Friday, December 30, 2016

Brave Purposeful Hearts

Brave Purposeful Hearts
Brave and purposeful Hearts defy all odds for purposes beyond the dimensions of life.
Bravery is a leap of self-enlightened Faith that condenses from sheer  Presence and in total absence of Fear.  Freedom and fragrance of Life are its driving forces.

Thursday, December 29, 2016



May the New Year add durable inner peace for each one of you, irrespective of how you identify yourself in one of the Rainbow colors displayed in the picture above or in a neutral transparent color.

Individual skin color and the sound of voice are merely visual and audible perceptions respectively; whereas Consciousness is a colorless Dewdrop that condenses out of ideal environmental conditions. Dewdrop is symbolic of our pure self identity or eternal Consciousness; which is a non-physicality. Eternal implies that which is without an end nor a beginning.

In self interest, it behooves us to protect our environment and the land of our birth; the planet Earth. This is the land from which we emerge, live our lives on it, and ultimately merge back into it as Topsoil. This is the kingdom of Heaven or Hell, as we choose to maintain and experience it.

May each day of the New Year begin with gratitude and self nurturing thoughts, and the rest will take care of itself just as it always does in the Kingdom of Mother Nature.

Our  planet Earth is a wondrous beauty to behold for universal Wisdom to reveal itself in boundless ways. For this simple reason, it behooves us to respectfully  preserve it and pray for it.  

WELCOME - 2017
आपका स्वागत है - २०१७  
आपले स्वागतआहे - २०१७
ڀليڪار - 2017
ખુશ નવું વર્ષ - 2017
ஹாப்பி நியூ இயர் - ௨௦௧௭
Bienvenido - 2017

The Sun never rises in the East nor sets in the Western horizon. It is only our perception because the Earth constantly rotates around its own axis and simultaneously rotates around the Sun in an Orbit.  Perception makes a world of difference in our perspective.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2016



रिश्ते हमारी असली अमानत या पहचान होती है।  
सिर्फ जनम जनम के रिश्ते लेकर हम इस दुनियामेंआए हैं,  
और रिश्ते समेटकर ही वापस लौटेंगे।  
हमारे कर्म और धर्म संयोग के रिश्ते, हमारी जनम जनम की पहचान।

धर्म हमारी अहंकारी सोच नहीं, और ना मजबूरी या बंधन।
धर्म हमारे स्वतंत्रताकी रियासत, जिस में हम और तुम एक हो जाएँ।  
हम और तुम एक दूसरे को चिपक के नहीं,
बल्कि, एक दूसरे में सहजता से घुल जाएँ,  जैसे पानी और चीनी ;
जिसमें ना रहेगा इंसानका अहंकार, और ना ईश्वर या अल्लाह।
सिर्फ रहे जाएगी, एकही चेतना की खुशबू,
जिसे इंसान आझमाए, चैतन्यमहाप्रभु या चिदानंद रूपः।  

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas !

Image result for images of sky on holy night
May the Holy Night, the Holy Dawn, and the Holy Day of thoughtful awareness condense as a Dewdrop of pure Consciousness in which to find our natural selves in union with the love of Infinite Wisdom.
Making Christmas Merry and its spirit durable throughout the New Year is an individual specific Realisation or Revelation: which is a stepless journey within.
Wishing Merry Christmas
to you and your loved ones ~~

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Vladimir Putin-Pneumonia

The Vladimir Putin-Pneumonia

A highly contagious new strain of Vladimir Putin-Pneumonia with deep hacking symptoms has spread within the American News and Political Media. A new antidote vaccine is urgently needed to curb and prevent the infection from spreading into the ramparts of NATO and Eurasia.
The new Drone and Cyber Hacking Technologies promise to break all barriers of gossiping and confidentiality including those of the private bedrooms; while simultaneously promoting the resurgence of new Religious and Trade barriers.
How secular are You and Pneumonia ?... is a question left for each individual to ask of ourselves in the modern world.
In the meantime, the Russian President Vladimir Putin, basking in the free global publicity is vacationing within the ramparts of the Kremlin Tower and the new President-elect of the US is basking in his own Tower.
The good old technologies of Iron curtain, Bamboo curtain, and Walls of various designs may gain resurgence and Renaissance.
Unperturbed, the world keeps on rotating around itself at its own speed………………………………..  

