Sunday, September 3, 2017

Yoga and Meditation

This subject matter is a topical stage of intoxication in which we dissolve and disappear in our real self and leave no space for duality nor loneliness.

Yoga and Meditation are not separate acts to gain something in a worldly and culinary sense. Stepping aside from the routine chatter and Hula-Beulah of Yoga and Meditation, following thoughts surface:

Crossing our legs and arms around our ego while controlling breathing pattern is not Yoga nor Meditation.

From one perspective, first ground our iPad and mobile Googling to settle the waving and veering mind. Then Yoga is a harmonious condensation of universal awareness within the body-mind complex.

Introspective Saints and sages have prompted through innumerable Centuries that Meditation is the blissful inner experience of dissolving ourself in our own presence; as sugar dissolving effortlessly in water. In it we lose our own physical identity and grasp our universal self-identity solely through inner experiences.
Self-identity is realized not through a thundering revelation from the sky, nor by wandering on the global grounds and heading for a Holy place in Timbuktu.

Meditation devoid of any desires or expectations (अनासक्त भावसे ध्यान ) is a self ennobling process for experiencing the eternal Truth of being and becoming integral with our Source, which is naturally eternal, invisible and indivisible.

Mortals like us constantly chase the mirage of possibilities for gaining personal advantages for fulfilling personal greed and need. Associated with the mirage or illusion are the possibilities, probabilities and physicalities such as Heaven and Hell, God and Devil/Evil, Sins and virtuous deeds ( पाप और पुण्य ), and a host of other imaginable attributes of opposites… including the mind boggling timeless time and spaceless space.  

As children of God’s Nature ( प्रकृति ), each one of us is born simultaneously with the appearance of a new shining star in the sky that is a constant witness of our conscious journey from here to the Silence of Eternity.

Image - A new star is born dedicated to each newborn,  Son-of-God ( SOG ), as conscious testimony.

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