Saturday, September 23, 2017

Om ( ॐ ) and the Black Hole

KISS = Keep it simple and Stupid.

Image - God’s Residence

In the timeless Time and spaceless Space dwells the “ Silence of Eternity “.
The Silence of Eternity has an innate wisdom to constantly Create, Preserve and Transform matter. How does it matter to a human gifted with a lifespan of only 100 years and an Ego larger than the timeless and spaceless cosmic Universe ?

Human life is a multi dimensional experience of existence.
Humbleness has a fragrance that attracts and engulfs consciousness.
Arrogance has a stink that repels.
Silence has an inner drowning experience that dissolves all physicality.
Death offers an unparallelled opportunity of being simultaneously here, there and nowhere.

ॐ  is the cosmic  sound vibration of experiencing existence .  
ॐ  sound reverberates the constant vibration of the eternal cosmic Energy.

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Lightning Spirit of Genghis Khan ------

Image - Pegasus

North Korea is the reborn spirit of Genghis Khan that knows no bounds.
Not having crossed the Atlantic in previous birth, the newborn spirit of Genghis Khan now aims to conquer the Tweeting spirit of America. It plans to cross the Atlantic on flying horseback with a luggage of paired Nuclear and Hydrogen Bomb while oblivious of the newworld fact that  “ Nothing is impossible including total annihilation of mutual spirits in which there will be no Victor.

Unfortunately, the lightning spirit of reborn Genghis Khan knows no defeat.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

नजरिया और संकेत

हरियालिके बीचमें सफेद मोगरेका फूल महेकता है। मोगरेका शुभ्र सफेद रंग और उसकी खुशबू संकेतिक है।
सफ़ेद रंग, मनके निर्मल और सात्विकताका अहसास दिलाता है।  

मोगरेका फूल जो नजरियासे दीखता है, वो है रूप. मोगरेकी खुशबू जो नजरियासे दिखती नहीं, वो है स्वरुप। स्वरुप केवल महसूस होता है।   

हरेक जीवकी खुदके जिन्दगीको आझमनेकी अपनी अपनी नजरिया होती है, जो चंचल शरीर, मन और बुद्धिके मुताबिक बदलती रहती है।   

हिन्दू शास्त्रनुसार २१- २९ सितम्बर २०१७ नवरात्री का उत्सव मनाया जाएगा। दसवा दिन दशेरा मनाया जाएगा, जिसमें हमारी अन्तर्यामी दुर्गा शक्तिकी हमारेही राक्षसी/अहंकारी प्रवृतियोंपर संकेतिक जीत मनाई जाएगी।

नवरात्रिके संकेतिक उत्सवमें गर्भा नृत्य, दुर्गा अथवा वैश्विक शक्तिका आवाहन/पूजन, और अनेक सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम मनाए जाते हैं।   
छाया चित्र - नवरात्रिका गर्भा नृत्य

नजरिया एक संकेतिक भाषा अदा करती है। श्री रमणमहर्षि मौनव्रतमें होते हुवे भी, उनकी नम्र और निर्मल आंखोमें गहरा संकेत था ( @ तिरुवन्नमलाई आश्रम १९४२ ) जो हरपल आजतक सत्चिदानंद स्वरुपकी आस दिलाता है।  
इस विषय के माहॉलमें एक आत्मस्वरूपी संकेतिक भजन याद आता है “ अंग संग, वाहे गुरू ~~ "

Ang Sang Waheguru | Gurbani Kirtan - YouTube

बालबोध ग्रंथ जैसे इसाप नीति ( Aesop's Fables ), गाय चरवैय्या और माखन चोर नटखटिया श्री कृष्ण की बालक्रीड़ाएँ इत्यादि संकेतिक भाषामें बच्चोंका दिल बहलाती हैं।

दुनियाके सारे धर्मग्रन्थ संकेतिक अथवा सूचनात्मक परिभाषा में लिख्खे गये हैं।  इन ग्रन्थोंके कुछ उदहारण हैं :
हिंदू धर्म - महाभारत ( गीता ) , रामायण, श्री कृष्ण/ब्रह्म/विष्णु/महेश पुराण, श्रीमद्भागवत, इत्यादि।
जैन धर्म - ADAMS .
बुद्ध धर्म - तिपितक। ( Tipitaka ) .
सीखः धर्म - गुरु ग्रंथ साहेब।  
हीबरू / क्रिस्चियन - बायबल।  
इस्लाम - कुराण।

