Monday, September 1, 2014

१ सितम्बर, २०१४


“ इंकिलाबा जिन्दबाद, कोमीनारा जय हिंद” ये नारा मैंने हाईस्कूलमें पढ़ते समय (१९४२-१९४७ ) सुना था; तब मेरी उम्र केवल १०-१५ सालकी थी. वो था, ब्रिटिश राज्यका जमाना।

भारत, जोरसे चिल्लानेका नारा नही. भारत, ये अनगिनत सदियोंका इतिहास है. जो खुदके पैरोंपर खड़ा अलौकिक आत्मज्ञान है जिसे केवल आत्मबोधसे आझमाया जाता है.

कूछही दिनों पहेले सुना है “”, ये भारत सरकारकी नई वेब-साइट है।
हमारे वतनके आर्थिक और मानसिक परिवर्तन अथवा “मोडिफिकेशन” की संभावना।

आजतो मैं केवल ८१ सालका युवा हूँ.  
काफी नई उम्मीदें लेकर, आगे बढ़ना और बढ़ाना चाहता हूँ
मेरे वतनको, और साथही साथ खुदको भी
सनातन धर्म मार्गके रास्ते पर.

सनातन = जिसकी कभी शुरुवाता नही और अंत भी नहीं।
धर्म = हरेक इन्सानकी खुदके आचार(तहेजीब), विचार(सोच) और उच्चार (लब्ज़) पर आघारित, खुदके असली पहेचान की खोज. इन तीन गुणोंके संतुलित भावमें  हम मनकी शांति (स्वर्ग/ भिश्त / Heaven) आझमाँते हैं; और असंतुलित भावमें मनकी परेशानियां (नर्क / जहन्नम / Hell ) आझमाँते हैं।  
सनातन धर्म = आत्म परिवर्तनकी सोच और खोज है.

सनातन धर्म, हर इंसानके असली इंसानियतकी पहेचान है.
सनातन धर्म, इष्टभगवानका (खुद का माना हुवा ) और स्वर्गके (भिष्टके) मंझिलोंका  मंन्दिर, मस्जिद, दर्गा, या चर्च नहीं।

हिन्दुस्तान, हिन्दुकुश पर्वत, हिन्द महासागर, सिंधू, गंगा, ब्रह्मपुत्रा, महानदी, ताप्ती, गोदावरी, नर्मदा, बंगाल, काश्मीर, मानस सरोवर, हिमालय, श्री लंका ये सब
पुरातन अखंड भारतवर्षकी सिर्फ भौगोलिक पहेचान है.

अखंड भारतकी असली पहेचान है, उसके आत्मज्ञानी संत, ऋषी, मुनी महात्माओं की अनगिनत सदियोंकी ज्ञान परम्परा; सनातन धर्म और खुदकी असली पहेचान।

जब मैं, ८१० सालका बुजुर्ग हो जाऊंगा,
तब पीछे मुड़कर देखूंगा, मेरे वतनकी असली शान;
मन ही मन में, खुश होकर,  
दुआ देते और मांगते हुए।

Friday, August 29, 2014

28 August, 2014
Forward, Reverse and Inner Engineering
This is an  effort for putting together a mini biography of human civilization and its various efforts for engineering its own way of life.
Walking on your own piece of land and noticing a puddle of dark liquid identified as oil is not classified as an invention or engineering.
The progress of human civilization globally is witness to the phenomena of various skills of engineering. Special set of skills are required to develop a fundamentally original concept and bring it to practical use.
For the sake of simplification in dealing with this topic, the world may be divided into the West, the so called Middle East, and the East.
The West - The Western Civilization in general has initiated most of the modern technologies in use today via Forward Engineering, which implies initiating fundamental scientific concepts, establishing their dimensional magnitude, and engineering them from ground up  to practical applications. Typical examples would be harnessing Atomic Energy, the technology developed for the manned Mission to the Moon, and the iPad.
The Middle East - This region seems to have no specific engineering skills developed on its own. Digging a hole in the ground on your own real estate to tap water, and instead finding oil is not classified as an invention or engineering.
While outsourcing all necessary engineering technologies to suit their needs, the Middle East region has synthesized religions, embraced saints, fundamentalists as well as radicals. It has promoted Prophet based religions, intangible God, Hell, and religious conversions around the Globe promising an intangible Heaven as a real estate for eternal pleasurable retirement; negating the reality of death.
The East - When it comes to the engineering capabilities, traditionally the East has essentially learnt to duplicate what the West has already developed and commercialised. Products “Not invented or produced locally” are first purchased on open market, methodically disassembled, each component is  thoroughly documented, and then each component part is manufactured locally for the final assembly. This technique is identified as Reverse Engineering for this composition.  

