Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Donald Duck and his Tweeting Trumpet

31 October, 2017…. Halloween !

Donald Duck and his Tweeting Trumpet

The outside world appears messy when Tweeted unfiltered within ourselves. Power of wise discrimination separates the Ego of Man from the Masses; where Man + Asses = Masses.  

Humanity’s longest war claiming unaccountable casualties is being fought daily within the hearts of Men and their Titan Egos.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Sparklers

  • Liberty is freedom of thought, faith, speech, and actions with total individual responsibility for bearing its corresponding consequences.
  • Sparklers light up the boundless skiers of our imagination; symbolizing brevity of thoughts that condense as wisdom.
  • Wisdom is not mine or yours irrespective of the place of origin or scholarship; it is universally and unconditionally available to every Seeker desirous of it.
  • Happiness is being unconditionally contented within the core of our own boundless presence.
  • Every Prayer and place of worship bears the sanctity of all inclusiveness unconditionally. Prayer is neither Hindu, Jai-nee, Hebrew, Buddhist, Christian, Islamic' and totally label free. The place of praying is within the Heart that beats with natural rhythm and Music of Life.
  • Old is either Gold, Silver, Copper or Lead depending on the Miner digging for universal wisdom.
  • The fragrance of Life is Life's own desire to fulfill itself.
  • Pitched against a veil of self-ignorance, the blindly faithfuls around the world are locked into the physicality's of God, Heaven, and Hell; while their religious scriptures are subtly pointing towards the universality of all inclusiveness and eternal Truth of being and becoming integral with Nature lying within themselves.
  • Truth that is eternal, without a beginning nor an end, is an inner realization and revelation; not a Scripture nor a set of Commandments descending from a mountain top or the deep blue sky.
  • A writer provides wings to a thought to enable it fly in total freedom and seek its true universal identity.
  • Unhappiness is constantly chasing the mirage of endless expectations.
  • Spiritual is not what we yearn to become, but realizing our own innate presence.
  • Wisdom is not about Googling databanks, but it is what effortlessly condenses within ourselves like a Dewdrop from the harmonious environment of equanimous perspective of life.
  • Empathy is the art of smelling and sharing the aroma of another living being and mutually enrich each other.
  • A Dog naturally and unconditionally empathizes with its Master. Humans identify it as Psychotherapy and collect a hefty fee for it !
  • By defining an Idea, we confine its wholesome and self-enriching dimensions.
  • God is an idea worth execution and Self Realization.  
  • Crowd is an assembly of Ego, Fear and Expectations.
  • iPad is a holder of individual specific Ego " i " without any padding, offered by the first alphabet "A" of Apple'' sincerely teaching the first lesson in the language of Life.
  • Smart Asses do exist A-Men and Wo-Men of the world!
  • Look carefully the word Women is inclusive of Men, making each one of us complete in the Cosmic Tango of Life.
  • Yoga is dissolution of Ego, Fear, and Expectations.
  • Meditation is self-discipline for an inner experience of an undefined unified space in which to seek our own universal dimension of all inclusiveness ; and eventually condense into the realiisation of One without the other.
  • Fatherhood is the supporting structure for being and becoming what you naturally are.
  • Motherhood is the living proof of God’s patience with idio-crisis of humanity.
  • An assembly of “ Man + Asses = Masses“.
  • Constipation is when the stomach is gassing, tweeting loudly, and not subscribing to the rhythm and music of life.
  • A Cobbler’s profession is as honorable as any other; however profiling an individual by the color of skin and appearance alone is arrogance of Narcism.
  • The blessed wealthy pray to God for themselves, while being totally insensitive about unrelated children that have to go to sleep by drinking only water because there is nothing else to drink or eat. What else is definition of ego, arrogance, and sin ?
  • When we reach a stage of arrogance that we know everything, it may shut the doors of new possibilities of life and suggest that we may not yet have reached the horizon of our ignorance. The wisdom of life seems to lie beyond the horizon and yet within our conscious reach.
  • The language of Silence is without any alphabet and consequently inaudible; and yet so self-revealing. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी

Birth Date‎: ‎October 2‎, ‎1869

Death Date‎: ‎January 30‎, ‎1948
Mohandas, श्री मोहन का दास, was his true identity. As a human he sincerely served the divinity within himself; identified in Sanskrit language as “ Mohan or Krishna consciousness”. Consciousness is what is constantly present within oneself.  

