park during childhood and high school years.

Photo : Memorial for Major Surendra Madhusudan Deo .
Born 26 September 1934, Martyrdom 16 September 1965.

Wreath bearing silent and respectful devotion is offered on 16th September,
which marks the Anniversary of Maj. Surendra Deo’s Martyrdom along with
his fallen comrades.

Martyrdom is an ever present spirit in defense of uncompromised freedom,
leaving its indelible mark in the hearts of  all countrymen; expressing itself
through every thing that lives; including plants that grow up and blossom
to their fullest beauty, and fragrance in fulfillment of life.  

It is a sincere desire that every purposeful fighter’s life and sacrifices be
blessed with the Grace that transcends physicality and its limitations.
Following song seems to touch a cord of this emotion.

Neele Gagan Ke Tale Dharti Ka Pyaar 

Often It occurs to the mind,
We are born in the silence of our Mother’s womb.
With the Grace of our parental world of relationships,
We experience the fathomless dimensions of life,
And with a purposeful pursuit of life with self-responsibility,
We become available to the cosmic wisdom of Oneness .

कभी कभी ख़याल आता है ,  
माँ के गर्भकी शांततामें से हम पैदा होते हैं,
सदा मातृपक्ष और पितृपक्ष की दुवाएं पाकर,
हम जीतेजी  जिंदगी को आझमाते हैं,
और खुदके पुरुषार्थ और जिम्मेदारिओं से ही,
एकमेव वैश्विक अनुभूति को प्राप्त होते हैं।  ॐ।

Martyr Maj. Surendra Madhusudan Deo

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Sketch - The Last Supper

Some are sure that it is their Last Supper before the Revelation.

Some lose their appetite for Supper because of an inner undiagnosed Leakage. .


Friday, August 31, 2018

Teacher, Preacher, and Yogi-Brother

Image - Yogi Brother that communicates and shares at equal level

A Teacher teaches from the pulpit using authorized books of knowledge such as Torah, Bible, Quran, Purana, Gita,
Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and the likes.
A Preacher preaches from self-elevated pulpit, but lacks direct personal experience in what is lectured to audiences
time and time again.
Repetition don’t make no Truth says Mississippi brotherhood.
A Yogi-Brother simply shares internalized wisdom with every Brother-Seeker that is desirous of it; in a spirit of equality
that condenses and coalesces together the Seeker and the Sought.

In the world full of dualities, Yoga implies condensing and coalescing into a singular identity, as do Dewdrops.  
This composition is not about  Quantum Physics nor a Book of Revelations;
it is only about nascent self-realization in the dynamics of the constantly changing Universe of which every life is
an integral part.

The same Sun, Moon and the starlit Sky is the constant witness to the same, one and only,  timeless and spaceless Truth.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Independence Day

INDEPENDENCE DAY - स्वतंत्रता दिन   
15 August 2018 - १५ अगस्त,  २०१८
Reflections -

Reflections - Dancing Waters

Independence Day or moment is experienced differently at individual
specific level and at National level because it engulfs broad spectrum of freedom

  1. भाबी -
जीवन में सदा संतोषीरूप भाबी ( जमनी नावाणि बुट्टाणी  - Jamni
Navani Butani ) lay in tranquil demeanor on her bed in दिल्ली  
Hospital under the affectionate presence and care of her three children Pushpa, Usha, and
Jawahar. One day during that period, Bhabi confided in her usual soft voice in pure Sindhi
tongue "Guru is coming to fetch ". A short while later during the same day, Bhabi inhaled a
few deep breaths and peacefully relinquished her mortal body.,.. उड़ गई हंसा अकेली अवधूता बनकर।  
अवधूता = शरीर, मन, बुद्धी, और स्मृतियों से स्वतंत्रता / आझादी।  

Note :The above incidence was almost two decades ago.

  1. India Independence Day - भारत स्वतंत्रता दिन
India claimed Independence from the seemingly indirect and direct stages of British
Rule of 250+ years on 15th August 1947, while still retaining itself as a honorary member of the
British Commonwealth as if it was a Jewel hanging in the Crown ego.
The self enslaved mind of India / भारत ushered into a new era of splitting itself further into
independent Nations namely India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Earlier to that during early 1900,
the British had used their own prerogative to subdivide the Indian subcontinent into India, Burma
, and Ceylon for their own convenience of more effectively ruling the territory.

From an overall perspective, the political splitting of the subcontinent had claimed unaccounted
million native lives and increased mutual animosities for which every native resident  of the
subcontinent bears full responsibility.

Finally on 26 January, 1950, India declared itself as a free Independent Republic.  Freedom came to India in tumultuous steps of self realisation.

Now almost seven decades later, the remnants of the enslaved Indian mind still imitates the
foreign elements like Chimps do. The original precious identity of the subcontinent namely
Bharat-भारत  is still spelled in English as India instead of Bharat; while it sings its National Anthem
with the words“ Bharat Bhagya Vidhata - भारत भाग्य विधाता ! ( Ref: Vatan - Zero Mile by
Suresh Deo @, and ).

From a self enriching perspective, the word Bharat - भारत  is indicative of the seamless conscious
awareness in which to realize our intrinsic and all inclusive universal identity; in which life
blossoms and fulfills itself.

These are the Dancing Waters of Life and their reflections in full freedom of being and becoming
our natural selves.

May the freedom spirit of mutual harmony reign supreme at all times .

Thursday, July 5, 2018

05 JULY, 2018

It seems that :

In the seamless process of natural evolution, Self-induced we arrive in this world to explore the possibilities of existence.
Grazing on the pastures of possibilities, we explore life in its unfathomable  dimensions.
In vain, we intellectualise and define life realising only our ignorance.
Gradually, we realise that intelligence and wisdom of life may be unrelated faculties.
Intelligence is only gathered from outside, whereas wisdom is realization condensing from within our
conscious awareness as pure Dewdrops.

Eventually,  through the passage of birth, life, death and transformation, our consciousness moves on  to soulfully
more nutritious pastures of possibilities; until there is no further need for another pasture.
In the silence of physical body. It is the consciousness of transcending the limitations of all physicality in which
the finite and the infinite coalesce into a singular identity.

The philosophies of life originating from the Indian subcontinent identify the unitary consciousness as Advaita   ( अद्वैत ),
Nirvana ( निर्वाण ), Ekonkar ( एकांकार ) or Om ( ॐ ).
Philosophies of life originating in other cultures of the world subscribe to the expressions of Amen and Hu’ ( हूँ ) .

Ultimately, life forever remains as the perception of the perceiver while living under the same deep blue skies.  

Monday, July 2, 2018

Yoga -  योग
A Perspective  :
Yoga = Conscious union or consecration of the Finite with the Infinite dimension.
योग = जीवन शक्ति एकीकरण: समीकरण नही।
योग है, सनातन अथवा अखंड आत्मज्ञान परम्परा।  
योग एक समर्पित धारणा / इबादत है जिसका बौद्धिक विश्लेषण करना,  
वक्त की फजूल बरबादी होती है।

कर्म धर्म और योग संयोग के द्वारा, जीवन अनुभूति को प्राप्त होना ये गहरा एकमेव लक्ष है।  

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....