The Earth rotating from space? - YouTube

Friday, December 16, 2016

Aleppo - The Current Excuse for the Sunni and Shia Divide

I am an old Owl sitting on the branch of my tree and watching the age old game recently re-named as Aleppo. The game is as old as the story of two Prophet and one exclusive God proclaimed as Allah. The two opposing teams in the game played out at Aleppo are Sunni and Shia.

The same competitive game is being staged by every Prophet driven team around the world. Prophet and profiteering has become the name of the game in which God seems to be the constant witness and referrie. There is never a shortage of highly charged audience for the game.  

Faith seems to have become a many splendored and blundered dimension ranging from blindness and bloodiness to self enlightenment under a common umbrella called Religion. When we loose Faith in ourselves, we tend to read a Book for directions. A Book can only instruct how to go East, West, North or South, up or down except how to go within, which is the seat of all pervading and all inclusive Consciousness.

Aleppo has been used as the current excuse and battleground for resolving the centuries old divide between the Sunni and Shia faiths. Aleppo is a war of attrition of opposition at all costs.

It is the same old story where ever a Prophet is prophesied as the Son-of-God and as an intermediary medium between God and Consciousness.

In wars such as Aleppo, a brokered truce or ceasefire serves merely as an excuse to pause, regroup and resume the never ending war.
These highly inflammable and Ego driven wars pull in International players that are eager for profiteering and furthering self interests.

From the perspective of an Owl, the name of the global game is Prophet-N-Profiteering….

Today, the world body of Disunited Nations Organisation (DNO) is priding on a brokered Ceasefire in the midst of a ruined city of Aleppo and suffering of unaccountable number of displaced families and children unable to grasp what has gone wrong so badly and why ? They even lack the physical energy to ask, Who is responsible for this Mess ?

The simple Arithmetic of Life...

Following extract from Wikipedia is a brief info on the physicality of Aleppo:

Main article: Syrian Civil War
In 2011, Aleppo was Syria's largest city with a population of 2.5 million people. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it has been described by Time as Syria's commercial capital.[77] Author Diana Darke has written that "The city has long been multi-cultural, a complex mix of Kurds, Iranians, Turkmen, Armenians and Circassians overlaid on an Arab base in which multi-denominational churches and mosques still share the space."[78]
Nationwide protests against the government led by President Bashar al-Assad had occurred since 15 March 2011, as part of the Arab Spring. In Aleppo itself, large protests started more than a year later in May 2012.[79] During this period, government-organized rallies in support of itself also occurred.[80] Aleppo had remained undisturbed and largely supportive of the regime[81][82] by the 16-month-long conflict till 22 July, when rebel fighters from the neighbouring villages converged and penetrated into it,[83] to which the government responded with heavy-handed, indiscriminate bombardments of the city.[81]

Friday, December 9, 2016


America seems uniquely a land of unbelievable expectations and performances, including;
  1. A Great Grandfather having seven children and several Grand Children has just become a father himself once again.
  2. A new President elect, yet to be installed, is promising to bring back jobs that voluntarily left its shores 30-50 years ago ~~
  3. The overall life expectancy for the U.S. population dropped from 78.9 years in 2014 to 78.8 years in 2015. The 0.1 year drop in life expectancy is alarming for a population that always wants more and more of everything including new variety of troubles.