The word Mahatma used as a prefix to a proper name is simply a ploy and maneuvering for political gains. Politicians go to any self incriminating lengths to gain political advantage. Politics is always a war of the Titan Egos.

The word Mahatma implies a living exoerience that has transcended the limitations of body, mind and intellect. It is the supreme consciousness, one without the other. It is the humbleness and humility of being and becoming integral with cosmic Nature.

Using the word Mahatma as a title prefix to any individual name seems to be gross ignorance of oneself.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi sincerely and to his best ability served fellow humans “ Harijans “ to the best of his abilities. The word Harijan implies “ All inclusive श्री हरी के जन “ .  Politicians have twisted and warped the word Harijan into a self serving new social caste ! हाय राम !

Political maneuvering is generally all about managing “ Masses = Man + Asses “ remarked my Maternal Uncle Prof. P. R. Deshpande in 1940’s. Where as Leadership is all about serving humanity selflessly and unconditionally .

In the Indian ( भारतीय ) cultural context and perspective, serving humanity selflessly as श्री मोहन का दास renders a human to the consciousness of Mahatma, one who has transcended personal limitations and claims absolutely nothing.  He/She comes into this world naked and leaves it in its original attire claiming nothing. Wisdom of life prompts “  तेरा तुझको अर्पण, क्या लागे मेरा ~~~ “

Mohandas K. Gandhi did not claim that he was either the Father or Founder of the Nation. Politicians claim him as a Flagship for marketing their own selfish agenda.

A Nation within its own dynamic borders is a constantly evolving joint consciousness.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Multidimensional Diwali Festival - दीपावली, दिवाली, दिवाळी

Multidimensional Diwali Festival
दीपावली, दिवाली, दिवाळी ~~~

आली दिवाळी, मंगल दाई,
तूप, वात आणि पणतीच्या त्रिवेणी संगमात पेटला उजेड,
आणि पणतीच्या संकेतिक उजेडात,
जीवनाचे आभार मानीत, आनंद नांदे घरोघरी .
Diwali is a 5-day Festival of Lights, and usually the third day is Laxmi Puja day. This year it is on 19th October within Indian Standard Time.  

The traditional oil lamps uplift the spirit of the environment while enlightening the hearts of all humankind with its universal energy field and its innate wisdom. The self energizing energy field is symbolically represented by the conceptual image of Ma Goddess Laxmi.

लक्ष्मी - श्रद्धा और अनासक्त भाव में, एकमेव परम शक्ती स्वरूप.
लक्ष्मी पूजन - Respectfully honoring the power of wealth, its sanctity, universal wisdom promoting individual responsibility. It is not about worshipping ego tainted possessions.

 Image below - Conceptual image of Goddess Laxmi
छाया चित्र - संकेतिक माँ लक्ष्मी रूप

Diwali festival serves as a festive social occasion for bringing together the immediate as well as  extended family members of all ages in universal harmony. Traditionally Ma Laxmi is worshipped during Diwali festival primarily as Goddess of Wealth ( धनलक्ष्मी, धनश्री ), procuring her blessings for the accumulated wealth and its protection, while craving constantly for more and more of it. This mental frame robs Diwali’s spirit of selflessly giving, sharing and serving that truly lights up the spirit of Life and Thanksgiving. In contrast, the ego tainted धन, दान और सेवा does not bear the spirit of Diwali or any other festival celebration.

Laxmi Puja in its true spirit embraces the innate wisdom of always remaining contentedly happy within limitations of available wealth. In each household, it is unquestionably the Lady Ma of the household that nurtures the wisdom of protecting and honoring it's wealth in order to maintain the household truly happy within it's financial limits. Therefore she and her motherly instinct is the living symbol of Laxmi to be honored and worshipped; and not worshipping the Brick of Gold .
Traditional Diwali Oil Lamps

The essential spirit of Diwali radiates out of the oil lamp's flame and its fragrance. Looking at the oil lamp with concentrated focus “ एकाग्रता “ reveals the cosmic wisdom of peace, harmony, and tranquility.
The flame of the Diwali oil lamp prompts “ Fall in Love with the Music of Life “.  
Image - Vikas Deo playing Sarod - सरोद for purposeful charitable causes.

