Tuesday, May 28, 2013

29 May 2013

Body and Essence of Religion -

Some thoughts seem to flow out through the fingers of a writer probably because of their relative importance to the meaning of life.
The Essence of every religious philosophy around the world is essentially identical. The apparent variations are due to the Body of religion. The Essence of religion is about experiencing and attaining clarity and simplicity of thought.
The Body of religion is represented by the written scriptures, spoken words, interpretations of words, variations in places and objects of worship, rituals and above all blind faith under the self-deceptive brand of devotion.
Blind faith guides you down a pitch dark alley. The first natural reaction to pitch darkness is fear of ignorance. In the darkness, only self-illuminating lightning bugs or the owls gifted with natural night vision can find their way, while the rest are left in the alley groping and gasping for some source of light. Moving from one dark alley to another dark alley in the hope of finding the source of light is not a solution.
Human civilization has been led down the dark alleys of blind faith far too long.
It behooves us to understand and experience the Source of self-illuminating light energy of the lightning bugs or the gift of an Owl’s night vision.

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