Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Tango of Two Tendencies ~~

The Tango of two seemingly different tendencies is the Cosmic Dance of Reality. It represents the simultaneous presence or co-existence of North and South Pole, Matter and AntiMatter, Male and Female, Fiction and Reality ... just to name a few. How the two different or opposite tendencies are  perceived plays out the dynamics of Life.

Cosmic nature is essentially about harmony and balance of Life seeking its own fulfillment, whereas the human Mind seems constantly agitated struggling to secure harmony within itself while glorifying it as Spirituality of a private brand.

In the so called modern era there is a constant discord raging in every household about the freedom rights of Male and Female. Neither seem to meet in harmonious accord in order to complement each other, and the dynamics of imbalanced life plays on and on.

A recently published book titled “ Walk the Talk “ authored by Dr. Anjali Hazarika ( my niece! ) presents a perspective of the ongoing Male-Female algorithm dilemma ( a link to the Youtube video of Dr. Anjali Hazarika’s comments on what her book ,"Walk the Talk"  is about. Happy viewing!

Another well known book titled “ Many Lives, Many Masters “ by Dr. Brian Weiss radiates the beauty and  fragrance of constant learning experiences for Life’s innate desire to fulfill itself.  

Life is an ongoing process for knowing and experiencing our true universal self-identity in our own self-enlightening interest, which includes, of dire necessity, “ Walking the Talk “ in all aspects of life.

Life is not all about scholarship of the Mind. This remark reminds me of a mischievous childhood prank:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
उसमें से निकले पंडित जी।
पंडित जी ने बोई धान,  
उसमें से निकले कर्या पठान।
कर्या पठान, खुदकी अज्ञानता !

This composition concludes by recalling the Cosmic Dance of Shiva and Parvati, the Tango of Male and Female tendencies harmoniously fusing into Oneness of being and becoming the cosmic Self.
The Cosmic Dance - अर्ध नारी नटेश्वर

The Male and Female tendencies in harmonic balance within an individual makes a complete human being capable of transcending the limitations of mind, body and intellect. This is the ultimate Cosmic Dance.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Five Progressive Mindsets

Five fingers of human hand, unequal but mutually complementary, seem to be subtly symbolic of several perspectives of life.

Monkey to Man and eventual Self-enlightenment is a splendorous evolutionary five step journey of multidimensional experiences.

Mind is a moody Monkey Mindset, constantly riding on the shoulders begging to be channeled for productive experiences of life.

  1. Agitated Monkey Mindset - most natural and common mindset.
  2. Super-agitated Monkey Mindset - triggered by perceptions of the dynamic life.
  3. Devotional Mindset - delights indulging in devotional prayers, creative music, arts and crafts to express itself.
  4. Meditative Mindset - devoted to Introspection and derivative experiences of life.
  5. Transcendental Mindset - Transcending the limitations of physicality namely body, mind, and intellect.

These basic thoughts are derived, condensed, and interpreted from the wisdom of prior ages, summarised and communicated by Rishi Patanjali ( 5th Century BCE - 4th Century BCE )

Extrapolating the above wisdom, it seems that :

The above five stages of varying mindsets are experienced daily even by an infant in its own innocent ways.
  1. Infant gets agitated because of a need.
  2. Infant gets super-agitated when its need is not fulfilled in a reasonable time.
  3. Infant’s Mother holds, breastfeeds, and sings lullaby music. Infant relaxes and becomes peaceful.
  4. Infant quietens down and settles within itself as if in a meditative stage.
  5. Infant cuddles up in Mother’s tender loving care, experiencing sheer bliss with no further need for anything tangible.

Life seems to be a perspective, a Kaleidoscope of multi-dimensional inner experiences for self-guidance, and not a book of verses or commandments. Vedanta philosophy of Life subtly prompts that “ The Universe that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe resident within ourselves “.

The dynamics of Mind is better experienced through a self-discipline identified as “ Nadi Shodhana Pranayam” which is best accessible through a living Guru/guide/teacher of your own choice. One of the current Guru is Anandmurti Gurumaa of Ganaur, Haryana.  

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: Cleansing Before Meditation - YouTube

Concluding - Self discovery in the dynamics of the ever changing Universe is not a medal of accomplishment or honor, but simply experiencing a blissful space within which no further tangible desires or needs arise.

Reference Note - The compiler of the Yoga sūtras, a text on Yoga theory and practice,[10] and a notable scholar of Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy.[11][12] He is variously estimated to have lived between 5th century BCE to 4th century CE, with more scholars accepting dates between 2nd and 4th century CE.[13][10][14] The Yogasutras is one of the most important texts in the Hindu tradition and the foundation of classical Yoga.[15] It is the Indian Yoga text that was most translated in its medieval era into forty Indian languages.[16] Also, the third chapter is the basis for the TM-Sidhis

Thursday, November 23, 2017





Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanksgiving Tradition ~~

In the timeless time and spaceless space, this moment is a Thanksgiving Tradition globally. Thanksgiving and praying without expecting anything in return.

