Wednesday, May 16, 2018


The word “Noble”  has traditionally been assigned to the dynasty of authority  dwelling in palaces and
citadels of power wielding authority.

From a different perspective, nobility of the human Heart is the prime driver of conscious awareness.
The Heart muscle throbbing to the rhythm of Cosmic existence is the epicenter of
conscious awareness.

The word noble and its character implied here as nobility applies most appropriately to the
Teacher/Guru  that is an experiential guide of Life endeavors. The most noble Teacher of Life is the
Trinity of :
  • Adversity
  • Equanimity
  • Silence

The Trinity represents Adversity of life, Equanimity in conscious awareness, and Silence within our
own existence.

We do not have to leave our our physical location to access the Trinity of  Noble Teacher because it is
a step-less journey within; it is the Pilgrimage of Life.

the Trifoliate Bel Leaf ( बेल का पत्ता ) or the Maple leaf is symbolic of the wisdom of Trinity reflected in
this composition.

Image - Trifoliate Leaves of Nature, symbolic of Nature’s innate wisdom of perennial Creation,
Preservation and Transformation.

The real Nobles amongst us are those that intensely watch and study the all inclusive Nature around
us and equally within ourselves without Judgement; for Nature is the noblest unwritten self revealing
Scripture of Life.

Nobility is not an ornamental  title for wearing and celebrating the Ego of existence.

Nobility is manifestation of the natural simplicity of existence that radiates the aura, beauty, fragrance
and freedom of Existence through the Trinity of Adversity, Equanimity and Silence.

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