Saturday, October 14, 2017

Multidimensional Diwali Festival - दीपावली, दिवाली, दिवाळी

Multidimensional Diwali Festival
दीपावली, दिवाली, दिवाळी ~~~

आली दिवाळी, मंगल दाई,
तूप, वात आणि पणतीच्या त्रिवेणी संगमात पेटला उजेड,
आणि पणतीच्या संकेतिक उजेडात,
जीवनाचे आभार मानीत, आनंद नांदे घरोघरी .
Diwali is a 5-day Festival of Lights, and usually the third day is Laxmi Puja day. This year it is on 19th October within Indian Standard Time.  

The traditional oil lamps uplift the spirit of the environment while enlightening the hearts of all humankind with its universal energy field and its innate wisdom. The self energizing energy field is symbolically represented by the conceptual image of Ma Goddess Laxmi.

लक्ष्मी - श्रद्धा और अनासक्त भाव में, एकमेव परम शक्ती स्वरूप.
लक्ष्मी पूजन - Respectfully honoring the power of wealth, its sanctity, universal wisdom promoting individual responsibility. It is not about worshipping ego tainted possessions.

 Image below - Conceptual image of Goddess Laxmi
छाया चित्र - संकेतिक माँ लक्ष्मी रूप

Diwali festival serves as a festive social occasion for bringing together the immediate as well as  extended family members of all ages in universal harmony. Traditionally Ma Laxmi is worshipped during Diwali festival primarily as Goddess of Wealth ( धनलक्ष्मी, धनश्री ), procuring her blessings for the accumulated wealth and its protection, while craving constantly for more and more of it. This mental frame robs Diwali’s spirit of selflessly giving, sharing and serving that truly lights up the spirit of Life and Thanksgiving. In contrast, the ego tainted धन, दान और सेवा does not bear the spirit of Diwali or any other festival celebration.

Laxmi Puja in its true spirit embraces the innate wisdom of always remaining contentedly happy within limitations of available wealth. In each household, it is unquestionably the Lady Ma of the household that nurtures the wisdom of protecting and honoring it's wealth in order to maintain the household truly happy within it's financial limits. Therefore she and her motherly instinct is the living symbol of Laxmi to be honored and worshipped; and not worshipping the Brick of Gold .
Traditional Diwali Oil Lamps

The essential spirit of Diwali radiates out of the oil lamp's flame and its fragrance. Looking at the oil lamp with concentrated focus “ एकाग्रता “ reveals the cosmic wisdom of peace, harmony, and tranquility.
The flame of the Diwali oil lamp prompts “ Fall in Love with the Music of Life “.  
Image - Vikas Deo playing Sarod - सरोद for purposeful charitable causes.

दिवाली में परिवार के अंगसंग खुशियाँ बाटें।

अनासक्त भावसे, कोईभी आशा ना रखते हुए, दूसरों की सेवा दानधर्म भाव से करना, इसीमें दिवाली का सुनहरा प्रकाश हममें अन्तर्यामी जागृती लाता है। दीवालीका प्रकाश हमारी अज्ञानता और भय को दूर कर, मन की निर्मलता प्रधान करता है,  जिसमे हमारे नरकासुर राक्षसी राग, द्वेष और भय का निवारण होता है।   

Besides the suggestive rituals ( संकेतिक ) of Diwali festival is an appreciation of the art, music and dance within each one of us innately seeking Life’s fulfillment, which is symbolically encapsulated in the Cosmic dance of Shiva ( तांडव नृत्य ).

Following Aarti is dedicated to the universality of the formless and nameless divinity ever present within each one of us.

Search Results

Om Jai Jagdish Hare Aarti - YouTube

Wishing you and your entire परिवार the Happiness of togetherness during this Diwali Festival ~~

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