Fundamentally, the East is not about Forward Engineering nor Religion; instead it is about philosophising an individual specific way of life. East has concentrated its energies in development of Inner Engineering, which is solely an introspective approach for enhancement of human consciousness for seeking its universal identity. I have heard the term Inner Engineering in the discourses of Mr. Vasudev, of Isha Foundation.

East is fundamentally rooted in Logic, Reason and Devotion in pursuit of conscious awareness. This Devotion is about becoming devoid of your own self; about dissolving in the environment or simply becoming One with it. It is the path of Introspection, which represents a journey within seeking to experience universal identity without any borders or boundaries.
Knowingly or without realising, the Multi Level Marketing (MLM) has already gone global ever since man-made religions introduced God, Heaven and Hell. In the 21st Century,  the iPad which was invented and forwardly engineered in the US, is now being assembled in China. However, the hundreds of components required for the final assembly of iPad are manufactured in several different countries around the world and shipped to China in time for the final assembly. The act of final assembly amounts to assembly of peaches. So the world has become intricately interdependent. Out of this global enterprise, the profits from sales are shared by various players as shown below. This information is communicated by a former advisor to President Clinton in two Youtubes titled “ Inequality for All ” and “ Which country profits the most from selling the iPad “.
1. Japan 34.0  %
2. Germany 17.0  %
3. S. Korea 12.0  %
4. USA 6.9  %
5. China 3.6  %
6. Rest 27  % combined
Nobel Laureate and columnist Tom Friedman published his book titled “The World is Flat”. In it he provides a list of countries that manufacture and make on-time deliveries of components for the final assembly of Dell computer in the country that finally assembles the laptop. The long list of countries is self explanatory about how intricately various countries have become dependent on each other in common interest; which potentially reduces international conflicts as pointed out by Friedman.
The large list of countries participating in on-time manufacturing and delivery of mechanical and electronic components for computers is indicative of which countries around the globe provide Forward Engineering and Reverse engineering capabilities.
At one level, all  of the above three branches of engineering,  namely the  Forward, Reverse and Inner Engineering have been used for profiteering from the Global market place. However, all of these branches of engineering ultimately complement each other by condensing and coalescing to enhance the joint consciousness of humanity.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

२३ अगस्त, २०१४
माँग और मंगनी

भगवान के मंदिर में,
ना होता है कोई सौदा, ना माँग
सिर्फ होती है, दो दीलोंकी मंगनी
संत तुकाराम और साध्वी मीराबाई नाचे और गायें
मेरा तन, मन, और बदन है, मेरे भगवान का मंदिर।

अलग ज़माने , अलग शायर ,एकही खयालका खजाना  ……

सूफी फ़कीर, किसीके पीछे भेड़िओं जैसे भागते नहीं।  जीतेहैं  उस शराबके नशेमे, जो नशा कभी उतरता नहीं।
इन शायरोंकी शायरी सुनलो , मन में समालो।
कबीर  ( 1440-1518 )
गालिब (१७९७-१८६९)
इकबाल (१८७७-१९३८)
फराझ  (१९३१ - २००८ )
कबीरा ( 1440-1518 ) गाये,
सुनो भाई साधो (पूजा और साधना करने वालों ),
मेरे जमीनसे निकले कपाससे , मैंने धागा ताना ( spun ) खुदके हाथोंसे
मेरी सुन्दर जीवन चदरिया बूनी मैने, मेरे रंग-बिरंगी धागोंसे !
The free spirit of Kabirs message may be encapsulated equally beautifully in English:
“ I have woven this colorful fabric of life, using my own yarn spun out of staple fibers grown on my fields”. Self-Revelation ( आत्म बोध ) seemed to be Kabir’s theme.