Life Expectancy In The US Has Dropped For The First Time In ... - WFTS
  1. Statistics reveals that if everyone in the world lives like an American, humanity will need 3.5 Earths as of 2016….. That we don’t got. Globalization is trying to figure out how to level the ground.
  2. America seems perennially dissatisfied with what it has, and that may be the reason for its thrust for outer spaces like Moon and Jupiter.
  3. To be continued as the Trumpet will announce the installation of the new American President elect in Jan 2017 ~~

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Morning Glory

06 December, 2016
Morning Glory
A Thank You Note to Each Warm Well-Wisher ~~~
4th December 2016 turned out to be a heart warming day for me in several incremental ways!
In the morning, I woke up from a short but very pleasant dream. In the dream, I was returning home from somewhere. On the way, I was walking through an Indian bazaar that I have been familiar with only through my several previous reoccurring dreams. I noticed that a small new vendor were selling attractive ripe Papaya fruits. My mind was prompting that we were only 2-3 family members at home at this time including our मोठीआई ( Maternal Grandmother ). Knowing that मोठीआई loved Papaya, I decided to buy two ripe Papayas. The friendly vendor helped me pick the sweet Papaya saying your मोठीआई will love it. Just at that moment, the dream ended. As I gradually opened my eyes and stepped out of the bed, I received a morning-glory hug ( भाकी ) from my wife Usha. Thus the Birthday morning started out with a heart warming throb.  
As the weatherman had accurately predicted sliding temperatures during the previous night, the very first snow flurries of this season were graciously floating down in beautiful fluffy formations since morning,,. coupled with it the warm BDay wishes received from each one of you maintained the temperature of our residential Igloo in Addison heartwarmingly cozy all day. Thank you, one and all.
Presence of the entire family together in our Igloo also helped maintain the warmth all day long.
From a personal perspective, the day turned out to be all Eyes and Ears for the following tiny reasons…..
Our 5-year worthy Grand daughter, Arielle, asked me, Dadu why do you walk slowly and turn the light on when there is so much daylight ? I said to her her, so that I can hear better.
Our 6-month worthy Grandson, Raul, was grabbing my ear when I was propping him on my chest. I asked him why are you holding my ear ? He said,.. so that Dadu may see better and not tumble down with me to the floor. But then he said gently with his twinkling eyes and smiling lips, Dadu I Wuv you. So, I look no farther than I can see.  
Having enjoyed the Bday to its fullest all day long, I checked my life loving Arithmetic out of sheer curiosity….
2016 - 1932 = 84 . So it seems that I better start walking and trotting past the 84th Mile stone from now on, ..while our 6-month worthy Grandson Raul is turtling around in his own territorial kingdom.
Best regards and warm love to each one of my well wisher and thanks again for your  हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं for my Bday ~~~


Friday, December 2, 2016

The Literacy of Life


Each pocket of civilization in the world, through the history of time,  is an Ethos that cannot be understood intellectually. We have to immerse in it and dissolve in order to understand it. In the same sense, our physical body is also an Ethos that is progressively accessed through theYoga system of inner discipline consistent with harmony in tune with the environment. Yoga is individual specific self affirmation of being and becoming complete from within. It facilitates the true Literacy of Life in which consciousness blossoms to its boundless potential.
Religion, God and Spirituality are bombastic and hollow-istic words  of the intellectually blind faculties. In contrast, Scientific faculty frankly admits its ignorance in pursuit of the unknown. Ignorance is not a conscious sin; arrogance is.
The human body is a self-evolving and self-sustaining universe by itself within the context of the non-dual larger universe. It is not an ego trip. Starting with the harmonious union of an egg and male sperm in the womb,  the fertilized egg multiplies and assembles itself in an orderly fashion to create an intelligent machine namely the human body. All faculties and functional technologies necessary to operate and maintain the systems are developed from within. At the end of its self fulfilling journey, the same body has the intelligence to disassemble itself cell by cell and revert to its original state namely Topsoil of Earth…. Irrespective of how deep the body is buried or cremated according to the belief systems of the mortals.
Truth is an effortlessly simple reality. From it we evolve and subsequently in it we dissolve.

The Literacy of Life seems to be all about unconditionally embracing the universal harmony within ourselves. It is readily accessible within the framework of our own being. Call it the nomadic instinct granted by the wisdom of the deep blue sky above, which is constantly looking after us.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....