Monday, December 19, 2016

The Vladimir Putin-Pneumonia

The Vladimir Putin-Pneumonia

A highly contagious new strain of Vladimir Putin-Pneumonia with deep hacking symptoms has spread within the American News and Political Media. A new antidote vaccine is urgently needed to curb and prevent the infection from spreading into the ramparts of NATO and Eurasia.
The new Drone and Cyber Hacking Technologies promise to break all barriers of gossiping and confidentiality including those of the private bedrooms; while simultaneously promoting the resurgence of new Religious and Trade barriers.
How secular are You and Pneumonia ?... is a question left for each individual to ask of ourselves in the modern world.
In the meantime, the Russian President Vladimir Putin, basking in the free global publicity is vacationing within the ramparts of the Kremlin Tower and the new President-elect of the US is basking in his own Tower.
The good old technologies of Iron curtain, Bamboo curtain, and Walls of various designs may gain resurgence and Renaissance.
Unperturbed, the world keeps on rotating around itself at its own speed………………………………..  

The Earth rotating from space? - YouTube

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Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....