ग़ालिब ने एक शेर फरमाया , १९०० सदीमें :
झईद  शराब पीनेदे मस्जिदमें बैठकर,या वो जगह बता जहाँ खुदा नहीं।
इक़बालके मनमें ,गालिबका शेर जचा नहीं।  उन्होंने फरमाया :
मस्जिद खुदा का घर है, पीनेकी जगह नहीं ,
काफ़िरके दिलमें जा, वहाँ खुदा नहीं।
फिर १९०० सदीके आखरी समय में, शायर फ़राज़ ने आझमाँया  :
काफ़िरके दिलसे आया हूँ , मैं ये देख कर फराझ, खुदा मौजूद है वहाँ , पर उसे पता नहीं।

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

ए मेरे तन, मन, और वतन के लोगों

13 Aug. 2014




15th August, 2014 Independence Day Celebration.

The lyrics of  two compositions that throb the heart of Indian mind on 15 August seem to be the National Anthem and “Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon”.

Aspiration may be considered as durable inspiration in the context of the stride of India in the 21st Century for fulfilling the aspirations of the common man.
“जन गण मन अधिनायक जय हे” is the beginning lyric of the National Anthem of India. Written in highly Sanskritized (Tatsama) Bengali, it is the first of five stanzas of a Brahmo hymn composed and scored by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. It was first sung in Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress on 27 December 1911. The heart of the Indian subcontinent was aspiring for freedom from the British occupation.since the 1650’s.  At that time, the map of British ruled India was as shown below. This is the map outline that I drew in my Geography class as a highschool kid during 1942-1948. Geography being my most favorite subject in high school, I was well aware of the national borders. The drums of freedom were gradually sounding louder. However, towards 1946-47 there was whisper that the country may be divided on cow-pig religious issues.

During those years (1942-48),  I was transitioning through the age of 10 to 16; secretly wishing that the map of India that I had fondly drawn in my geography class would remain intact.  I had sensed that all people of my hometown, Nagpur, seemed to have similar body language and ways of entertaining life, although they spoke different languages and had different skin colors ranging from black, brown to fair. By virtue of being the geographic center of India, Nagpur always has had a generous presence of every religious and linguistic community of the country.

During early 1900, British rule had already spun off India, Burma and Ceylon as separate territories probably for easier governance. The territory of British Indian Empire as shown in the above map gained Independence on 15 August, 1947, but simultaneously fragmenting into India and Pakistan as two separate countries;  the result of a bartered arrangement through the intermediary of the British. As a high school student at that time, I sensed that the fracture occurred primarily due to ego driven cow-pig squabbles. As a result, both India and Pakistan celebrate their Independence day on 15 August. A few decades later ( March 26, 1971)  the Easter segment of Pakistan split away naming itself Bangladesh seemingly due to linguistic issues. Titan Ego that does not seem to dissolve easily, seems to invariably trounce over wisdom of the time !

Each country with its newly defined borders within the subcontinent embraced its own National Anthem. In the light of these developments, it seems that India’s National Anthem that was initiated in 1911 is being sung out of context as shown below.

The National Anthem of India in Devanagari Script:

जन गण मन अधिनायक जय हे
भारत भाग्यविधाता
पंजाब सिन्धु गुजरात मराठा
द्राविड़ उत्कल बंगा
विन्ध्य हिमाचल यमुना गंगा
उच्छल जलधि तरंगा
तव शुभ नामे जागे
तव शुभ आशीष मागे
गाहे तव जयगाथा
जन गण मंगलदायक जय हे
भारत भाग्यविधाता
जय हे, जय हे, जय हे
जय जय जय जय हे!

