Sunday, June 17, 2018

First of all, Wishing a Happy Father’s Day  to each and every Father.
What the above expression “ Happy Father’s Day ”  means seems to be
audible to the commercialized world of Greeting Cards!
From an individual specific perspective, enjoy the Father’s Day in the
warmth and celebration of family togetherness.
From a parental perspective, each child is an immaculate conception of
existence ( प्राकृतिक प्रभाव और स्वभाव ); and Grace ( कृपा ) of existence itself.

The third Sunday of June  is traditionally observed as the day for wishing happy
Father’s Day to every individual specific fatherly instinct. 

Image - 2-yr young Raul Deo piggybacking on Sagar Deo @ Carol Stream, Illinois.

Image - 6-yr young Arielle Deo piggybacking on Mother Judi.

Piggybacking remains an indelible memory through lifetime for both Father N Son/Daughter and equally so for
Mother N Daughter./Son.

An unfiltered heartwarming profile of Father N Daughter mutually radiating joy of bonded life.  
Image - Vivek N Anjali Phadnis @ Nagpur.
From one perspective, Fatherly instinct seems to endear looking beyond the outward horizon,  whereas Motherly
instinct digs into the inner horizons of existence or conscious awareness.
Life seems to be about establishing and maintaining a constant balance between the outer and the inner horizon,
revealing the fuller dimensions and possibilities of blissful existence.

All inclusive Universal wisdom ( सनातन सोच  ) seems to subtly prompt that Father’s Day N Mother's Day should be
celebrated integrally on the same day as “ Father N Mother Day “ .
पितृ दिन और मातृदिन ये दोनों एकही सोच की दो परिभाषा महसूस अथवा प्रतिबिम्बित होती है।  
सत्यम शिवं सुंदरम।   

Image - An Italian artist’s sculpture in Salarjung Museum @ Hyderabad, India.
The sculpture depicts a fullY armored soldier from the front view and its reflection of the back seen in the
mirror in the rear shows a gentle feminine figure integral with the same statue.
It appears to be depiction of Masculine and Feminine instincts as being integral and mutually complementary.

ऐसीही विचारधारामें भारतीय सनातन सोच है जिसमें नीचे लिखित  कुछ नाम हैं जिसमें पुरुष और स्त्री तत्व का एकीकरण होता है, समीकरण नहीं किया जाता . :
लक्ष्मीपुरषोत्तम, लक्ष्मीनारायण ।  
सीताराम, सीतारामैया।  
गौरीशंकर, अर्धनारिण्टेश्वर।
राधाकृष्णन, राधेकृष्ण,  राधेश्याम।
वैसेही, एकीकरण भावमें,   
त्रिगुणात्मक भाव ( आ, ऊ और हं ) का एकीकरण होता है ॐ ध्वनि तरंगमें,  जिसमें सारी प्रकृति विराजमान महसूस होती है ।

तू ही पिता, तू ही माता, तू ही  ंबंधु, सखा।
भगवान  प्रणाम तुम्हे करते, हम छोटे छोटे बालक हैं।   


Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....