Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Child Prodigy

Image - Lotus Flower blooming in Natural Pond

Every Child of Nature is a prodigy of its inherent desires to excel and fully express itself as a Lotus flower freely exuding its natural fragrance.

In the case of Humans, the overbearance of adults around the Child incessantly trying to discipline it with bewildering expectations burdens and stifles the Child’s own  initiatives.
Mother Nature optimally provides for each Child of Nature to bud and blossom to its fullest potential. Nature and its harmony is never an overbearing presence enabling Life to blossom and exude its natural fragrance.

Two fetuses reared and nurtured in the same motherly  Womb are never alike physically, emotionally or chemically. Each Child is life's own desire to fulfill itself in different ways, while maintaining its innate spirit of harmony in diversity.

Life is a Honeycomb of Beehives attracting Life to Life.

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