Tuesday, October 3, 2017

i Do Meditation

I do Meditation sounds like a statement of self affirmation.
Meditation is not about quietly squatting cross legged, closing both eyes and complementing it by wearing a serious expression; nor is it about hanging upside down from a branch like an Owl.

Meditation begins only when the physical body, mind and intellect steadies, the balloon of i-Ego deflates, and the meditator dissolves completely in self presence. The daily deep sleep at night devoid of dreams offers an opportunity to effortlessly experience the effective stage and state of meditation.

In order to get into meditative state requires consistent self discipline and commitment obtained through Pranayama ( regulated breathing ) and individual specific Yoga exercises. Pranaya includes concentration on breath and its natural universal rhythm. These are the most preliminary commitments for inculcating inner self discipline. Daily practice of individually tailored comprehensive Yoga and Pranayam is a self commitment for self enriching meditation. It gradually condenses into being and becoming harmoniously integrated with the all pervasive Cosmic awareness.

Normal breathing with innate natural rhythm happens automatically. However, becoming truly aware of it takes effort. Cosmos is naturally all inclusive awareness.

Serving Life unconditionally and without any expectations in return, enhances Cosmic awareness. The ageless celestial living song Bhagwat Gita leads humanity to its purposeful existence while deflating the air out of “ i Do Meditation “ .

Meditation cannot be Googled out of i-Pad.
In the course of daily life, Meditation implies being purposefully and soulfully present in the present moment. Meditating is unconditional surrender and the art of being and becoming integral with Nature.

Effective Meditation frees us from the self entrapping web of Body, Mind and Intellect.

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