Friday, May 18, 2018


The magnificent Lotus flower stems out of a landlocked pond full of intermingling roots of various water
borne creepers and oozes out its natural beauty along with fragrance.

Consequently, Lotus has become symbolic of Wisdom that stems out of a landlocked pond, which is full
of silt, filth and roots of various water borne creepers and their intermingling roots.

Human Mind bearing its intermingled creeping memories and respective roots, represents a landlocked
pond of Self-ignorance.  In this pond, roots of intermingled memories thrive as creepers. Yet with the
Grace of all inclusive Nature, Lotus of Wisdom stems out of it at the appropriate time radiating its innate
aura and fragrance.  

Wisdom is not the  traditional human logic or reason; it is totally unrelated to the Literacy or  Illiteracy
as defined, confined and measured by humans.
instead, Wisdom is a self-stemming Realisation and Revaluation.  

Every human as well as life form is an Immaculate Conception of Nature.  
Each human life ultimately  transforms as a Messiah of its own conscious awareness.  
A self-fulfilled human is manifestation of Life’s own desire to fulfill itself.  
Therefore, it behooves us to respectfully adore each Life form bearing the self- indicative message
of timeless Wisdom.

Wisdom is a Creeper that thrives without any roots. There is a creeper in India that fits this description,
which is appropriately  named the Eternal Creeper - अमर बेल; and sung by a famous Indian Poet named
Saint Kabir.

१९४० , चौथी हिंदी कक्षा में पढ़ा हुवा कबीर का दोहा थोडासा याद आ रहा है :

जाको राखे सांइयाँ, मारन सके ना कोई।  
अमर बेल बिन मूल की, प्रति पालत है ताहि।  

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


The word “Noble”  has traditionally been assigned to the dynasty of authority  dwelling in palaces and
citadels of power wielding authority.

From a different perspective, nobility of the human Heart is the prime driver of conscious awareness.
The Heart muscle throbbing to the rhythm of Cosmic existence is the epicenter of
conscious awareness.

The word noble and its character implied here as nobility applies most appropriately to the
Teacher/Guru  that is an experiential guide of Life endeavors. The most noble Teacher of Life is the
Trinity of :
  • Adversity
  • Equanimity
  • Silence

The Trinity represents Adversity of life, Equanimity in conscious awareness, and Silence within our
own existence.

We do not have to leave our our physical location to access the Trinity of  Noble Teacher because it is
a step-less journey within; it is the Pilgrimage of Life.

the Trifoliate Bel Leaf ( बेल का पत्ता ) or the Maple leaf is symbolic of the wisdom of Trinity reflected in
this composition.

Image - Trifoliate Leaves of Nature, symbolic of Nature’s innate wisdom of perennial Creation,
Preservation and Transformation.

The real Nobles amongst us are those that intensely watch and study the all inclusive Nature around
us and equally within ourselves without Judgement; for Nature is the noblest unwritten self revealing
Scripture of Life.

Nobility is not an ornamental  title for wearing and celebrating the Ego of existence.

Nobility is manifestation of the natural simplicity of existence that radiates the aura, beauty, fragrance
and freedom of Existence through the Trinity of Adversity, Equanimity and Silence.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is Celebration of the Spirit of Womanhood, which is wholly inclusive of the word
Manhood within itself.

Image - courtesy of Deepak Deo -  Rosebud tree bursting into full bloom in our backyard
@ Addison. Illinois; the tree was planted by our three sons Deepak, Vikas and Sagar in honor
of Usha for Mother’s Day Celebration almost 20 years ago.  

Image - The Cardinal arrived a few weeks ago indicating arriving spring with its graceful presence

Following its intuitive signal of approaching Spring, the graceful Cardinal arrived and nested in its
own chosen comfort zone in our garden. Subsequently, as the weather warmed up to 80- 85 F,
 the Rosebud tree along with the adjacent Crab Apple tree burst forth into full blossom
oozing out fragrant presence to express its gratitude for Life’s Wisdom N Grace. The expressive
 presence of Mother Nature seems to be the most precious Scripture of Life to behold and cherish
through lifetime.

