Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Sparklers

  • Liberty is freedom of thought, faith, speech, and actions with total individual responsibility for bearing its corresponding consequences.
  • Sparklers light up the boundless skiers of our imagination; symbolizing brevity of thoughts that condense as wisdom.
  • Wisdom is not mine or yours irrespective of the place of origin or scholarship; it is universally and unconditionally available to every Seeker desirous of it.
  • Happiness is being unconditionally contented within the core of our own boundless presence.
  • Every Prayer and place of worship bears the sanctity of all inclusiveness unconditionally. Prayer is neither Hindu, Jai-nee, Hebrew, Buddhist, Christian, Islamic' and totally label free. The place of praying is within the Heart that beats with natural rhythm and Music of Life.
  • Old is either Gold, Silver, Copper or Lead depending on the Miner digging for universal wisdom.
  • The fragrance of Life is Life's own desire to fulfill itself.
  • Pitched against a veil of self-ignorance, the blindly faithfuls around the world are locked into the physicality's of God, Heaven, and Hell; while their religious scriptures are subtly pointing towards the universality of all inclusiveness and eternal Truth of being and becoming integral with Nature lying within themselves.
  • Truth that is eternal, without a beginning nor an end, is an inner realization and revelation; not a Scripture nor a set of Commandments descending from a mountain top or the deep blue sky.
  • A writer provides wings to a thought to enable it fly in total freedom and seek its true universal identity.
  • Unhappiness is constantly chasing the mirage of endless expectations.
  • Spiritual is not what we yearn to become, but realizing our own innate presence.
  • Wisdom is not about Googling databanks, but it is what effortlessly condenses within ourselves like a Dewdrop from the harmonious environment of equanimous perspective of life.
  • Empathy is the art of smelling and sharing the aroma of another living being and mutually enrich each other.
  • A Dog naturally and unconditionally empathizes with its Master. Humans identify it as Psychotherapy and collect a hefty fee for it !
  • By defining an Idea, we confine its wholesome and self-enriching dimensions.
  • God is an idea worth execution and Self Realization.  
  • Crowd is an assembly of Ego, Fear and Expectations.
  • iPad is a holder of individual specific Ego " i " without any padding, offered by the first alphabet "A" of Apple'' sincerely teaching the first lesson in the language of Life.
  • Smart Asses do exist A-Men and Wo-Men of the world!
  • Look carefully the word Women is inclusive of Men, making each one of us complete in the Cosmic Tango of Life.
  • Yoga is dissolution of Ego, Fear, and Expectations.
  • Meditation is self-discipline for an inner experience of an undefined unified space in which to seek our own universal dimension of all inclusiveness ; and eventually condense into the realiisation of One without the other.
  • Fatherhood is the supporting structure for being and becoming what you naturally are.
  • Motherhood is the living proof of God’s patience with idio-crisis of humanity.
  • An assembly of “ Man + Asses = Masses“.
  • Constipation is when the stomach is gassing, tweeting loudly, and not subscribing to the rhythm and music of life.
  • A Cobbler’s profession is as honorable as any other; however profiling an individual by the color of skin and appearance alone is arrogance of Narcism.
  • The blessed wealthy pray to God for themselves, while being totally insensitive about unrelated children that have to go to sleep by drinking only water because there is nothing else to drink or eat. What else is definition of ego, arrogance, and sin ?
  • When we reach a stage of arrogance that we know everything, it may shut the doors of new possibilities of life and suggest that we may not yet have reached the horizon of our ignorance. The wisdom of life seems to lie beyond the horizon and yet within our conscious reach.
  • The language of Silence is without any alphabet and consequently inaudible; and yet so self-revealing. 

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