दिवाली में परिवार के अंगसंग खुशियाँ बाटें।

अनासक्त भावसे, कोईभी आशा ना रखते हुए, दूसरों की सेवा दानधर्म भाव से करना, इसीमें दिवाली का सुनहरा प्रकाश हममें अन्तर्यामी जागृती लाता है। दीवालीका प्रकाश हमारी अज्ञानता और भय को दूर कर, मन की निर्मलता प्रधान करता है,  जिसमे हमारे नरकासुर राक्षसी राग, द्वेष और भय का निवारण होता है।   

Besides the suggestive rituals ( संकेतिक ) of Diwali festival is an appreciation of the art, music and dance within each one of us innately seeking Life’s fulfillment, which is symbolically encapsulated in the Cosmic dance of Shiva ( तांडव नृत्य ).

Following Aarti is dedicated to the universality of the formless and nameless divinity ever present within each one of us.

Search Results

Om Jai Jagdish Hare Aarti - YouTube


Wishing you and your entire परिवार the Happiness of togetherness during this Diwali Festival ~~

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Thanksgiving Day in Canada, 09 October, 2017

As eyes open in the morning, Canadian Thanksgiving Day, “Thank” our well earned luck that we are still blessedly alive and were well fed yesterday so that we could sleep well contented yesterday ~~

Thank the self enriching landscape and the benevolent motherly Hands that feed us daily.
Image - Canadian Landscape

In this pretty Fall season around Thanksgiving Day, the fully blooming colorful leaves behoove us to look within ourselves as well to experience what we have become from within. For in it lies the essence of beauty and fragrance of Life.

Make every day of our blessed life a habitual Thanksgiving Day.  

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Freedom of a Bird

Freedom of flight and self expression

In the richly oxygenated Dawn, a refreshing thought pops up begging to have wings to enable it to fly freely and seek its own universal dimensions.

Image - Glory of Dawn

A bird experiences it naturally and daily.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

i Do Meditation

I do Meditation sounds like a statement of self affirmation.
Meditation is not about quietly squatting cross legged, closing both eyes and complementing it by wearing a serious expression; nor is it about hanging upside down from a branch like an Owl.

Meditation begins only when the physical body, mind and intellect steadies, the balloon of i-Ego deflates, and the meditator dissolves completely in self presence. The daily deep sleep at night devoid of dreams offers an opportunity to effortlessly experience the effective stage and state of meditation.

In order to get into meditative state requires consistent self discipline and commitment obtained through Pranayama ( regulated breathing ) and individual specific Yoga exercises. Pranaya includes concentration on breath and its natural universal rhythm. These are the most preliminary commitments for inculcating inner self discipline. Daily practice of individually tailored comprehensive Yoga and Pranayam is a self commitment for self enriching meditation. It gradually condenses into being and becoming harmoniously integrated with the all pervasive Cosmic awareness.

Normal breathing with innate natural rhythm happens automatically. However, becoming truly aware of it takes effort. Cosmos is naturally all inclusive awareness.

Serving Life unconditionally and without any expectations in return, enhances Cosmic awareness. The ageless celestial living song Bhagwat Gita leads humanity to its purposeful existence while deflating the air out of “ i Do Meditation “ .

Meditation cannot be Googled out of i-Pad.
In the course of daily life, Meditation implies being purposefully and soulfully present in the present moment. Meditating is unconditional surrender and the art of being and becoming integral with Nature.

Effective Meditation frees us from the self entrapping web of Body, Mind and Intellect.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Seven Colors and Energies of Life

First, may our inner Energies of Life be harmoniously balanced and mutually complementary. Only then, our outer environment shall also be harmoniously balanced.

The timeless universal wisdom outside of books subtly prompts that the Universe that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe resident inside of us; prompting that self enlightening Pilgrimage is a step-less journey within.  

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....