Wednesday, January 15, 2014

13 January, 2014
Arielle –
Two year old Arielle Deo is up in the air at the moment travelling from Mumbai to Chicago. Unknowingly and innocently, she is moving though changing altitudes, latitudes, time zones and cultural zones. Since she is not yet aware of Time, there is no chance of her getting any jet lag. While in transit, she knows that when she is hungry it is time to chow and if she is sleepy, it is time to sleep. All other mundane activities such as changing her diaper, clearing customs and immigration are efficiently delegated to her parents.

While she is awake in flight, Arielle is humming “Oh what fun, it is to ride without any luggage and baggage”. As soon as Arielle lands in Chicago, the same day her Deepak chachoo will start travelling in the opposite direction from Chicago to Mumbai carrying only his backpack. May be, this is the forthcoming trend of international travelling in the 21st Century.  

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