A simple question arises, why is the freed country still being identified as India, while addressing it as भारत (Bharat) in the National Anthem ?  It was the spirit of this National Anthem that had united all Indians, irrespective of religious and linguistic differences, to aspire for Independence from the British rule ever since the Sepoy mutiny of 1857. Will someone identify  where is Bharat and Sindh located in the current map of India shown below?

From my perspective ( Born in 1932 ) the map of current India looks as if my high school image of India has been chewed up by rats around.the upper half along the Eastern, Northern, and Western borders. It may not make an emotional difference for Indians born after the country’s Independence in 1947 because this is the map they will see and study in school.

While the country is free and independent since 1947, its mindset still displays residual signs of enslavement which is audible from the body language of its inhabitants. The educated that claim to be modernized seem to be woefully westernized and a big emotional gap exists between them and rest of the rural India. Take a walk of 100 kilometers ( 60 miles)  on your own feet out of a big city limits to feel the difference. Would some of the so-called modernised, unconsciously sing the National Anthem in a customized way as follows (obviously I am exaggerating to make a point!).

जन गण मन अधिनायक जय हे
INDIA भाग्यविधाता
पंजाब INDUS गुजरात मराठा
द्राविड़ उत्कल बंगा
विन्ध्य हिमाचल यमुना गंगा
उच्छल जलधि तरंगा
तव शुभ नामे जागे
तव शुभ आशीष मागे
गाहे तव जयगाथा
जन गण मंगलदायक जय हे
INDIA भाग्यविधाता
जय हे, जय हे, जय हे
जय जय जय जय हे!

India and Indus are clearly not words derived from Tamil or Sanskrit, which are the two oldest languages originating on the subcontinent and represent a distinct civilization. It is not the intent of this composition to survey the historical origins of these two words, Indus and India. .

It is time India wakes up to its inherent cultural identity, which is intertwined with the distinct civilization.of the entire subcontinent. Since ancient times, the entire subcontinent has been identified locally as Bharat (भारत) as well as Aryavarta (आर्यवर्त), which implies the land of the original inhabitants. Sadguru Vasudev of the Isha Foundation points out that the names Hindustan and Hindu Kush Mountains are ancient geographical identities similar to neighboring regions identified as Afghanistan, Waziristan, Turkistan, and others. The word Stan simply implies a place; a geographical identity.
Astronomical predictions peg the popular folklore about King Rama of Ayodhya around 8000 BCE; and Krishna of Mathura around 5000 BCE. The Carbon Dating System pegs the  Mohenjo-daro civilization in the province of Sindh around 2600 BCE. Any old timelines have to be taken with a pinch of salt!
Unfortunately in recent times, the province of Sindh was bartered away to Pakistan during the negotiations for Independence in 1947; which prompted the following note for this composition:
In the dawn of 1942, a little girl named Usha Butani was born in Larkana, Sindh, which was an integral part of British India then. However, when Usha was barely six years old,, her entire family had to leave their comfortable home in Larkana where her father,was a successful practicing Physician, The whole family had no option but to leave all belongings and resettle in the newly defined India for their own safety. During that upheaval,and migration, almost a million innocent lives were lost and families disrupted. The Butani family eventually settled in Delhi and learnt Hindi/Punjabi to adapt in the new environment. Usha grew up in Delhi while studying through school and University. For no mischief on my part,  I fell in love at the very first sight with the disarming warmth and beauty of her unassuming simplicity; and we got married on 15 October, 1969.

The word Bharat * भारत “ is symbolic of an ancient self-enriching cultural heritage of the Indian subcontinent. It has consistently entertained an all-inclusive universal philosophy and a way of life, which has been seeded by self-enlightened Masters of this soil. The self-enlightened Saints of Bharat such as Tukaram and Kabir passionately sang lyrics communicating universal wisdom such as “ My body is the place of worship of my divine Consciousness” (माझा देह, माझ्या देवाचे मंदीर).
Kabir who was a Muslim Fakir was once asked:
Kabir, do you know, who your God is?
Kabir coolly replied “ God knows me”.
Unfortunately, all traditional religions choose to ignore the free spirit of the saints, fakirs and mystics.

