Friday, April 20, 2018

Escapades in Writing

Escapades in Writing

A writer passionately pursues  escapades in writing for varied personal reasons:
  1. To learn to write and internalize thoughts stemming out of personal experiences and unexpected encounters.
  2. To graze on green pastures of conscious awareness.  
  3. To arrange and rearrange stemmed flowers in the flower pot of thoughts, until Harmony radiates its blissful presence.

Image - “ Harmony “, Painting by Mrs Neela Phadnis @ Nagpur, India

  1. To entertain winged freedom flights devoid of self imposed inhibitions.

Image - Escapades in free flights

  1. To understand and internalise Life as it is without judgemental stance. As an example “During our innocent childhood, we two brothers walked together barefooted through the dense morning fog, which embraced our presence while feeling the dew laden grass under our feet until the gentle rays of the rising Sun penetrated through the suspended fog droplets projecting a beautiful Rainbow across our field of vision; while our Mother awaited our safe return home from the adjacent playground “ .  
  2. To entertain experiential wisdom to condense  within conscious awareness.
  3. To transcend the  limitations of thoughts and physicality in order to experience the nature of Self-existence in the dynamics of constant change.
  4. To seek the blissful  freedom from duality of self-ignorance, luggage and bondage of Life.    

Summarising -
The passion of writing gradually reveals that defining Wisdom. God, Bliss, Heaven, and Hell is Fool’s Paradise.
Intelligence is a constant desire to expand and broadcast, whereas Wisdom condenses in conscious awareness as a Dewdrop of self Realisation and Revelation.

Passion is an indeterminate and constant urge for Existence to blossom in order to become complete.

Por Favor Q.E. D for whatever this expression stands for, I know not !

We don’t have to understand everything in Life, because Life and its innate blissful Silence is the ultimate proof of everything we need to know and Seek.


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