कोईभी धर्मग्रंथ उसके संकेतिक भाषाको बिना समझे और आझमाये ग्रहण किया जाए तो उसका नतीजा होता है आजकी अन्नाडी दुनिया; जो हम सब दुनियावालोंकी नजरियामें पेश है, या गवाह है ।

स्वयंसिद्ध ध्यानस्थ स्तिती द्वारे ( मौन चिंतन / साधना / Meditation ) वैश्विक ज्ञान ( universal wisdom ) आझमाँना और उसकी अनुभूतीको प्राप्त होना इसीका मूल रहस्य महसूस होता है स्वर्ग, या निर्वाण, या मुक्ति (eternal life consciousness), या हेवन ( Heaven ), या भिश्त।  

एक सत्य जाहिर है की ईश्वर, अल्लाह, या गॉड धर्मग्रंथ नहीं लिखते, और ना आकाशवाणीसे किसी जीव को आदेश देते हैं। नैसर्गिक उसूलसे इन्सानको दिमाग मिलता है, परन्तु दिमागको इश्तेमाल करनेकी पूरी जिम्मेदारी, सिर्फ इंसानकीही होती है। जैसा काम, वैसाही दाम मिलता है; कुछ कम नहीं और ज्यादा भी नहीं ।

ईश्वर, गॉड और अल्लाह ये तीन अलग अलग पूजनेके लिए रूप नहीं, बल्कि केवल एकलव्य आत्मबोध अनुभूति है।
परमात्मा = परम आत्म संयोग।   
आत्मबोध = खुदके अन्तर्यामी अनुभवोंपर खड़ा और सम्हला हुवा आत्मज्ञान।  

एकनिष्ठ साधनामें स्वर्ग/भिश्त/Heaven की आसक्ति या प्रेरणा नहीं, अहंकारात्मक भाव नहीं, कालमर्यादा नहीं ; सिर्फ एकमेव दृष्टा बनकर सत्चिदानंदा स्वरूप की अनुभूति को होना। इसीमें जीवनका सार महसूस होता है।  

सार्वभौमिक ज्ञान ( universl wisdom ) की सुगंध को महकने के लिए हमारे जीवन के अन्तर्यामी अनुभव धीरे-धीरे कालातीत समय की अवधि में फूलते और फलते हैं। उस माहॉलमें  हमारे वास्तविक जीवन का आनंद लेनाका पता चलता है।

आत्मबोध छात्रवृत्ति की पुस्तक नहीं है।  

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pilgrimage and Holiness

Irrespective of where we are born and where we live at the moment,
Pilgrimage is a faithful and stepless journey within ourselves. Timeless wisdom subtly prompts that within ourselves dwells a Universe that is identical to the cosmic Universe that lies outside of us.

Pilgrimage is not a physical journey to Kashi, Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina or Timbuktu ~~.

Every drop of water touched or consumed with reverence becomes Holy.
Every particle of food eaten with reverence becomes what we are and our experience.

The Heaven and Hell are simply virtual citadels of conscious awareness; and its residents are equally virtual.

Universal wisdom is not a Holy Book; it is only an inner experience.

Recently read :


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Vatan - Zero Mile

Conventionally, the word Vatan implies the land or place of birth, while Mile is a measure of distance.

From another perspective:
Zero Mile is symbolic of step-less distance and its dimensions. For example, Pilgrimage is a step-less journey within.
Vatan is a minuscule subtle point ( सूक्ष्म बिंदू ) in our throbbing heart consciousness with its immeasurable intrinsic energy ( ऊर्जा / प्राण शक्ति ) that brings us into this world, sustains us through the journey of life, and eventually transports us beyond on the other side of life in ways unfathomable. At the end of this life journey, our body that we egotistically claim as ours, self destructs to become top soil again.

BookCoverPreview (1).jpeg
Image - Full jacket picture of the book titled “ Vatan - Zero Mile “

The above titled book “ Vatan - Zero Mile “ is dedicated to the self enriching  spirit of defending freedom and honor at all cost. It is also dedicated to the Martyrs of the 1965 Indo-Pak War and the age old continuing human conflict that can claim no victors, ever; because both sides lose so immeasurably.  

