Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Audacity of Faith ~~

20 January, 2017

The Audacity of Faith
The Audacity of Faith is a many splendored dimension and diversion that keeps humanity spinning constantly around its own axis.
The lack of faith in ourself and life causing fear of the unknown hinders it while encompassing the entire spectrum of Rainbow colors and their respective emotions.
In life there are the faithless, the faithfuls, the faith-fools, and the faith foolers; each pointing their index finger at each other. However, all four pointing  at each other inadvertently complement each other, while deepening and enhancing their own perception of life. Whenever the Index finger points at the other, be aware that the Thumb always naturally points at ourself.

Only confident ignorants dare to define faith, which cannot be proven nor disproven, ever. The faculty of Faith can only be an inner realisation. It is an inner experience, indescribable, that enables a genuine Seeker to become complete from within and all inclusive. It is not a Book of rules, regulations and revelations… this seems to be the silent prompts of self enlightened Masters through timeless space in which duality ceases to exist because all energies are consecrated as One.

ॐ, सतसंग प्रसाद ( सदविचारों के संगतमें प्राप्त हुवा  प्रसाद। )


Sunday, January 14, 2018

13-14 Jan. 2018
Friendship - दोस्ती का रिश्ता
First of all, wishing each one of you  “ शुभ संक्रांत “ .

During the week of 13-14 January every year, the residents of of the Indian sub-continent traditionally celebrate the spirit of “ Makar Sankranti ( मकर संक्रांति  ) festival “. This week of January marks the gradual  transition of winter into spring, which is audibly and pleasantly broadcasted  by chirping birds. The Sun is gradually transitioning from the 33 degree Latitude identified as Tropic of Cancer ( मकर वृत्त )  and moving towards the zero degree Latitude called Equator.

One of the tradition of Sankranti is sharing amongst friends a variety of sweets prepared from Sesame seeds ( तिल l ) and Jaggery ( गुड़ ). During our childhood in India, we expressed the Sankranti spirit in Marathi language as  “ तिळगुळ बरोबर खा, हसा आणि गोडगोड बोला “.

Local cultural festivals and traditions are a grand design for consecration of human desires ever so thirsty for self-fulfillment. Comparing and judging different cultural traditions becomes a self-incriminating posture of life.
While penning the following thoughts , mind is thinking and thanking with sheer gratitude each and every friendship encountered to date that has enhanced perception of life, which is consecrated within conscious awareness. With this perspective, life appears to be a consecrated imprint of living experiences.

Friendship appears to be the rhythm of musical Tango and Bongo of mutual coincidences of Life; while in another perspective, it seems to be the mutual  “ संचित कर्म-धर्म संयोग “. हम सोच के जो क्रिया करते हैं, वो महसूस होता है कर्म और धर्म जमा।  श्वासो-श्वास, अपने आप होता रहता है, निरंतर ऊर्जा शक्तिस्वरुप द्वारा, जिसकी कोई प्रति क्रिया नहीं। ये महसूस होता है सतसंग ( सद विचारों की संगत ) प्रसाद।  

Over the span of experiential years of life, It seems that we inherit and gather ourselves biologically  from the ancestral roots of our forefathers! We are not the Architect of our being; rather simply the Architecture of our ancestral roots. Subsequently at individual level, we try to reinforce and modify our inherited Architecture with our own sense of proportion of cultivated Ego and nurtured Empathy ( करुणा भाव ) for Life and end up becoming what we make of ourselves.  

Friendship seems to be mutually self enriching, multidimensional experiences that is incomparable to any other, because each one of us is unique in our own dimensions  within the entire Cosmos.

दोस्ती के रिश्तेमें कोई ना दूजा, नीचा, और ना कोई ऊँचा; कोई ना बच्चा, और कोई ना बुजुर्ग; सब एक बराबर।
दोस्ती के रिश्ते जिंदगीकी अमूल्य अमानत होती है, जिसकी हिफाजत हरपल  दिलचस्पी से करनी पड़ती है; खुद के ही खातिर, खुदके ही भलाई के लिए।
Friendship is an intangible and carefully nurtured asset of life, which is not to be compared, and not to be judged in order to retain its indomitable spirit.  

