Thursday, September 13, 2018


In sheer gratitude, a tribute to the spirit of every purposeful fighter in life.

Nagpur bears the Zero Mile marker of India/Bharat.
In the Dhantoli Park @ Nagpur, an etched Granite memorabilia has been
installed in September 2015 in honor of the 50th Anniversary of martyr
Maj. Surendra Madhusudan Deo and the joint spirit of his martyred
comrades in the Indo-Pak Wars.

The Motto of Indian Artillery in which Major Deo served until his Martyrdom
is “ Sarvatra Izzat-O-Iqbal “ ( Everywhere with Honor and Glory ).  
Now Indian Artillery is identified as Missile Battery.

After having served the motto or creed of professional responsibilities to
the best of individual abilities, every Martyr lays in peace and tranquility
without any luggage and baggage of life.

A sculptor team of Jaipur, Rajasthan has crafted and executed the elegant
piece of sculpture while Maj. Deo’s wife, Anuradha, has solely directed and
financed the entire project including the renovation and maintenance of
the park during 1965-67.  During the same period Nagpur Municipal Corp.
graciously renamed the Dhantoli Park in honor of the city’s Martyr Son,
Maj. Surendra Madhusudan Deo, who was born adjacent to this park in
Dr. Nakhare’s Bungalow @ 389 Abhyankar Road, Dhantoli, and had
frequently played in this park during childhood and high school years.

Photo : Memorial for Major Surendra Madhusudan Deo .
Born 26 September 1934, Martyrdom 16 September 1965.

Wreath bearing silent and respectful devotion is offered on 16th September,
which marks the Anniversary of Maj. Surendra Deo’s Martyrdom along with
his fallen comrades.

Martyrdom is an ever present spirit in defense of uncompromised freedom,
leaving its indelible mark in the hearts of  all countrymen; expressing itself
through every thing that lives; including plants that grow up and blossom
to their fullest beauty, and fragrance in fulfillment of life.  

It is a sincere desire that every purposeful fighter’s life and sacrifices be
blessed with the Grace that transcends physicality and its limitations.
Following song seems to touch a cord of this emotion.

Neele Gagan Ke Tale Dharti Ka Pyaar 

Often It occurs to the mind,
We are born in the silence of our Mother’s womb.
With the Grace of our parental world of relationships,
We experience the fathomless dimensions of life,
And with a purposeful pursuit of life with self-responsibility,
We become available to the cosmic wisdom of Oneness .

कभी कभी ख़याल आता है ,  
माँ के गर्भकी शांततामें से हम पैदा होते हैं,
सदा मातृपक्ष और पितृपक्ष की दुवाएं पाकर,
हम जीतेजी  जिंदगी को आझमाते हैं,
और खुदके पुरुषार्थ और जिम्मेदारिओं से ही,
एकमेव वैश्विक अनुभूति को प्राप्त होते हैं।  ॐ।

Martyr Maj. Surendra Madhusudan Deo

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