Tuesday, February 27, 2018

अहंकार - रूप और स्वरुप

२७ फेब्रुअरी, २०१८
अहंकार - रूप और स्वरुप

छाया चित्र - बिल्ली या बिलौवाका अहंकार
छाया चित्र उपस्थिति  - दीपक सुरेश दव

रूप आँखोंसे दिखता है, और स्वरूप जो आँखोंसे नही दिखता, बल्कि सिर्फ महसूस होता है।   

भगवान की मूर्ती नजरियामें भरती है, परन्तु उसका सत्चिदानंद स्वरुप केवल महसूस ही होता है, और जिसकी असली पहचान केवल अनुभूति से ही होती है।  अनुभूति याने अन्तर्यामी सनातन प्रसन्नताकी पहचान।  ये सोच  महसूस होती है सतसंग प्रसाद अथवा सद्विचारोंकी संगतमें प्राप्त हुवा प्रसाद।  

आज इसी सोचमाला में अर्पण है अहंकार की महिमा :

अहंकार  - खुदके अज्ञानता का स्वाभाविक प्रदर्शन।

अहंकारी  इंसान - मंदिर / मस्जिद / गुरुद्वारा / चर्च बनाता है जिसमें खुदके इष्ट भगवान को कैदी बनाकर,  खुदकी मांगें और मन्नतोंको पूरी करवाना चाहता है।   इष्ट भगवान की मूर्तियां बनाकर, उस मूर्ती में प्राणप्रतिष्ठा और वहृदय की गीली बूँदें  डालना भूल  जाता है।  अन्यतः   खुदका नाम ईंटों और चट्टानोंपर लिखवाना नहीं भूलता ” श्रीमान अंटसंट की कृपा से ५० लाख रुपयों की हार्दिक  दान सेवा से बना है ये पूजा घर ~~ “ .

रिश्वत देना और लेना अहंकारी खूनमें सदा बहता रहता है।  भगवान से भी लेना, देना और उचारी चलाती रहती है।  

अहंकारी दिल सदा रोता है जिसके आंसूं कहते है “ और, और, और की चाहत के कंठ नाद में “।  

निर्मल मन सदा मंगल भावनासे  सारे जीवों के और अनंत सृष्टी के भलाई में सिर्फ एकही प्रार्थना अर्पित करता है, सुनिए

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Definition and Dimensions of Constipation

When  ever we try  to define anything,, we automatically confine its dimensions within the realm of self ignorance. Defining the idea “ God” i  s one such pronounced and self incriminating idealistic example.

Sitting on an 85-Year Pile of shitting experiences, I feel reasonably assured and emboldened to define the dimensions of the phenomenon called Constipation.

1. Constipation is being in charge of misfiring Artillery and Weaponry in the battling life against unforeseen odds .  
2. Constipation is when irrespective of our gender qualifications, we go into forced labor and nothing substantial comes out accompanying the musical notes and fragrance of fermentation.
2. Constipation is knocking on the doors of the Shithouse uninvited, and receiving limited response.
3. Constipation is disorder of material balance, which states “ Input = Output + Accumulation “. 4. Constipation is when the Output is out of sink or balance, as Accumulation increases and so does its shitty fragrance along with its vociferous expressions.
4. Constipation is what makes us walk away from our own presence implying that we are in bad company !
5. Constipation is disturbance of  physical, chemical and emotional harmony within our own presence.   

Summarising the state and stage of Constipation :
Each individual is born unlike any other in the boundless Cosmos, and therefore a meaningful resolution of chronic Constipation remains an individual specific Enterprise.  Individually, we are the Emperor of our own Destiny, which automatically implies that we cannot blame our misfiring weaponry on any one else.

Image - Courtesy of Deepak and Vikas Deo

Awe and wondrous smile  remains the secret of a healthy and purposeful Life.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Early Morning Air

07 February. 2018

Early Morning Air
There is music and magic in the early morning air. We don't have to believe it blindly, but simply step out in the garden  or an open terrace to experience it.  So is Life.  Birds naturally chirp and sing ku-koo ~~ in the morning celebrating the morning spirit.  

When we get up in the early hours of the morning and step outside in fresh air, we sense an incredible exhilaration within our entire presence that prompts us to inhale a deep breath. In it we sense that our Neurons in the brain are firing like sparklers. The fountain of fresh enthusiasm is compelling and inviting passionate action.  In those highly Oxygenated  moments, we seem to have the urge to explore higher possibilities of Life.  Pursuit of our own passion for life during the early morning hours seems to trigger higher levels of intuitive creativity.

However, the pursuit of passion requires basic inner discipline for channeling and focusing energies of the body , mind and intellect. Intellect has the unique faculty of discrimination to avoid pitfalls.  

The highly evolved system of Yoga essentially implies consecration of all available cosmic energies  to maximise life in full blossom. With the foundation of Yoga discipline, the pursuit of passion explores the higher possibilities of Life. Individual passion boundlessly pursues expression through unlimited choices of Arts, Music, Sculpture, Science, Programming, Writing and numerous other disciplines to discover ourselves in the constantly changing dynamics of life, time and space; in which no vibration is Absolute.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Life and Learning

Life  and Learning
A growing up child full of awe and wonder, doesn't learn about life from the boring scriptural books taught in schools of learning and scholarship; instead sponges it in from the behavioral attitude  of adults constantly hovering around it. As a result, the child grows up either  “ Ego sensitive “ or “ Life sensitive “ .

Over the span of  several decades  of living this rare and blessed life, it gradually condenses and coalesces  in conscious awareness communicating that in the boundless Cosmos ( अनंत ब्रह्माण्ड ) of which we are an integral presence, each individual Life is uniquely incomparable to any other,  silently  and involuntarily emitting self enriching messages of of Life.

Gradually, life or existence appears to be not an endless intellectual pursuit, but simply an inner  self revelation or realisation. 

The Creator of life and matter, space and time  remains of necessity a perception of the perceiver. As a result, there is nothing like  “ The Truth “ , rather  simply “ A Truth “ . This seems to be the inner experiential  wisdom of revered  Seekers of changeless Truth of being and becoming. 

A true Seeker of eternally changeless Truth has been traditionally referred to as a Sage, Saint, Rishi, Sufi,  Fakir and with several  alternative cultural terms; each  referring to the unified and all inclusive perception of  Life and Matter, Time and Space. 

This is where intellectualisation of life stops, and internalisation begins. All barriers of separation vanish. The duality of my God and your God ceases to exist, and so does all conflict. Then only peaceful inner silence reigns supreme. In that silence, a Seeker of Truth reverentially asks of himself “ Who am I ? 

An infant gazes at the Starlit sky simply in awe and wonder !

With the twinkling stars as the constant witness, Life is no one's exclusive right, but everyone's prerogative. 

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....