Friday, August 29, 2014

28 August, 2014
Forward, Reverse and Inner Engineering
This is an  effort for putting together a mini biography of human civilization and its various efforts for engineering its own way of life.
Walking on your own piece of land and noticing a puddle of dark liquid identified as oil is not classified as an invention or engineering.
The progress of human civilization globally is witness to the phenomena of various skills of engineering. Special set of skills are required to develop a fundamentally original concept and bring it to practical use.
For the sake of simplification in dealing with this topic, the world may be divided into the West, the so called Middle East, and the East.
The West - The Western Civilization in general has initiated most of the modern technologies in use today via Forward Engineering, which implies initiating fundamental scientific concepts, establishing their dimensional magnitude, and engineering them from ground up  to practical applications. Typical examples would be harnessing Atomic Energy, the technology developed for the manned Mission to the Moon, and the iPad.
The Middle East - This region seems to have no specific engineering skills developed on its own. Digging a hole in the ground on your own real estate to tap water, and instead finding oil is not classified as an invention or engineering.
While outsourcing all necessary engineering technologies to suit their needs, the Middle East region has synthesized religions, embraced saints, fundamentalists as well as radicals. It has promoted Prophet based religions, intangible God, Hell, and religious conversions around the Globe promising an intangible Heaven as a real estate for eternal pleasurable retirement; negating the reality of death.
The East - When it comes to the engineering capabilities, traditionally the East has essentially learnt to duplicate what the West has already developed and commercialised. Products “Not invented or produced locally” are first purchased on open market, methodically disassembled, each component is  thoroughly documented, and then each component part is manufactured locally for the final assembly. This technique is identified as Reverse Engineering for this composition.  

Fundamentally, the East is not about Forward Engineering nor Religion; instead it is about philosophising an individual specific way of life. East has concentrated its energies in development of Inner Engineering, which is solely an introspective approach for enhancement of human consciousness for seeking its universal identity. I have heard the term Inner Engineering in the discourses of Mr. Vasudev, of Isha Foundation.

East is fundamentally rooted in Logic, Reason and Devotion in pursuit of conscious awareness. This Devotion is about becoming devoid of your own self; about dissolving in the environment or simply becoming One with it. It is the path of Introspection, which represents a journey within seeking to experience universal identity without any borders or boundaries.
Knowingly or without realising, the Multi Level Marketing (MLM) has already gone global ever since man-made religions introduced God, Heaven and Hell. In the 21st Century,  the iPad which was invented and forwardly engineered in the US, is now being assembled in China. However, the hundreds of components required for the final assembly of iPad are manufactured in several different countries around the world and shipped to China in time for the final assembly. The act of final assembly amounts to assembly of peaches. So the world has become intricately interdependent. Out of this global enterprise, the profits from sales are shared by various players as shown below. This information is communicated by a former advisor to President Clinton in two Youtubes titled “ Inequality for All ” and “ Which country profits the most from selling the iPad “.
1. Japan 34.0  %
2. Germany 17.0  %
3. S. Korea 12.0  %
4. USA 6.9  %
5. China 3.6  %
6. Rest 27  % combined
Nobel Laureate and columnist Tom Friedman published his book titled “The World is Flat”. In it he provides a list of countries that manufacture and make on-time deliveries of components for the final assembly of Dell computer in the country that finally assembles the laptop. The long list of countries is self explanatory about how intricately various countries have become dependent on each other in common interest; which potentially reduces international conflicts as pointed out by Friedman.
The large list of countries participating in on-time manufacturing and delivery of mechanical and electronic components for computers is indicative of which countries around the globe provide Forward Engineering and Reverse engineering capabilities.
At one level, all  of the above three branches of engineering,  namely the  Forward, Reverse and Inner Engineering have been used for profiteering from the Global market place. However, all of these branches of engineering ultimately complement each other by condensing and coalescing to enhance the joint consciousness of humanity.

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