The Grain, Grit, Gratitude, and abundance of Common Sense along with unbridled freedom for its use, we the people of the Earthly Fraternity celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving globally and call it a Global Thanksgiving Day.   

The season is gradually changing and accordingly the moods change, and that is reason enough to celebrate the dynamics of Life.

For our own sake, this is not a Religious Day of pomp and segmentation; instead it is a day of humbly sharing mutual warmth. How can anyone alive today talk about the realm of God, Heaven, Devil and Hell when none of us has ever visited the physicality's of those four grandiose ideas. Each one of us, anywhere on planet Earth, unquestionably has the Devil and the Divine nature resident within ourselves….only if we care enough to peep within; which is a steeples journey.

Therefore today in sheer gratitude and love of Life, let us:

Thank the cosmic Wisdom that gently prompts us to respect Life in all of its forms; for at its feet lies the Heavenly Bliss that each one of us constantly seeks and deserves. Ultimately on being and becoming our own true self, each one of us becomes the Messiah of our own universal awareness. Life is not a scripture of words, but simply a silent inner experience beyond words.

Thank Mother Earth that provides us our daily nutrition, which in turn becomes us and the recyclable.
Thank the Hands that directly or indirectly feed us daily every time we eat.
Thank the Turkey and the Cocky birdies that sing Ku-Karuch-Koo every morning to wake us up from slumbering life style.
Thank the Spirit of Togetherness that engages our mutual relationships.
Thank the Present Moments and Day that make it all possible.  
Thank the Beauty, Blossom, and Fragrance of this blessed Life.
Thank the Rhythmic Breath that keeps us alive as long as we deserve it.
Thank the Pumpkin that becomes our sweet Pumpkin Pie for the day !
Thank the Leftovers that greet us with love the following day.
Last, but not the least by any measure,
Thank the Twinkling Stars, up above the world so high, that are ever willing to receive us unconditionally in their fraternity, and give us space amongst them, after we have completed our soulful journey on planet Earth.

Thanksgiving is a bouquet of blissful thoughts of the moment extended over the entire day to cherish Life, its sanctity, beauty and fragrance.

May the Grace of Mother Earth and the unfathomable deep blue Sky bless us, one and all.

For celebrating this Thanksgiving occasion, let us play our own favorite Music of Life. As for myself, I have chosen the following music that sings to the spirit of the universal Grace.

Hey Neele Gagan Ke Tale Dharti Ka Pyar Pale - Humraaz (1967 ...
Nov 27, 2009 - Uploaded by Suhail Ahmad
Mix - Hey Neele Gagan Ke Tale Dharti Ka Pyar Pale - Humraaz (1967)YouTube. Best Of Mahendra ...

Have a Great intimate Date with ToDay !

Sunday, November 19, 2017

मन की जंजीरें और मजबूरियां ~~

मन की जंजीरें और मजबूरियां,
अफसोस है, इसी का नाम बन जाता है जीवन।  

हरेक भाषा इन्सान ने फ़र्माई है; वो कोई भगवान/अल्लाह/गॉड की आकाश वाणी नहीं।  
हरेक भाषा खुदकी सोचको आझमाँने की चाहत रखती है।     
खुद्द और खुदाह/गॉड/ईश्वर, यह खुद की असली वैश्विक पहचान का मसला है, एक अनभूति है।  
ऊस अनुभूती को प्राप्त होना, जिंदगी की अंतर्यामी प्यास और पुकार होती है।   

गुरू और सद्गुरू में गहरा फर्क होता है।   
गुरू, ज्ञान और अज्ञान की परिभाषा सिखाते हैं।
गुरू किताबें पढ़कर, मंच से दूसरों को आदेश देते है;  
जैसे पंडितजी का अन्तर्यामी ध्यान बिना पांडित्य,
मिशनरी और मुल्लाह का दूसरों को धर्म परिवर्तन करने का अखंड प्रयास।  
सद्गुरू वो होते है, जो आत्मज्ञान अनुभूति को प्राप्त हुए है।
सद्गुरू की उपस्थिति में, हमारी नजरिया झुकती है बदन के साथ।   
अनुभूति है जीवन और फूलों के बहार की खुशबू। सत्चिदानंद स्वरूपः।  
अमर बेल बिन मूलकी, प्रति पालत है ताहि, ये कबीर साहब के अनमोल बोल हैं।  

जीवन, सुखः और दुखः की भट्टी है,
इस भट्टी में भूने बिना, जीवन इंसान नहीं बनता।
इंसान के इंसानियत में ही, ईश्वर/गॉड/अल्लाह बसा हुआ है।    

कर्म और धर्म संयोग ये जीवन की एक गहरी सोच है, सिद्धांत है, उसूल  है।   
जैसे गेंद को दीवाल की तरफ फेंको, तो दीवाल से टकराकर गेंद हमारी ओर वापस लौटती है।
वैसेही जैसा कर्म करो तो उसका फल जुगलबंदी जैसा मिलता है।  
निर्मल पुण्य कर्मोंसे हम पुण्यवान बनते हैं, और अशुभ कर्मोंसे हम हैवान बनते हैं।
शुभ और अशुभ कर्म, अपनी अपनी सोच होती है,
परन्तु जिंदगी उसे शब्दों का खेल नहीं बनाती।  