There was a conscious effort to incorporate the self-enriching  universal philosophy of life in the Indian National Emblem with the inscription in Devanagari  सत्यमेव जयते;   "Satyameva Jayate" expressed in literal English. Its meaning “Truth Alone Triumphs “  is a mantra affirmation  derived from the ancient scripture Mundaka Upanishad. Adopted as the National Motto, it is inscribed in Devanagari script at the base of the National Emblem. The emblem and the words "Satyameva Jayate" are also inscribed on one side of all Indian currency. The emblem is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka which was erected around 250 BC at Sarnath, near Varanasi in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

In a truly secular and free India, each individual may freely entertain the idea and ideal of a personal God, while being mindful and respectful of other enabling ideas and ideals. Freedom automatically implies responsibilities for mutual respect; and that is where good governance plays an effective role. In a truly diverse India, appeasement of none and legitimate freedom for all; has been voiced by the newly elected Prime Minister, Mr.  Narendra Modi.

With blurred self-identity, India seemed to have gone into a virtual coma for the past 1500 years. The blame game stops where it begins; at the Mind that surrenders its innate freedom and identity. With changing mindset and recently renewed aspirations, the country may come out of its coma and identify itself again as Bharat…. the land of the self-enlightened Masters  (ऋषि, मुनी) that prompt exploring the immense possibilities of life here and now, as well as in the boundless Universe; seeking our true self-identity and its purpose.

It has been saddening to witness the wild weeds grown in the fertile soil of Bharat. Renewed hopes and aspirations through the national elections of 2014 hold promise, provided everyone participates actively and responsibly. No one has a magic wand !

By sheer demography, India is poised to become the World’s youngest population by 2020. Addressing the most precious asset of the country, the Youth, following pertinent remarks are appealing:
Mr. Narendra Modi reiterates “ Do not aspire to become someone; instead aspire to do something worthwhile in life”
Our Mother wrote a few decades ago, which appears in the book titled Seamless Generations “ The texture of thoughts condense into our actions and their consequences. We receive what we deserve, and not what we desire “.

While the drama of life within families and nations goes on unabated, our aspirations of an unfragmented Indian subcontinent may still become a reality in the 21st Century without even changing the borders of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma) and Sri Lanka (Ceylon). This may happen because people of the entire subcontinent speak the same body language and may start exchanging goods and goodwill, which they have subconsciously shared over the past several millenniums.

Unconditional love is deeper than the depths of the seas and the boundless skies. It is not the love of Hollywood, Bollywood or the wedding vows; but which is only expressed without a word. Only a Mother has the innate capacity to give expression to it. That may be why,  the terms such as भारतमाता, मातृभूमी, जन्मभूमी, धरतीमाता, भू गर्भ , जननी,  and Universal Womb are used to  express the Motherly emotions. Yet, a child may have  the audacity to emotionally disown the motherly love in favor of personal priorities ! The Indian subcontinent has its share of oddly behaving children!

All of us live in a borderless Universe, but unfortunately get bogged down  by physicalities and their self-imposed limitations. International borders with controlled porosity may allow fresh air to pass through and invigorate both sides of the border. Self-enriching ideas and committed sustained efforts help realise youthful dreams faster.

सत्यमेव  जयते !