The Motto of Indian Artillery / Missile battery is “ Sarvatra Izzat-O-Iqbal “  ( Everywhere with Honor and Glory ) …

Martyrdom is an ever present spirit in defence of uncompromised freedom. It leaves its footprints on the sands of time and in the throbbing hearts of humanity and equally through every plant, tree and vegetation that grows up and blossoms to its fullest potential of natural grace, beauty and fragrance. Blossom is the natural expression of Life’s desire to fulfill itself .

Vatan is a Hindustani word as spelled below :

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Cosmic Balance - सुषुम्ना

The following painting of a geometrically elegant pure white vase holding together fully blooming colored flowers, appears to symbolize pure balanced mind ( निर्मल संतुलित मन ) holding together the beauty, wisdom and fragrance of Life. White seems to represent an auspicious color of neutrality.
Image - Painting by Mrs. Neela Phadnis, Nagpur, India

After every Upheaval, the all pervading Cosmic Universe constantly seeks a balance for harmony.....commented the painter of the drawing.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Surendra - Fond Reflections

Major Surendra Madhusudan Deo ( 1934 - 1965 )

While duly responding to an Emergency call of Duty, Surendra’s self penetrating journey that started from Nagpur @ Zero Mile abruptly ended on the battlefront on 16th September with the battlefield uniform of Life.

The somber Bugle tune played by forces of brotherly comrades, honored the ultimate sacrifice.

IMG_1483 (2).JPG
Image - Major Surendra Deo Park, Dhantoli, Nagpur @ 50th Anniversary of Indo-Pak War of 1965.

Life seeking its own fulfillment, unconditionally surrenders and embraces the Silent Grace of Eternity.

The physical absence of Surendra and other dear ones from amongst our presence draws us intuitively closer to comprehension of the core of absolute conscious awareness, which is eloquently rendered in Nirvana Shatakam.

From one perspective, Nirvana Shatakam is a self-invitation for introspecting and experientially realizing universal Self-Identity in the dynamics of the ever changing environment/cosmic universe.
Shiva = That which is not a physicality = That which is independent of Time and Space = So Hum = That I am.
Silence is the only source language of Universal Wisdom.
Translation of Nirvana Shatakam:

Nirvana shatakam (Atma Shatkam)- lyrics & English meaning › Hinduism › Mantras

Musical rendering of Nirvana Shatakam:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Yoga and Meditation

This subject matter is a topical stage of intoxication in which we dissolve and disappear in our real self and leave no space for duality nor loneliness.

Yoga and Meditation are not separate acts to gain something in a worldly and culinary sense. Stepping aside from the routine chatter and Hula-Beulah of Yoga and Meditation, following thoughts surface:

Crossing our legs and arms around our ego while controlling breathing pattern is not Yoga nor Meditation.

From one perspective, first ground our iPad and mobile Googling to settle the waving and veering mind. Then Yoga is a harmonious condensation of universal awareness within the body-mind complex.

Introspective Saints and sages have prompted through innumerable Centuries that Meditation is the blissful inner experience of dissolving ourself in our own presence; as sugar dissolving effortlessly in water. In it we lose our own physical identity and grasp our universal self-identity solely through inner experiences.
Self-identity is realized not through a thundering revelation from the sky, nor by wandering on the global grounds and heading for a Holy place in Timbuktu.

Meditation devoid of any desires or expectations (अनासक्त भावसे ध्यान ) is a self ennobling process for experiencing the eternal Truth of being and becoming integral with our Source, which is naturally eternal, invisible and indivisible.

Mortals like us constantly chase the mirage of possibilities for gaining personal advantages for fulfilling personal greed and need. Associated with the mirage or illusion are the possibilities, probabilities and physicalities such as Heaven and Hell, God and Devil/Evil, Sins and virtuous deeds ( पाप और पुण्य ), and a host of other imaginable attributes of opposites… including the mind boggling timeless time and spaceless space.  

As children of God’s Nature ( प्रकृति ), each one of us is born simultaneously with the appearance of a new shining star in the sky that is a constant witness of our conscious journey from here to the Silence of Eternity.

Image - A new star is born dedicated to each newborn,  Son-of-God ( SOG ), as conscious testimony.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....