Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Morning Glory

06 December, 2016
Morning Glory
A Thank You Note to Each Warm Well-Wisher ~~~
4th December 2016 turned out to be a heart warming day for me in several incremental ways!
In the morning, I woke up from a short but very pleasant dream. In the dream, I was returning home from somewhere. On the way, I was walking through an Indian bazaar that I have been familiar with only through my several previous reoccurring dreams. I noticed that a small new vendor were selling attractive ripe Papaya fruits. My mind was prompting that we were only 2-3 family members at home at this time including our मोठीआई ( Maternal Grandmother ). Knowing that मोठीआई loved Papaya, I decided to buy two ripe Papayas. The friendly vendor helped me pick the sweet Papaya saying your मोठीआई will love it. Just at that moment, the dream ended. As I gradually opened my eyes and stepped out of the bed, I received a morning-glory hug ( भाकी ) from my wife Usha. Thus the Birthday morning started out with a heart warming throb.  
As the weatherman had accurately predicted sliding temperatures during the previous night, the very first snow flurries of this season were graciously floating down in beautiful fluffy formations since morning,,. coupled with it the warm BDay wishes received from each one of you maintained the temperature of our residential Igloo in Addison heartwarmingly cozy all day. Thank you, one and all.
Presence of the entire family together in our Igloo also helped maintain the warmth all day long.
From a personal perspective, the day turned out to be all Eyes and Ears for the following tiny reasons…..
Our 5-year worthy Grand daughter, Arielle, asked me, Dadu why do you walk slowly and turn the light on when there is so much daylight ? I said to her her, so that I can hear better.
Our 6-month worthy Grandson, Raul, was grabbing my ear when I was propping him on my chest. I asked him why are you holding my ear ? He said,.. so that Dadu may see better and not tumble down with me to the floor. But then he said gently with his twinkling eyes and smiling lips, Dadu I Wuv you. So, I look no farther than I can see.  
Having enjoyed the Bday to its fullest all day long, I checked my life loving Arithmetic out of sheer curiosity….
2016 - 1932 = 84 . So it seems that I better start walking and trotting past the 84th Mile stone from now on, ..while our 6-month worthy Grandson Raul is turtling around in his own territorial kingdom.
Best regards and warm love to each one of my well wisher and thanks again for your  हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं for my Bday ~~~


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