ए मेरे तन, मन, और वतन के लोगों  ~~~~~

Suresh M. Deo
Addison, Illinois.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

01 May, 2014

The Deafening Silence -

During 1964-65, Ellora was a tiny, sleepy but happy village just a mile away from the now-famous Ellora-caves in Maharashtra, India. I had stayed in the village over a period of three months to work with the village folks to start a souvenir manufacturing unit. As a result, I had developed friendship in the village with an official Tourist Guide who was resident in the village. He had narrated to me the magnificence of the majestic artwork chiseled out of a mountain range from top down. I was in awe because I could not even begin to fathom the perspective and skills of the artisans that had chiseled the mountain range with such beauty over a period of a few centuries.
Every evening around dusk time, I took a solitary walk up to the entrance of the Ellora caves. I was afraid of entering the caves lest I shatter its deafening silence. But, I always paused at the cave, a bit afraid of darkness and the silence of all those majestically carved human figures and the hallways within the caves. There were no lamps of any kind around.
The utter silence of the caves in the evening, without a single tourist or human hanging around, seemed to audibly communicate the dedication and devotion of thousands of artisans.
Hanging around the caves in the darkness of its deafening silence, I was not a tourist; just an observer and listener with an awe of all that I was experiencing.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

26 April, 2014

Sainthood  -

Modern press hunts for  sizzling topics every week to yap-yap about. One of the centuries old topic this week is about elevating two fellow brothers to Sainthood. Somehow, the words sainthood and spirituality get intertwined with individual opinion. Life also seems to be judged with individual perspective.

In the seemingly timeless and boundless Universe, a human is destined a lifespan of merely 100  years.

Sainthood seems to be the ability of a human to merge with universal consciousness; it is not about magic, miracles, and curing diseases. Disease is simply absence of ease and harmony within. The all pervading universal forces within and outside of us are identical.

From one perspective, the self-evolving Universe seems to be in a perpetual and repetitive cycle transitioning from Silence to Sound to Creation to Preservation to Transformation, and back to Silence. The much touted Big-Bang seems like just one incident in this repetitive and timeless cycle. In this timeless cycle, a human has the audacity to define ideas with words such as Religion, God, Spirituality and Sainthood.  Yet, each human seems to have an innate capacity to harmoniously blend with the Reality which manifests as the Universe.

Reality is woven in the entire fabric of Universe. Sainthood seems to be the capacity of a human to cross the borders of self-imposed limitations in the boundless freedom of the Universe. Every individual has the capacity to experience the boundless freedom, but often lacks the courage and will.

Sainthood seems to be the aroma of spirituality that engulfs the environment;  it is not something that is bestowed by one brother on another. Spirituality is universal consciousness that is not sown and harvested from the parched fields of ignorance, scholarship of scriptures, or holy places of worship. Sainthood and spirituality are expressions of boundless freedom without a word.

Monday, January 20, 2014

21 Jan. 2014
Supreme Meditation and Power Yoga –
Supreme Meditation and Power Yoga are the new marketing slogans addressing the global ignorance and impatience with time and space.
A Pizza can be ordered in specified sizes including small, regular, large and extra large. Then there is a choice of garnishes or alternately order either a standard or a supreme quality in which the garnishes are standardized. Ordering a Pizza has been simplified as 1, 2, and 3. The commercial marketers try to apply the same business principles to Yoga and Meditation.
It is amusing to see modern TV commercials offering a Power Yoga course to accelerate the end results of building bull power.  Meditation and Yoga are being offered as franchised services by those who do not comprehend the essential spirit and purpose of these self-disciplinary and self-enriching systems.
If you are aspiring to know what Yoga and Meditation is all about t , please do not search for a franchised deal or  bearded self-proclaiming Guru , sitting cross legged with closed eyes.  Instead, look intently at athletes or gymnasts performing unbelievable balancing acts that will leave you breathless. It is that intensity and focus of mind that is required to accomplish what we wish.  This type of disciplined state of mind and body prepares us for Meditation. Only through this meditative state can we experience the universal wisdom that reveals itself. This is a precious message that has transcended through millenniums of human consciousness.
Each man-made competitive religion has followed trajectories like miss-guided missiles, hitting wrong targets, accomplishing wrong objectives and dividing humanity. The progressive disciplines of Yoga and Meditation only unite universal energies.
In reality, Meditation and Yoga systems are offered as progressive disciplines suited to the physical abilities and limitations of each aspirant.  
Let the uncapped and unbridled spirit of life enable each aspirant of universal wisdom to disperse himself/herself in the reality of existence and its supreme power.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....