Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Definition and Dimensions of Constipation

When  ever we try  to define anything,, we automatically confine its dimensions within the realm of self ignorance. Defining the idea “ God” i  s one such pronounced and self incriminating idealistic example.

Sitting on an 85-Year Pile of shitting experiences, I feel reasonably assured and emboldened to define the dimensions of the phenomenon called Constipation.

1. Constipation is being in charge of misfiring Artillery and Weaponry in the battling life against unforeseen odds .  
2. Constipation is when irrespective of our gender qualifications, we go into forced labor and nothing substantial comes out accompanying the musical notes and fragrance of fermentation.
2. Constipation is knocking on the doors of the Shithouse uninvited, and receiving limited response.
3. Constipation is disorder of material balance, which states “ Input = Output + Accumulation “. 4. Constipation is when the Output is out of sink or balance, as Accumulation increases and so does its shitty fragrance along with its vociferous expressions.
4. Constipation is what makes us walk away from our own presence implying that we are in bad company !
5. Constipation is disturbance of  physical, chemical and emotional harmony within our own presence.   

Summarising the state and stage of Constipation :
Each individual is born unlike any other in the boundless Cosmos, and therefore a meaningful resolution of chronic Constipation remains an individual specific Enterprise.  Individually, we are the Emperor of our own Destiny, which automatically implies that we cannot blame our misfiring weaponry on any one else.

Image - Courtesy of Deepak and Vikas Deo

Awe and wondrous smile  remains the secret of a healthy and purposeful Life.

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