Thursday, July 5, 2018

05 JULY, 2018

It seems that :

In the seamless process of natural evolution, Self-induced we arrive in this world to explore the possibilities of existence.
Grazing on the pastures of possibilities, we explore life in its unfathomable  dimensions.
In vain, we intellectualise and define life realising only our ignorance.
Gradually, we realise that intelligence and wisdom of life may be unrelated faculties.
Intelligence is only gathered from outside, whereas wisdom is realization condensing from within our
conscious awareness as pure Dewdrops.

Eventually,  through the passage of birth, life, death and transformation, our consciousness moves on  to soulfully
more nutritious pastures of possibilities; until there is no further need for another pasture.
In the silence of physical body. It is the consciousness of transcending the limitations of all physicality in which
the finite and the infinite coalesce into a singular identity.

The philosophies of life originating from the Indian subcontinent identify the unitary consciousness as Advaita   ( अद्वैत ),
Nirvana ( निर्वाण ), Ekonkar ( एकांकार ) or Om ( ॐ ).
Philosophies of life originating in other cultures of the world subscribe to the expressions of Amen and Hu’ ( हूँ ) .

Ultimately, life forever remains as the perception of the perceiver while living under the same deep blue skies.  

Monday, July 2, 2018

Yoga -  योग
A Perspective  :
Yoga = Conscious union or consecration of the Finite with the Infinite dimension.
योग = जीवन शक्ति एकीकरण: समीकरण नही।
योग है, सनातन अथवा अखंड आत्मज्ञान परम्परा।  
योग एक समर्पित धारणा / इबादत है जिसका बौद्धिक विश्लेषण करना,  
वक्त की फजूल बरबादी होती है।

कर्म धर्म और योग संयोग के द्वारा, जीवन अनुभूति को प्राप्त होना ये गहरा एकमेव लक्ष है।  

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....