Saturday, April 26, 2014

26 April, 2014

Sainthood  -

Modern press hunts for  sizzling topics every week to yap-yap about. One of the centuries old topic this week is about elevating two fellow brothers to Sainthood. Somehow, the words sainthood and spirituality get intertwined with individual opinion. Life also seems to be judged with individual perspective.

In the seemingly timeless and boundless Universe, a human is destined a lifespan of merely 100  years.

Sainthood seems to be the ability of a human to merge with universal consciousness; it is not about magic, miracles, and curing diseases. Disease is simply absence of ease and harmony within. The all pervading universal forces within and outside of us are identical.

From one perspective, the self-evolving Universe seems to be in a perpetual and repetitive cycle transitioning from Silence to Sound to Creation to Preservation to Transformation, and back to Silence. The much touted Big-Bang seems like just one incident in this repetitive and timeless cycle. In this timeless cycle, a human has the audacity to define ideas with words such as Religion, God, Spirituality and Sainthood.  Yet, each human seems to have an innate capacity to harmoniously blend with the Reality which manifests as the Universe.

Reality is woven in the entire fabric of Universe. Sainthood seems to be the capacity of a human to cross the borders of self-imposed limitations in the boundless freedom of the Universe. Every individual has the capacity to experience the boundless freedom, but often lacks the courage and will.

Sainthood seems to be the aroma of spirituality that engulfs the environment;  it is not something that is bestowed by one brother on another. Spirituality is universal consciousness that is not sown and harvested from the parched fields of ignorance, scholarship of scriptures, or holy places of worship. Sainthood and spirituality are expressions of boundless freedom without a word.

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey

Flying Elephant and Dancing Donkey When you see them both performing their arts  in the same arena, it is time to shut up and watch....