Planet Earth rotates around its own axis, while simultaneously orbiting around the Sun of its own solar system. A Saint/Sufi/Fakir dances ecstatically around himself/herself gaining an inner experience of being and becoming  complete ( अद्वैत भाव ) and all inclusive within cosmic Nature. Their wisdom seems to suggest that “ Friendship is a dynamic expression of Life’s own innate desire to fulfill itself “. That spirit, which is latently and innately  present within each one of us is constant Seeker of self ennobling friendship in which duality of Life ceases to exist.

Physical Scientists subtly suggest that the  Planet Earth as well as our physical body is a harmonious blend of  75% Water and 25% Matter constantly complementing each other. What really matters in life  is that although Water and Matter seem as different entities, their mutually harmonious inter relationship is what makes existence possible. Making our own existence joyful is our own responsibility, suggests the wisdom of  Saint/Sufi/Fakir.

Friendship seems to be an unconditional and  harmonious inter relationship between two living entities irrespective of their biological roots.  


Saturday, January 6, 2018

संकेत और संकेतिक भाषा

०६ जनुअरी, २०१८

संकेत और संकेतिक भाषा
संकेत एक इशारा होता है जो कभी नजरियासे, कभी हथेलियोंसे, कभी लिखित धर्म ग्रन्थ से।
धर्म याने हमारी दैनंदिन अथवा रोजाना चाल, चलन, और सोचका भाव।  हरेक शब्द या लब्झ को मूलार्थ से समझना हमारी खुदकी जिम्मेदारी होती है, ख़ुदकेही भलाई के लिए।  
आतंकवाद कोई धर्म ग्रंथ नहीं, केवल खुदकी अज्ञानताका प्रदर्शन होता है।  आतंकवाद भाव, इन्सानका अन्तर्यामी अग्नि कांड  है जिसमें आतंकवादी दूसरोंको भस्म क़रनेके प्रयासमें, खुदको ही भस्मसाथ करता है।  आतंकवाद खुदके जहन्नम की परिभाषा है।
हमारा जहन्नम (नर्क )  और भिश्त ( स्वर्ग ) सदा हमारे अंदर ही मौजूद है।  उन्हें बनाने वाला कोई खुदाह, गॉड,  अथवा ईश्वर नहीं, बल्कि हमारा बन्दर/बंदरी  मन और मनो भाव।  

इंसान ने धर्मग्रन्थ की रचना किई  है, खुदकी और खुदाह अथवा ईश्वरी शक्ति की अद्वैत  पहचान को पर्याप्त होने के लिए। उदाहरणार्थ :
श्री भगवद्गीता, श्री भागवत पुराण, श्री क़ुराण, श्री येसू  बाइबल और ऐसेही  अन्य धर्मग्रंथ संकेतिक भाषा में प्रस्तुत किये ग्रंथ हैं जो अँध विश्वास के गंथ नहीं; बल्कि खुद और खुदाहकी असलियत को प्राप्त होने की गुरु कुंजी और पूंजी  है।
कोई भी इंसान  किसी धर्म ग्रंथका मालिक या ठेकेदार नहीं होता, और ना बन सकता है।  

इबादत अथवा प्रार्थना के  इश्कका भाव  कोई  हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, ईसाई, बहाई या यहूदी  नहीं होता। इबादत/प्रार्थना की रियासत; सिर्फ खुदकी अन्तर्यामी वैश्विक पहचान जिसमें ना कोई दूजा, ना कोई ऊंचा, या ना कोईनीचा।

मोगरेके फ़ूलकी खुशबू, फूलसे अलग नहीं हो सकती, वैसेही इन्सानकी इंसानियत अलग नहीं होती, परन्तु इन्सानका बंदरी मन, अहंकार और अज्ञान उसे छिपाने की हरकतें करता रहता है।  
ईश्वर, अल्लाह, गॉड इत्यादि शवद प्रयोग एकही दैवी वैश्विक खुशबू अथवा आत्मज्ञान की परिभाषा है।  

आत्म ज्ञान के पश्चात,  आत्मबोध हरेक इंसान की  एकही  अवर्णनीय अनुभूति होती है। ये मानवी अखंड  ज्ञान परम्परा का  संकेतिक आदेश है।     

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....