जिंदगी की एक ही सुसंस्कृत परिभाषा है,
जो है परम मौनव्रत की शांतता जिसे सद्गुरु अपनाते हैं।  
सद्गुरू की दया और करुणा दृष्टी हमें जिंदगी के उसूल सिखलाती है।  

खुद, खुदाह, ईश्वर, अल्लाह या गॉड एकही सोच है, एक ही अनुभूति है।  
परम सत्य की अलग अलग परिभाषा हो सकती है,
परन्तु परम सत्य एकही है , एकही अन्तर्यामी और शांतिस्वरुप अमुभूती है।   

मराठी भाषा में अन्तर्यामी सोच को नीचे प्रधान किया है।  
मानस सरोवरा काठी स्वयंसिध्द होऊन, काही साधक आत्मस्वरूपास प्राप्त होऊन गेले।
प्रत्येर्क मानवाचे मानस सरोवर, मूलतः वसती स्वतःच्याच अंतःकरणी।

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

जीवन संगीत, वतन की खुशबू

जीवन एक कहानी है, ना सुखः की और ना दुखः की।
जीवन एक सतसंग, सद्विचारों की संगत।
जीवन संगीत, ॐ का नाद भरी अनुभूती है।  
ए मेरे मालिक, जीवन सदा तेरे अंगसंग।   

नग्न स्थितिमें पैदा हुवे हॅम।  
पैदा होते पहलेही सांसमें, आ~ या माँ ~ को पुकारते,
ना हमारा कोई नाम, ना खुदकी पहेचान, और ना कोई निशाना,   
ना कोई दरबार, ना अहंकार, ना कोई इबादत / प्रार्थना।

पैदाईश नग्न स्थितीमें हमने ना लाई थी गीता, बाइबल या कुरान,
और ना वापसी में ले जायेंगे कोई किताब।  
समझदार हैं हमारे वतन के हुजूर मालिक और मालकिन।    
जिंदगी की दौर में जो मोहोब्बतों की दौलत जोडी हमने,
जो मजबुरियाँ और अहंकार इकठ्ठा किया हमने,
इस सारे जन-जाल को छोडकर एक दिन,  
उडजाऐंगे हम अकेले, एक कहानी बनकर।

इस जीवन धारा में सदा हमारे मालिक के अंगसंग,
जीवन एक कहानी है, ना सुखः की और ना दुखः की।

जिस वतन की खुशबू से पैदा हुवे थे हॅम,
उसी वतन में फिरसे पूर्णतः समा जाएंगे हॅम,   
सिर्फ एक कहानी बनकर।  

वतन की खुशबू एक गहरी अन्तर्यामी सोच है।
हरेक इंसान की अमर कहानी है।  

ये जीवन कहानी है, ना सुःख की, ना दुःख की,
सिर्फ एक अंतर्यामी अवर्णनीय अनुभूती है,
सत्यम सदा सुंदरम / पुष्टि नायकम। अथवा सत्यमेव जयते।

आध्यात्म में अर्ध-नारी-नटेश्वर ताण्डवभृत्य, एकमेव सत्य की संकेतिक परीभाषा महसूस होती है।  
फ़िल्मी दुनिया संगीत में वही एकमेव सत्य की परिभाषा है,

Satyam Shivam Sundaram - Title Song - Lata Mangeshkar - YouTube

जीवन एक संगीत, वतन की खुशबू।
वन्दे मातरम !

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Silver Spoon and Garam Chai

Being born with a silver spoon in mouth is no more a free passport to the Prime Ministership of India, when a warm cup of tea from Chaiwala is ably nursing the minimum expectations as well as aspirations of the common electorate.

In the Democracy of India with the largest ethnic and language diversity anywhere in the world, Leadership is about empathetically relating to the common lingua of aspirations and expectations of the electorate.

Idealism and Appeasing any ethnicity for any reason “ Don't feed Nobody “.
The Law of the Land treats everyone equally. Assuring and executing it is Leadership.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Formalities of Scholarship and Ego

Religion and God are formalities of the grown ups polluted by the environment of self-ignorance.

22281945_1524601700926872_2536860566318454237_n (1).jpg
The Creator is not a physicality called Ishwar/Allah/God; but soulfully an inner experience available unconditionally to every genuine Seeker irrespective of the place of birth and heritage. What each one of us innately seeks resides within ourselves in full measure. That is simply why Pilgrimage is a journey within.

A newborn child, naked and nameless, is the true reflection of Cosmic Evolution and its latent Wisdom. Cosmic evolution is the self sustaining process of Creation, Preservation and Transformation.

Formalities of Religion and God, devoid of inner experiences, are indicative of pure self-ignorance.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....