Wednesday, January 15, 2014

15 January, 2014

Pessimism, Optimism, Idealism and Realism -

It seems that life is acted out in an individual specific style. Pessimism, optimism, and idealism are all maladies of heart, which are manageable through  transformation of mental attitudes. Optimum balance of these mental faculties transforms us into a Realist.

Pessimism is symbolic of an injured heart and mind that radiates its pain through the neck, left shoulder and arm muscles. Optimism is symbolic of an enlarged heart with an overactive mind that blankets the pain of reality. Idealism is symbolic of a heart that beats at an unnatural rhythm and a judgemental mind.  All three represent maladies of the heart and mind.

Realism is symbolic of a normal heart with balanced mind that breaths the natural rhythm of life.

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