Saturday, June 29, 2013

30 June, 2013

Leap of Faith –

Language of humanity repeatedly makes futile efforts to describe “That”  which cannot be explained. God is a concept that cannot be described but can only be experienced. Only that which is in personal experience can be described and believed. The comprehension of God is beyond human mind and physicality of consciousness assert the Self-enlightened Masters through ages. They have consistently prompted that you cannot meditate on something that cannot be meditated upon.

Human is constantly afraid of the unknown and readily succumbs to believing in the unknown. It is a self admission in lack of faith in Self. Fear saps the discriminatory ability to entertain life to its fullest extent of physicality, which reveals a simple secret that the Universe that lies outside of us is identical to the Universe inside us. This simple revelation stemming out of conscious experiential awareness and introspection guides in all endeavors of life while optimizing its potential.

Mantra is a Sanskrit word that simply implies a suggestive prompt to enlighten individual consciousness. A simple root Mantra has the capacity to progressively advance conscious awareness. The spirit of Mantra is independent of any specific religious or philosophical affiliation.

A simple Mantra is outlined below. There is no need to utter any sound or word. Silence and mindful equanimity is its language of communication. Mantra is an inner experience and not a cosmetic form of what is commonly practiced as meditation. This Mantra practiced in three consecutive steps has no name identity. Before self-administering the Mantra, sit comfortably while holding your spine erect. The three steps are steadying your Body, Breath and Mind.
1. Steady your Body. Stop all body movements including any internal muscle twitches. Then just feel and realize that your heartbeat and its regular rhythm is automatic. You are not the controller.
2. Steady your Breath. Watch and feel the breath going in through your nostrils and then coming out in a regular and repetitive rhythm on its own. Realize here also that you are not the controller.
3. Steady your Mind. This is your conscious awareness. Imagin Mind as a comfortable space within yourself. Sweep this space spotlessly clean off its accumulated crap (memories, thoughts, emotions etc). Then do not allow any old thoughts or memories to re-surface and simultaneously do not allow any new thoughts to enter in this space.

The three steps carried out concurrently will put your body in a neutral gear and maximize its potential energy. Hold yourself in this neutral gear for 6-seconds as a beginning exercise and then gradually advancing it to 60-seconds. Experience the increase in your potential energy to handle the task at hand. An advanced Yogi may practice this technique for up to uninterrupted period of 6-hours to achieve what he/she is seeking. This effective technique has been handed over through generations of Yoga Masters for achieving self-enlightenment. It is a self-perpetuating and self-enlightening process for fearlessly pursuing and maximizing life, while maintaining our human machine fully tuned and aligned with Nature.. Mother Nature is an all inclusive force.

The eight stage Yoga system (Ashtanga Yoga Sadhana)  progressively optimizes human capacity to maximize life and also offers the potential to go beyond the realm of physicalities. It is not about seeking Heaven or Hell, which seems to be an oversimplified concept The realm beyond the physicalities and its limitations is solely an inner experience. Science of mind and physicalities does not and cannot tread this realm.This wisdom has percolated through ageless human experience in introspection.

A ray of light may have the capacity to enlighten humanity to the source of all that is. Receiving the Sun’s rays is not a privilege or prerogative of a select few, but available to each human and living species equally without any discrimination. For humans, enlightenment simply means becoming consciously aware of life as-is. Life exists naturally and effortlessly in the dynamics of an ever changing universe; while humanity struggles to find the Truth. Becoming natural may hold the key to the wisdom beyond which there is no need to know or experience anything more..

Truth comes only in one color; Transparent.

Humanity seems to be in continuous transition for becoming more human all inclusively. However, the rate of change is so slow that it feels almost static during the lifetime of one human.

Ultimately, faith is not about what or who you believe in. It is all about who you are in your own reflections. Therefore, meditation seems and feels like an art of fusing with Nature and effortlessly becoming an integral  part of its rhythm. The best expression or medium of that art seems to be Music or any other activity in which you lose your own Self. That is why it seems so critical to pick a lifelong activity that matches your natural rhythm and not surrender that decision making to anyone else.... no matter what.

Leap of faith is not about converting from one religious faith to another. The words religion and faith do not go together when religion is pursued as a dogma; which seems to hijack commonsense. Leap of faith is all about self-transitioning to a newer level of self-enriching universal consciousness.

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