Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Flowering Reflections of May

Today is 01 May, 2018 and my mind is fondly recalling the balmy morning of 01 May, 1963. As a curious
Globe Trotter, I found myself walking in a downtown park of Copenhagen, Denmark. Surprisingly,
several young children in age range of 5 to 12 were vociferously playing in the park under the careful
supervision of adults. I gathered that It was a National Holiday  celebrating Labor Day. Today’s Google
is well equipped to answer why Europe and US celebrate Labor Day on different times of the year.

During that summer, I had taken a 6-month leave of absence from my job at Danville, Illinois to simply
travel around the world armed with the sheer curiosity of witnessing how humanity entertained Life in
their respective cultural and geographical environment. This thrusting curiosity was fueled in my mind
by the passionate teaching style of our Geography teacher Mr. M. R. Bhide at Hadas High School,
Nagpur during 1945-48. Looking back, I realize in sheer gratitude that my World Tour of traveling
through 16 countries has been the best learning experience of life compared to any other citadels of
higher learning for me. During the travel, I realized how similar are the aspirations, apprehensions,
fears of humanity at large along with its trials, tribulations, and constant search for durable inner peace.

Continuing the saga of May throufh my lifetime :
During WWII (1940-45 ) a Torpedoed sinking ship sent out a Morse Code signal using a manually
operated Tik-Tak sounding wireless instrument calling for emergency help.  As a 8 to 13 year old kid
during that time, the Tik-Tak sounding instrument was a fascinating gadget. The Post Office used it for
transmitting a telegraphic message, which was reproduced as a printed message at the receiver’s end
for hand delivery by the Postman.

Now in the 21st Century, our six year old Granddaughter Arielle does
texting and talking on her hand held mobile phone to communicate with her Grandma and friends.
The Chair person and Staff of of the DisUnited Nations Organization ( DNO ) based in New York City
communicates with the world community at large for ensuring continued  Peace and Harmony globally.
The ground station of Space Administration based on Earth communicate with its Satellites and
spaceships traveling across the Galaxies.

National political leadersTweet to their electorate while sitting on the Presidential Potty. That is progress
in delivering ideas and goods. These are the signs of changing tides and aspirations !

At the diametrically opposite spectrum of Life, absolute Silence within our own presence has the unique
and unmatched capacity to transform Self-awareness from the Finite to the Infinite; representing absence from our
of our own presence to experience the eternal joyful existence devoid of any worldly expectations.

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