Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Universal Wisdom - एकमेव वैश्विक ज्ञानशक्ति

Life is an individual perspective and not a mathematical equation or a Holy book.      

The universal wisdom can never be an intellectual pursuit and encapsulated in a book of any brand. We always sense its presence, but cannot visually see, because It can only be an inner experience. Every living cell in our body is its witness.

Revelation as commonly interpreted represents an external experience and that is why there is a Book of Revelation.

With universal wisdom as the nucleus, our inherently material body builds itself around it to fulfill its own universal mission of being and becoming life. The same universal wisdom is alternately referred to as the universal truth; however, these are simply words and sounds stemming from our fickle mind.  

Universal wisdom was never created and it exists solely and eternally on on its own.  

We condense as life from the all pervading presence of universal wisdom, and ultimately merge back into it in an endless cycle of being and becoming life.

From the above perspective, each one of us is a Messiah of our own conscious awareness and universal wisdom. That is simply why Pilgrimage is a stepless journey within for every sincere seeker of the Source.

The deep meditators referred to as Rishis or Saints, with individual specific inner experiences consistently prompt, that within our ribcage throbs a minute/सूक्ष्म dynamic presence, which is not the physicality of our heart muscle, that always keeps us connected with our eternal universal source. The throbbing presence within our ribcage, the energy of life, is our constant witness referred to in Sanskrit as ऊर्जा शक्ति.

Sooner or later, life prompts each one of us that we become available to the Grace of universal wisdom only when we approach it humbly and unconditionally.

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