Synonym to the word Womanhood is Female, which is inclusive of the word Male and the enjoined
all inclusive spirit makes Life complete; fulfilling Life’s own desire to fulfill itself.  

In honor of Womanhood is the spirit of the book titled:

Wishing Happy Mother’s Day for each
Mother N Family.

It is apparent that the written Scriptures have  only splintered Humanity, which is abundantly audible
globally through Centuries of human history. In stark contrast, Motherhood is the timeless unwritten
Scripture that only Unites due to its innate nature. Every species of Life  comprehends it without
understanding it intellectually.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Child Prodigy

Image - Lotus Flower blooming in Natural Pond

Every Child of Nature is a prodigy of its inherent desires to excel and fully express itself as a Lotus flower freely exuding its natural fragrance.

In the case of Humans, the overbearance of adults around the Child incessantly trying to discipline it with bewildering expectations burdens and stifles the Child’s own  initiatives.
Mother Nature optimally provides for each Child of Nature to bud and blossom to its fullest potential. Nature and its harmony is never an overbearing presence enabling Life to blossom and exude its natural fragrance.

Two fetuses reared and nurtured in the same motherly  Womb are never alike physically, emotionally or chemically. Each Child is life's own desire to fulfill itself in different ways, while maintaining its innate spirit of harmony in diversity.

Life is a Honeycomb of Beehives attracting Life to Life.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Flowering Reflections of May

Today is 01 May, 2018 and my mind is fondly recalling the balmy morning of 01 May, 1963. As a curious
Globe Trotter, I found myself walking in a downtown park of Copenhagen, Denmark. Surprisingly,
several young children in age range of 5 to 12 were vociferously playing in the park under the careful
supervision of adults. I gathered that It was a National Holiday  celebrating Labor Day. Today’s Google
is well equipped to answer why Europe and US celebrate Labor Day on different times of the year.

During that summer, I had taken a 6-month leave of absence from my job at Danville, Illinois to simply
travel around the world armed with the sheer curiosity of witnessing how humanity entertained Life in
their respective cultural and geographical environment. This thrusting curiosity was fueled in my mind
by the passionate teaching style of our Geography teacher Mr. M. R. Bhide at Hadas High School,
Nagpur during 1945-48. Looking back, I realize in sheer gratitude that my World Tour of traveling
through 16 countries has been the best learning experience of life compared to any other citadels of
higher learning for me. During the travel, I realized how similar are the aspirations, apprehensions,
fears of humanity at large along with its trials, tribulations, and constant search for durable inner peace.

Continuing the saga of May throufh my lifetime :
During WWII (1940-45 ) a Torpedoed sinking ship sent out a Morse Code signal using a manually
operated Tik-Tak sounding wireless instrument calling for emergency help.  As a 8 to 13 year old kid
during that time, the Tik-Tak sounding instrument was a fascinating gadget. The Post Office used it for
transmitting a telegraphic message, which was reproduced as a printed message at the receiver’s end
for hand delivery by the Postman.

Now in the 21st Century, our six year old Granddaughter Arielle does
texting and talking on her hand held mobile phone to communicate with her Grandma and friends.
The Chair person and Staff of of the DisUnited Nations Organization ( DNO ) based in New York City
communicates with the world community at large for ensuring continued  Peace and Harmony globally.
The ground station of Space Administration based on Earth communicate with its Satellites and
spaceships traveling across the Galaxies.

National political leadersTweet to their electorate while sitting on the Presidential Potty. That is progress
in delivering ideas and goods. These are the signs of changing tides and aspirations !

At the diametrically opposite spectrum of Life, absolute Silence within our own presence has the unique
and unmatched capacity to transform Self-awareness from the Finite to the Infinite; representing absence from our
of our own presence to experience the eternal joyful existence devoid of any worldly expectations.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....